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Are the NNCr's Done?

Started by griffsdad, Dec 20, 2005, 06:52 AM

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I heard a wld rumor that this group has disbanded and that many have sold or in the process of selling their campers? Say it ain't so!! What no more Pismo Beach?


I have not heard that rumor, but then, I'm not in the loop. I know that several are posting only on the other board. I read these boards every morning, but don't always post. The only ones that post at all any more are myself and OCCampers, and once in a while 6Quigs, Towrod, and Surfcal. Otter posted yesterday. I guess everyone is just busy and not camping as much. I know we have not been camping since August (Half Dome Hyjinx III) because Sal has not felt well, but we still have our hybred. I know others are "lurking" because they post occasionally.
I'm issuing a CHALLENGE! NNCers speak up and let us know you are still here!!!


Quote from: Calstate361I have not heard that rumor, but then, I'm not in the loop. I know that several are posting only on the other board.  
I'm issuing a CHALLENGE! NNCers speak up and let us know you are still here!!!

It may be holidays etc...Socal board and in fact PUT has slowed down huge since about Oct.


Quote from: Calstate361I have not heard that rumor, but then, I'm not in the loop. I know that several are posting only on the other board. I read these boards every morning, but don't always post. The only ones that post at all any more are myself and OCCampers, and once in a while 6Quigs, Towrod, and Surfcal. Otter posted yesterday. I guess everyone is just busy and not camping as much. I know we have not been camping since August (Half Dome Hyjinx III) because Sal has not felt well, but we still have our hybred. I know others are "lurking" because they post occasionally.
I'm issuing a CHALLENGE! NNCers speak up and let us know you are still here!!!

   Merry christmas and happy new year to every one.  pjwaker is still here (Petrina).   We are just in full christmas mode!!  Yikes!!  The family and crazy's have begun!!!  Good times... Good times!!!   Any way we haven't been camping at all.  After the firts of January we are going to start thinking about camping.  We still have both our rigs.  I am thinking of selling our pop up and big trailer may be this summer.  Not to worry .  I just need to get some thing different.  Our big rig is no much for me to drive and our pop up is a lot of work for me.  One of our trips to the mountains a mountain lion got a little to close for my blood. So I would feel more comfortable with some thing with hard sides.  Any way.... I'll talk to you all later.    :)  :tent:

OC Campers

I hope the group hasn't disbanded.  We move north and nobody wants to camp with us.:( .  Life has been crazy around here.  It makes me sad, we haven't been out camping since Pismo in June and it doesn't look like we will be out again till the middle of spring.

I ended up going back to work full time in August and unfortunately it is retail.  I am a cashier at our local Super Wally World.  Luckily/unluckily? I am currenty out on disability (due to unforseen female issues) so I missed the crazy holiday shopping.  In fact my Christmas present to myself is major surgery on 12/27/05.  I will be out of commission till the end of Feb 2006.  This will definately cramp our camping schedule.  Don't worry guys, I still want to try and get another Francis Lake rally together.  It just may not be till later in the year.
Merry Christmas and Happy holidays to everyone.


I have never camped with you folks, but I am still here and check in once in a while.:)


I'm here too, but haven't even lurked on the board since the beginning of October. Our oldest son is in school in Utah this year and we have had a trip to visit him and he came home for Thanksgiving.  Our daughter gave birth to a baby boy on October 6th and our younger son kept us busy with soccer practices and games. Work keeps me very busy and then the volunteer resposiblities I took on beginning in September took more hours a week than I bargained for, but that is starting to become more streamlined now.  DH works retail and his hours are always crazy.

I thought about the board about a week ago.  Since I am the one who coordinates all of our camping trips and I work for a CPA, winter camping, which I would love to try is not an option as I will be working 6 days a week from Feb 1st -  April 15th.  That is when I do our major camping planning.

We are hoping to take a trip to Ohio this year but not sure about that yet.

Glad to be back lurking and posting again, hope it won't be too long before I can visit again.


We are still here and lurking every so often.  Back problems have sidelined me for awhile (and thanksgiving, and christmas, and house projects, and work schedules, and..., and... and.. etc.).  However we are still here and planning on getting out again when things are calmer.


Winter does tend to slow things down a tad (a deck chair on our patio blew over the other day in the "storms" we had!!!!)

That said, the wife and I are hitching up our new hybrid on Saturday and heading 3 hours "down south" for Christmas...

At least, that is how I phrased it to my family/friends... :D

Honestly, we are camping out in my mother-in-law's driveway since there are "too many" people visiting there (Fresno) for Christmas! :)

However, we are always up for camping.  It was harder in the popup, but the hybrid changes the game entirely.

The only times we have "blocked" are her school vacations: Feb 18-26 and April 8-16.  We are more-than-happy to camp or help plan any other weekend in between!*

*(except I think I have to go to Connecticut the weekend of March 10-12 for work)



We need more NNCers checking in here!!!


Quote from: griffsdadI heard a wild rumor that this group has disbanded and that many have sold or in the process of selling their campers? Say it ain't so!! What no more Pismo Beach?

That's correct Dave, we have a vote at our last meeting, and are all selling our trailers and buying Class A motorhomes ;)

Seriously, we are all just a bit quiet right now. We were supposed to be camping at Seacliff this weekend, but just cancelled, as we didn't like the look of the weather forecast. They have have landslides there in the past and have had to evacuate the campground, no fun.

We've already made some reservations for next year, including the 4th of July weekend, so are looking to another fun year of camping.

OC Campers

Quote from: 6QuigsThat's correct Dave, we have a vote at our last meeting, and are all selling our trailers and buying Class A motorhomes ;)
Seriously, we are all just a bit quiet right now. We were supposed to be camping at Seacliff this weekend, but just cancelled, as we didn't like the look of the weather forecast. They have have landslides there in the past and have had to evacuate the campground, no fun.
We've already made some reservations for next year, including the 4th of July weekend, so are looking to another fun year of camping.
Kevin, Have you sold your camper?  I saw your classified ad.  Or did yo find another /larger camper?


Here I thought the group had moved to some unknown chat site, instead you all get busy and stop camping?  What's up with that?

Is Sacto around?  Where is Red? 6Quigs moving to a larger camper? Wait after him raggin' on me about our USS Raptor! :)

NNC will always live on... well at least in my memory.  

Sure do miss the good times, hope that things don't die off.


It's been a while since we've camped with the group, but I check in every so often here to see what's going on.  And like everyone else have had a lot of things come up this fall.  We traded in our Westlake far a new Colonial and have only been out once before UPS finally messed up my shoulder big time.  Have been off work since August and in Nov had surgery to repair the bicep in my left arm at the shoulder attach point.  Doesn't look like I'll be back in action sometime in March/April.

If Dave/Abdiver is out there - WHAT CAN BROWN DO TO YOU? :D


Hmmmm...I'm starting to wonder...Olema wasn't planned and the only campouts
some of the NNC'rs are going to are one's SCCampers are planning....I sure hope's fun to get together with our fellow n. cal families...