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Easter 2010-Newport Dunes

Started by Dee4j, May 30, 2009, 03:26 AM

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The official Rally dates are [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]Friday April 2nd thru Sunday April 4th.[/COLOR] Newport dunes will give us the group rate for one day before and one day after.
[COLOR="Blue"]The rate for each site per nite is $37.40[/COLOR]  [COLOR="Red"]$93.50 for 2 nites for each of the eight familes[/COLOR]

any extra nites (thurs and/or sun) you will make on your own. I will post the site assignments next week. I want to see whoo wants to add or drop as I will have to give sites back
we have the same section as last time

1217 Dee4j [COLOR="Magenta"]Th-Sun[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Yes[/COLOR].
1216. popupmamma 1 [COLOR="Magenta"]Fri-sun[/COLOR][COLOR="Red"]Yes[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"] paid[/COLOR]
1214 popupmama 2 [COLOR="Magenta"]Fri-sun[/COLOR][COLOR="Red"]Yes[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"] paid[/COLOR]
1212 Allen Family [COLOR="Magenta"]Fri-sun[/COLOR][COLOR="Red"]Yes[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]paid[/COLOR]
1222 Griffs [COLOR="Magenta"]Th-Mon[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]paid[/COLOR]
1215 Crowbar4 [COLOR="Magenta"]Th-Mon[/COLOR][COLOR="Red"]Yes[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]PAID[/COLOR]
1220 Hardeepoppers(Sue Hardee) [COLOR="Magenta"]Fri-sun[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]paid[/COLOR]
1213 STUE [COLOR="Magenta"]Fri-Sun[/COLOR][COLOR="Red"]Yes[/COLOR]   [COLOR="Blue"]PAID[/COLOR]
1219 xtra site [COLOR="Magenta"]Fri-sun[/COLOR] Potluck & campfire
1218 Boothebunch [COLOR="Magenta"]Fri-sun[/COLOR] parking etc

Don't forget if you want the Easter bunny to put eggs out in your campsite

bring a doz per kid (even the big kids ;)) and put in it a bag with your name on it and we'll leave them for the Easter bunny to hide.

[COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="5"]POTLUCK:[/SIZE][/COLOR] there will not be a morning potluck due to the egg hunt or should I say dash n grab

Dee4j: Fettuchini Alfredo
Hardee's Spiral Ham
STUE: Pasta Salad
Crowbar4: Louisiana & Wimpy Style sausage


You can count on us and the allen family!!!  We are going to want 3 sites total again.



Put us down for Thursday thru Monday for now.


Count in Crowbar 4 and Hardeepoppers. 2 sites.


Please put us down. Loved the last one!


Hi Dee

Please put us down for one site..



We want the same site as last year if possible - made for easy in and out!! xoxo

I need to Know what day everyone is [COLOR="Blue"]arriving and leaving[/COLOR].....when I get all this info I will make the site assignments


We would like the same site as before.

Sue Hardee

for right now we want F-Sunday and late check out.  Thanks


Please put us down for Thurs-Sat.  We loved the trip this year but missing our Easter Service next year isn't in the cards.  We enjoy that service too much.


Glad to see you signed you for next year.
Michael will be soooo happy! :-()


Quote from: Sue Hardee;205843for right now we want F-Sunday and [COLOR="Blue"]late check out[/COLOR].  Thanks

I'll put you down...NO Guarantee for late check out with Easter being earlier this year more people have the week after off so don't count on late checkout.....


Put BootheBunch down for a site....not sure of the dates yet...gotta check the Spring Break calendar.


Quote from: BootheBunch;206469Put BootheBunch down for a site....not sure of the dates yet...gotta check the Spring Break calendar.

Aren't you the wagonmaster????


Quote from: griffsdad;206484Aren't you the wagonmaster????

Nope.. I'M the new wagonmaster...which reminds me I have the contract & costs, I guess I should update page one...It's about the same as last one