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Hanging by a thread...

Started by Surfcal, Oct 20, 2003, 08:16 PM

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Red neff Barchetta

Quote from: Red neff BarchettaThis is like watching a picture of a television inside of a television inside of a television, etc...
Thanks again Ray!

Red neff Barchetta

Were you near that guy who was shot around midnight on Friday in the Castro?

Apparently that was the only trouble of the night.


Quote from: Red neff BarchettaRay,
Were you near that guy who was shot around midnight on Friday in the Castro?

Apparently that was the only trouble of the night.

I know, it was a pretty well behaved crowd here.  Only one death due to the festivities.

You and Amy should come by sometime and celebrate with me.



Quote from: Red neff BarchettaQuoted from GSMx2;
"Praise the threads and don't put sweaters on your puppies"

LOL!  Who started that fad anyway?  My grandma used to do that and my grandpa refused to take the dog for a walk.  Poor dogs.  I wonder what they'd like to dress up their owners in?

(sorry, but I haven't figured out (& I'm not going to either!) how to quote a quote on this silly new forum)

Hey, I resemble that remark! Max freezes his ass off if it gets below 70. That is if he settles down enough to realize that it has cooled off. Anyhow, he gets some cool threads. :p


This is the third time I've tried to post and have lost my messages.  I guess you can say I've been hanging by a thread.  I'm sure that's already been used and is lame.  How 'bout this:

"Some people weave burlap into the fabric of our lives, and some weave gold thread.  Both contribute to make the whole picture beautiful and unique." -Anon.
My e-mail should now be in working order.


Then it's like the "king having no clothes on."


P.S.  G!, welcome back.

gsm x2


Welcome back G   :W

Long time no see.

gsm x2


Quote from: g-whizMy e-mail should now be in working order.


Did you get my e-mail?


Quote from: Ab DiverHere's a "gimmee"...
A type of viewing preference.
What is threaded :)

Quote from: Red neff Barchetta[indent]Quote: Originally Posted by Red neff Barchetta
[indent]Quote: Originally Posted by Red neff Barchetta
I can even reply to myself. [/indent]This is like watching a picture of a television inside of a television inside of a television, etc...
That is called being metamimetic, my man. ;)


Speaking of "threads":
This is a link to the "joke" thread on the CMU CS general bboard that led to Scott Fahlman's invention of the smiley. It's a bit long, but very amusing. This lot seems to have a very similar sense of humor to our own. Is it scary to anyone else to see a bit of ourselves in these guys?  ;-)

OC Campers

Georgeanne, it is so good to see you back.  I was beginning to wonder.  Scot eliminated you from his signature.  I was starting to think bad thoughts (embarrassed smiley face goes here).  Scott may have to change his signature to GSMx1.



Quote from: griffsmomSpeaking of "threads":
This is a link to the "joke" thread on the CMU CS general bboard that led to Scott Fahlman's invention of the smiley. It's a bit long, but very amusing. This lot seems to have a very similar sense of humor to our own. Is it scary to anyone else to see a bit of ourselves in these guys?  ;-)

That was a nice piece of history.  I am glad that we do it all now with HTML and don't have to to invent the smiley face and certainly not have to use  _ / to depict a smiley face :-).


Ab Diver

Quote from: SurfcalThat was a nice piece of history. I am glad that we do it all now with HTML and don't have to to invent the smiley face and certainly not have to use  _ / to depict a smiley face :-).
Me? I'm wondering what happened to all those pictures of short, cute aliens holding power tools.  ;-)

gsm x2

Quote from: Ab DiverMe? I'm wondering what happened to all those pictures of short, cute aliens holding power tools.  ;-)


You can find them at:


gsm x2


We didn't always use Wagonmaster as the title for our brave leaders.

Trivia Question:

In what "thread" did the term Wagonmaster begin?
