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RE: April Rally

Started by 6Quigs, Jan 22, 2003, 03:57 PM

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gsm x2

QuoteGSMx2 - sorry about the letdown with the ice cream  I ll make it up to you. I really didn t want to ruin the flavor of Moose s cobbler   BTW - thanks for timely suds on Fri. night. What great timing!!

 OK Rich--I owe you an apology.  It wasn t you that was suppose to bring the ice cream.  It was RTurner IF he decided to come up and join us for the potluck.  Now you know why I recommend LISTS to all wagon masters.
 gsm x2


 CottonwooderRich I was glad you and your family could make it on such short notice. You and your family fit right in like the troopers you are. Look forward to seeing you in May.


 CottonwooderThese are the pictures from my camera.  After all the time I spent with Otter, can t believe we didn t get our picture taken together.  Next time, Dianne!


QuoteORIGINAL:  Cottonwooder
 These are the pictures from my camera.  After all the time I spent with Otter, can t believe we didn t get our picture taken together.  Next time, Dianne!

 Nice pictures, Tricia!  I especially enjoyed the ones of the girls at Christmas and your last sewing class.  I don t know anyone in those pictures, but it  sure looked like a great group of ladies![:D]


 CottonwooderWell we had a great weekend also.  You all left too early.  The weather cleared up in the afternoon and was buetiful.  Michele, Hunter and I went to downtown SLO and walked around for awhile.  Went to the SLO Mission.  It rained very lightly on and off through the evening and only started raining at about 9:45PM.  I was impressed with the staff at the campground cause when the rain stoped swarms of deer flys came out.  They actually went around spraying the buggers.  We woke up Monday morning to blue skies, and the PU dried out by the time we packed up.   Left at about 11:30 and decided to take hwy 1 all the way to Monterey then over to 101.  We stoped at the elephant seal area and enjoyed that.  Took us about five hours to get home but the nice view was worth it.


QuoteThese are the pictures from my camera. After all the time I spent with Otter, can t believe we didn t get our picture taken together. Next time, Dianne!

 Who took the Dragons pix?  I want a copy of that one!


QuoteWell we had a great weekend also. You all left too early. The weather cleared up in the afternoon and was buetiful. Michele, Hunter and I went to downtown SLO and walked around for awhile. Went to the SLO Mission. It rained very lightly on and off through the evening and only started raining at about 9:45PM. I was impressed with the staff at the campground cause when the rain stoped swarms of deer flys came out. They actually went around spraying the buggers. We woke up Monday morning to blue skies, and the PU dried out by the time we packed up. Left at about 11:30 and decided to take hwy 1 all the way to Monterey then over to 101.

 I m glad it worked out for you!.  We talked about staying, but I was not for it!.  We hit sunshine 1/2 hour out and had a great time.  I do wish we had gone up the coast tho.  I haven t done that in 30+ years.  Oh well: just an excuse for another camping trip! We got dried off in Santa Cruz, but have not fumigated the car and the popup.  Those ticks were awful.  We are still finding dead ones.  Just to be sure we will treat it before using it again.


QuoteNice pictures, Tricia! I especially enjoyed the ones of the girls at Christmas and your last sewing class. I don t know anyone in those pictures, but it sure looked like a great group of ladies!

 Thanks, Lori.  I made their matching Christmas outfits.  The top is just a plain ol  black sweatshirt from WalMart with a patch of the skirt material sewn on.  College is out this week, so last night (Monday night is sewing night) a few of us regulars -- the same ones you saw in the pictures -- got together for dinner.  It was SOOOOOOOO nice to eat in peace, without having to deal with the kids. [:D]  I m not in class this semester.
 So, did you see the camping pics at all?  LOL!  I can t get over those fat, rubbery seals.  Too funny!
 BTW, it sounds like those of you heading northwards on Sunday found sunshine.  Us Snickers had rain, rain, and more rain. [: (]


QuoteWho took the Dragons pix? I want a copy of that one!

 That s in TOS s new camera.  He sent a copy to me, which I can e-mail over to you.  Have been so darn busy with work today, haven t even had a chance to download them or thank him, so Neighbor, if you re reading this, THANKS!
 Whoever took that picture did a good job (was it G?  my tired brain is befuddled), as did Nick with the picture of Surf and I.  THANKS AGAIN!!!


 gsm x2Hi GSM x2-
 Sorry sorry sorry that we didn t come up to the potluck with ice cream.  We were holed up in the popout getting soaked in Pismo.  Same storm, same soggy story!  
 Sounds like you all had such fun, feel bad we were so close yet so far!  Looking forward to June!
 PS  RTurner is a she, my DH (the other RTurner) barely knows how to turn this darn machine on and off.
 I will bring ice cream to Gold Rush and Smores stuff for the kids.  Will this redeem me with the group?????????? [:)][:)][:)][:)]

gsm x2

QuoteORIGINAL:  RTurner
 Hi GSM x2-
 Sorry sorry sorry that we didn t come up to the potluck with ice cream.  We were holed up in the popout getting soaked in Pismo.  Same storm, same soggy story!  
 Sounds like you all had such fun, feel bad we were so close yet so far!  Looking forward to June!
 PS  RTurner is a she, my DH (the other RTurner) barely knows how to turn this darn machine on and off.
 I will bring ice cream to Gold Rush and Smores stuff for the kids.  Will this redeem me with the group?????????? [:)][:)][:)][:)]

 Oh yes.  As we learned as kids getting our tonsils removed, ice cream is the great healer.  Sorry you had to hole up in the rain.  Bet you would have made it otherwise.
 Thanks for the gender check.
 A zygote is the single cell that exists right after a sperm enters an egg.  Do you know how to tell a male zygote from a female zygote???
 Check its genes.
 gsm x2
 gsm x2

gsm x2

 gsm x2And speaking of gene checks, at Snug Harbor CWB told us that when cameras first came out, people thought that the photographs could steal your soul.  That s why you ll often see Civil War era photos with people holding their hands over their heart to protect their souls.
 Please identify the right/left challenged people in this picture.
 Also, in case anyone was wondering where SurfCal s soul lies, pictures don t lie.
 gsm x2


 gsm x2Is it just me, or are we being shown that " special"  finger in the picture (Bonny)????? And RAY!!!!! What were you thinking?????????????????????[8D]
 I have enjoyed ALL of the photos taken by everyone!! It s was almost like being there, .....well, not really...but I did enjoy all the pix. Thanks to all that posted their " takes"  from the SLO " event" .
 Happy Campin  <><

Ab Diver

 gsm x2Once again, my compliments to all the attendees. You braved the Great Western Wet and survived in true NNC fashion. (sigh) Chalk up ANOTHER event we ve missed. Man, if I don t make it to the June Rally, I may be the first member to be kicked out of NNC for lack of attendance.
 Scott, great pics, and what s not to like about such a Patriotic Group, but what s with the Surfcal " Married With Children"  imitation? [;)]


 Ab Diver
QuoteORIGINAL:  Ab Diver
 Scott, great pics, and what s not to like about such a Patriotic Group, but what s with the Surfcal " Married With Children"  imitation? [;)]

 My guess would be that all were told to put their hand over their " heart" ! And Ray may not have done so good in anatomy class...[;)]  Just a thought....[8D] it is a possibility, right? [&:] OK, ::backing out slowly::[;)][;)]
 Happy Campin  <><