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RE: April Rally

Started by 6Quigs, Jan 22, 2003, 03:57 PM

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gsm x2

QuoteWe are headed to Pismo Beach this weekend, maybe we will head over to your camp for food!!!!!! It all sounds so yummy.

 Or better yet, cancel your Pismo reservation and come camp with us.  Nicer campground anyway, and you can t beat the company.
 gsm x2


 gsm x2Hello all!
 I baked some banana bread for Friday s breakfast.  No promises as it s a new recipe... but I made two loafs!  Looks like we ll be arriving sometime early afternoon.  Snag us a kiddie safe site too!  Actually, they all looked pretty good.  I was just wondering what I should pack to eat when I re-read the above list.... boy howdy... I think I ll just leave our belts at home![:D]
 Hope the weather forcast is wrong!  My daughter is really looking forward to the Easter project thingy... I told her if it was raining we could do it in someone s pop top.  I spent the whole day frying my new dutch oven.  Hopefully, Old Moose will give me some pointers.  I couldn t even find a charcoal starter thingy... but I m sure he ll have his.  I m hoping to attempt corn pudding some time during this trip.  
 Gotta finish packing!
 duanefamily mamma


QuoteORIGINAL:  Cottonwooder
 Hopefully we ll get there by early Friday afternoon.  If you early birds see a site that is safer than others for kids, could you please snag it for us?  (Some are further away from traffic than others.)

 We should get there about mid-afternoon on Friday.  If there is second site that seems a bit safer than other sites for kids, especially a Griffin who doesn t sit down much, could we possibly be considered for that one?[:)]

gsm x2

QuoteI baked some banana bread for Friday s breakfast. No promises as it s a new recipe... but I made two loafs! Looks like we ll be arriving sometime early afternoon. Snag us a kiddie safe site too! Actually, they all looked pretty good. I was just wondering what I should pack to eat when I re-read the above list.... boy howdy... I think I ll just leave our belts at home!  

 I do think all the sites are kid friendly.  As the second people to arrive, you ll have second pick.  We are looking for a site in which we can hang our hammock.  Then Nick s family is looking for adjacent sites.
 Other than that FIRST COME/FIRST SERVED.  There, that should get people moving down the road quicker.
 gsm x2

 g-whizIt sounds like we will be one of the last families to pull in on Friday (probably around 7:00 p.m) I must confess and get it over with, like Griffsmom, we also unhook and just push the pop up into the campsite (we don t even try to back in!)...whew!  I m glad that is over with!
 We re all getting very excited...can t wait to see all of you.

Chez Way

 g-whizGEEEEZE!  What s the deal with the guest login?  Is this a new development that you have to login everytime or is it me?


QuoteORIGINAL:  Guest
 It sounds like we will be one of the last families to pull in on Friday (probably around 7:00 p.m) I must confess and get it over with, like Griffsmom, we also unhook and just push the pop up into the campsite (we don t even try to back in!)...whew!  I m glad that is over with!
 We re all getting very excited...can t wait to see all of you.

 LOL!!  I love you!![:D]
QuoteORIGINAL:  Chez Way
 GEEEEZE!  What s the deal with the guest login?  Is this a new development that you have to login everytime or is it me?

 When you login, there s a box you can check that will save your log in as a cookie.  Make sure that s checked and make sure your computer isn t set to " toss your cookies"  when you get off the Internet.
 HTH!  See you in 2 days![:D][8D]

gsm x2

QuoteWhen you login, there s a box you can check that will save your log in as a cookie. Make sure that s checked and make sure your computer isn t set to " toss your cookies"  when you get off the Internet.

 And if that doesn t seem to be working, go into TOOLS/INTERNET OPTIONS on the Internet Explorer menu and set your privacy to MEDIUM.
 gsm x2

gsm x2

QuoteIt sounds like we will be one of the last families to pull in on Friday (probably around 7:00 p.m) I must confess and get it over with, like Griffsmom, we also unhook and just push the pop up into the campsite (we don t even try to back in!)...whew! I m glad that is over with!

 Oh, thanks for the fair warning.
 Picking up a daisy...
 I will photograph this
 I won t photograph this
 I will photograph this
 I won t photograph this
 I will photograph this
 I won t photograph this
 .......  Still more petals on the flower.
 Oh wait--getting a quarter.
 Actually it s a nickle since all the quarters are packed for showers...did I mention PAID SHOWERS.
 OK, best of seven flips decides.  If heads win, I photograph.  Tails win, I don t.
  • Tails
  • Heads
  • Tails
  • Heads
  • Heads
  • Tails
  • [/ul]
     And the deciding flip is:
     See you at seven.  Of course G-Whiz has the final call on whether the shot winds up in the scrapbook or in Webshots.  She can be plied with marguaritas or good wine.
     gsm x2


 You can add something to the Saturday menu.  I will be making chicken Kabobs.

gsm x2

 g-whizWe didn t have to sleep in our traveling clothes again this week.  Still at only 7:46 a.m. we have both showered and Georgeanne has neatly packed everything into crates.  I am about to carry those crates out to the car, and once they are loaded, we will pull the trailer out of the garage, hook it up, and get on the road.
 So this is my last post until Sunday evening.  To those of you coming to SLO and to those of you heading to other places, drive carefully.  Take your time, leave plenty of space in front of you, and check the rearviews twice before changing lanes.
 Going s going to be a nice weekend.
 gsm x2


 gsm x2This is the last food update I ll make since we will be rolling out the door in a few minutes.  See you at the SLO Escape!
 For Thursday night arrivals, the menu will consist of:
 Chili by G-Whiz (Scott likes it so it must be okay [;)])
 Bread and Salad by Otter
 Strawberry Shortcake by G-Whiz

 Friday Morning:
 G-Whiz - Bagels (so we can use our newly acquired toaster) and cream cheese
 Duanefamily - Banana Bread
 Friday Night:
 Going out to eat seafood:  Gsm x2 (G-Whiz) and Otters
 If anyone wants to join us, the more the merrier.  Dianne will have gingerbread and Bailey s for by the campfire when we return.
 Oldmoose - Something easy
 Cottonwooder - Meatless Spaghetti

 Saturday Morning:[/b]
 Oldmoose - DO cornbread
 GSM x2 - Tri-tip
 Duanefamily Mamma - pancakes with real maple syrup
 G-Whiz - Will make my second attempt at a frittata
 Otter - Chicken Apple Sausage
 Griffsmom - Oatmeal Bundt Cake
 Chez Way - Fresh fruit and sausage

 Saturday Night:
 G-Whiz - Shrimp!
 Bonny - Swedish Meatballs
 Nick & Huntersmom - Dream cake and Chicken Kabobs
 Otter - Potstickers
 Duanefamily Mamma - Spinach Ravioli and Vodka Tomato Cream Sauce
 Griffsmom - Mom s beef and noodles and mashed potatoes
 Chez Way - Spinach salad and rolls
 Cottonwooder - BBQ Chicken Wings
 Oldmoose - Kampers Stroganoff, Crab Dip, DO Peach Cobbler AND Pinapple Upsidedown Cake


QuoteORIGINAL:  g-whiz
 This is the last food update I ll make since we will be rolling out the door in a few minutes.  See you at the SLO Escape!

 Have fun guys!


QuoteORIGINAL:  Nick
 You can add something to the Saturday menu.  I will be making chicken Kabobs.

 Done!  [:D]  Mike, I got some really pretty spring party plates, cuts, tablecloth, etc.  to use for the Saturday night potluck in honor of Bonny the Birthday Girl!  Oh boy, are we going to have fun!!!  Hey, Happy Birthday takes on a whole new meaning when done on a kazoo!! [;)][8D]


 gsm x2Take good care folks and have a good time.  I am bummed, 2nd Rally I can t go to.  Of course, I don t know if you can count the Rallies I ve attended and pulled our early as attended.
 Have a good time and let old moose know that I d love to have a taste of his peach cobbler.
 Happy Kazoos...