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Are the NNCr's Done?

Started by griffsdad, Dec 20, 2005, 06:52 AM

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Joan checking in here....

Since we purchased the 5th Wheel we have only camped once over the Memorial Day Weekend with some full-timer friends who also belong to NACO/Thousand Trails.  We met them at Morgan Hill.  It was the first time we ever went there and it was nice.   The 5er had a problem though; one of the front, automatic/power, stabalizers broke and the 5er crashed down on the back of Sal's new truck.  It smash the tie down things and tweeked the back bumper a bit, but all in all, not too bad.  Then the new truck started acting up so we had to put that in the shop and $1,000 later it was fixed.  Then some old guy (96 years old!) backed into my new to me car (the one I'm standing in front of in the last picture on Sal's Webshots in the "Joan's Surgery" thread).  Only had the car for about a month and he dents the front passenger door right at the crease where it opens, and the molding fell off.  I have already gotten the estimate from the guys insurance so I need to get he car in for repairs.  After that is done, we will take the 5er in for the repairs on it.   BOY, it has been some 3-4 months so we just haven't had the time to go anywhere.

Once the 5er is fixed we still hope to sponsor the Half Dome Hyjinx IV, maybe in September when it is a bit cooler.   We will keep you posted on that.  

We may even sposor another one at Lake of the Spring, which is very near Collins Lake.  This place has it's own private lake and you can rent paddle boaks, kayaks, etc.  It is a very family oriented place.  A couple of years ago we were there over the Memorial Day weekend and there is a large hill that the Lodge sits on the back side and overlooks the lake.  It has a nice little stream that runs down the hill and comes to a small pond that they stocked with fish for a kid's fishing tournament.  They also put a huge long piece of plastic down the other side of the hill, to the left of the pond, and ran water down it for the kids to super slide down.  It looked like a lot of fun.  AND, everytime one of the park personnel saw a kid ridding their bike, with their helmets on, they got a coupon for a free ice cream at the store.   There is a huge playground, with all the amenities and more that Yosemite has because is it also a NACO/TT resort.  They have over 500 sites so it is very large, but nice.

Gwenzella.....I'm now down 101.5 lbs as of Friday (7/14)!!!  Hope you can come to the next Yosemite trip so you can see me.  Pictures don't do me justice.

Miss everyone and hope to see you all soon.



Quote from: Calstate361Joan checking in here....

The 5er had a problem..... stabalizers broke.....the 5er crashed down on the back of Sal's new truck......  smash the tie down things and tweeked the back bumper a bit.....the new truck started acting up..... some old guy (96 years old!) backed into my new to me car..... dents the front passenger door..... and the molding fell off

Wow, talk about a co$tly $tring of bad luck!  Sorry to hear you've had so much trouble lately.

Quote from: Calstate361Once the 5er is fixed we still hope to sponsor the Half Dome Hyjinx IV, maybe in September

Nice to hear that news, we loved the last Half Dome Hijinx and would try to make the Half Dome Hyjinx IV if possible.

Quote from: Calstate361Gwenzella.....I'm now down 101.5 lbs as of Friday (7/14)!!!  Hope you can come to the next Yosemite trip so you can see me.  Pictures don't do me justice.

Good for you Joan!! Glad to hear that the string of bad luck you've been having hasn't been detrimental to your weight loss efforts!  If we can make the HDH4 rally maybe you can inspire me to restart my own weight battle again.


Gwenzilla, glad to hear back from you.  Hope you can make it to the next Yosemite rally.  It would be nice to see you and your family again along with other NCCers and Scampers.   Check out my post in the "Joan's Surgery" thread.  I just updated it.



Nick where are you? Surfcal, Scott, Georgeann, Zymomyz, Otter, Sammyslave, Pete, and Holly where are you?


Quote from: griffsdadNick where are you? Surfcal, Scott, Georgeann, Zymomyz, Otter, Sammyslave, Pete, and Holly where are you?
Okay, I'll fill you in on where everyone is:
  Nick: Got a remote controlled plane for his birthday and has quit his job in pursuit of a world record, trying to be the first person in history to fly a remote controlled plane across the county.  Last we heard, he's a football field away from his house when he encountered turbulance.
  Scott:  Was last seen taking photographs in the Ventura hills and unsuspectedly came upon a secret government research facility and was abducted by unknown persons.
  Georgeanne:  Went after him and she too is gone.
  Zymomyz:  Has moved to Eastern Europe to become an impersonator.  He masquerades as one of the "Kiss" (the guy with the star) band members and he has a strong following.
  Otter:  Is now growing organic alfalfa sprouts and has gone corporate with British Petroleum looking for ways to convert the crop into ethanol.
  Sammyslave:  He now hosts a cooking show, "Take a Wok on the Wild Side," on Chinese television using only chopsticks and a wok as his main tools.  His motto is, "all wok and no play makes Larry a dull boy."
  Pete:  Has changed careers and works with Verizon as the guy that travels all over the country with a cell phone going "can you hear me now?"
  Holly:  Has changed careers too, resides in Chainsaw, Texas and also works with Verizon and is the person on the other end saying, "yes, I can HEAR you."
  As for me:  Unemployed and volunteer as the head chef the local Glide Memorial's soup kitchen.
  There you go Dave, a complete wrap up of the folks from NNC and the new lives they lead.


OH Ray/surfcal you are way too much.   What a hoot!     :D  :eyecrazy:  :yikes:  :compumad:




Quote from: SurfcalOkay, I'll fill you in on where everyone is:
Nick: Got a remote controlled plane for his birthday and has quit his job in pursuit of a world record, trying to be the first person in history to fly a remote controlled plane across the county. Last we heard, he's a football field away from his house when he encountered turbulance.
Scott: Was last seen taking photographs in the Ventura hills and unsuspectedly came upon a secret government research facility and was abducted by unknown persons.
Georgeanne: Went after him and she too is gone.
Zymomyz: Has moved to Eastern Europe to become an impersonator. He masquerades as one of the "Kiss" (the guy with the star) band members and he has a strong following.
Otter: Is now growing organic alfalfa sprouts and has gone corporate with British Petroleum looking for ways to convert the crop into ethanol.
Sammyslave: He now hosts a cooking show, "Take a Wok on the Wild Side," on Chinese television using only chopsticks and a wok as his main tools. His motto is, "all wok and no play makes Larry a dull boy."
Pete: Has changed careers and works with Verizon as the guy that travels all over the country with a cell phone going "can you hear me now?"
Holly: Has changed careers too, resides in Chainsaw, Texas and also works with Verizon and is the person on the other end saying, "yes, I can HEAR you."
As for me: Unemployed and volunteer as the head chef the local Glide Memorial's soup kitchen.
There you go Dave, a complete wrap up of the folks from NNC and the new lives they lead.
I don't know if I should laugh or cry. Pismo just won't be the same without you guys. :(
It's like you all drank the "magic kool aid" and left this planet.
Which brings me to the question - was Nick - Neff - Cough a camping club or a cult? If the latter I'm glad that you got out just in time Ray!