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Daffodil Hill - Sacramento March Campout!

Started by zamboni, Mar 09, 2007, 10:28 PM

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OK, for those of you who have never heard of this, it is an area outside of Sacramento, where the owners plant hundreds-of-thousands of daffodil's and rely on the public to volunteer to pay to see them.

We've been before (about an hour+ from Sacramento).

This year, instead of driving over an hour (though winding roads), we thought we'd see if anyone wants to make a "mini-rally".

We are thinking March 18-18 or March 23-25.  We're open to either weekend.

Our current plan is to stay at Indian Grinding Rock, which is quite close to Daffodil Hill.

It is more-than-incredibly-difficult to find exact directions to Daffodil Hill.  How is it that these people have never heard of the Internet????????


In any event, is anybody else interested in doing a mini NNC Rally "near" Daffodil Hill?  We are game for any weekend from March 17 (opening weekend) through April  7 (weekend before Ponderosa with Sal/Joan).

Sorry for the short notice!!!


Note, I cannot find the exact address of Daffodil Hill - all I can determine is it is on the same road as Indian Grinding Rock... Pine Grove -- Volcano Road.  Thus, it appears to be about maybe 5 miles away.

Is anyone game?

Our preference is the weekend of March 24.  At this moment, our plan is to go even if nobody else does...


As posted in the SoCal forum:

And, from my friend's camera a couple of years ago:

OC Campers

This sounds like fun but I have to take a week off from work (spring break week) to go help my parents clean out/up their house (this will not be fun!!, they have lived in this home for 25 years).  They are finally going to move up here.  Hooray.  Plus little league has started.  

I love Indian Grinding Rocks SP.  It is truly an undiscovered gem of a campground.
Good news is I am trying to get my mobile Notary Public business going so I can give Wally World the ole heave ho.  I am ready to get our camping weekends back.  NNC is ready to be revived!!

OC Campers

I was talking to Randy tonite about this campout and he thought it would be fun and that maybe he would take the kids and go camping.  Mom would stay home and go to work.  The weekend of March 24th would be better for him.


March 24th would be fine for us... but... Randy camping "alone" with the kids?

Isn't child endangerment against the law? :D

I seem to recall that the place does not allow reservations, so we should be able to plan ahead, have the camper loaded, and be "on the road" by 5pm.  I don't know what time Randy would be able to get away.

Anybody else interested?

OC Campers

Since my husband has no sense of direction he said something to the affect that maybe he could meet you at your house and you can caravan up there.



This sounds like fun and I have never been there.  However, the trailer is in the shop and it won't be done until the end of the month.    We have had some problems with air and water coming into the trailer through the slid-out seals so thay need to be replaced.  We also had some parts on the awning break at the last mini rally (Lake of the Springs) and the awning may need to be replaced.  Thank God that we purchased an after market warrenty!


Diane Jankauskas

Hi, I'm really new to this forum and just found this Northern Cali forum.  Our maidnen voyage is going to be to Indian Grinding Rock this weekend as a matter of fact.  From what I've been told, Daffodil Hill is only 3 miles from the campground.  The campground is small, only 23 campsites available on a first come first serve basis.

I'll definately report back to ya after this weekend!

OC Campers

Hi Diane--

Welcome to Popuptimes.  Indian Grinding Rocks is a small pretty much undiscovered campground.  It is very shady and has nice restrooms.   We would love to meet you and your family.  



We are a bunch of fun loving crazy people.  Check out the Ponderosa thread and maybe you can join us.   Where are you lacated?



Quote from: OC CampersSince my husband has no sense of direction he said something to the affect that maybe he could meet you at your house and you can caravan up there

Do you have a ball-park on when he might expect to get here?

I, on the other hand, have a lot more time on my hands now... I resigned my job on Monday (last day Fri 23rd, after 7 years).  However, today, since my projects were in a big lull, they opted to not require me to come to work - I am "on-call" until next Friday... at 10am, when I turn in my badge.  I'll probably have to go in at least 1 day between now and then... :)

Thus, I can pretty much promise my wife that I will have the camper loaded & hitched & ready to go when she gets home at 4:30pm :)

I now have a week to start interviewing; the computer market has picked up, and I want to return to consulting.  Shelby and I can go on Kelly's insurance, allowing me to take much more lucrative, temporary jobs - where I can move harder and faster :)

By the way - I fully intend to have my own Honda generator before next weekend!  Even if I don't, I do have a new truck battery (remember, mine died last time, since it was hooked to my camper - but it was 5 years old).

We talked a bit about it before, but, now (soon) with a generator, we will be ready to do "dispersed" camping... free, in the CA parks and forests.



Quote from: Diane JankauskasIndian Grinding Rock this weekend as a matter of fact.  From what I've been told, Daffodil Hill is only 3 miles from the campground.  The

Small world -- any chance, if you like it, you might want to do 2 weekends in a row? :)

If possible, let me know!

OC Campers

Quote from: zamboniDo you have a ball-park on when he might expect to get here?
I, on the other hand, have a lot more time on my hands now... I resigned my job on Monday (last day Fri 23rd, after 7 years). However, today, since my projects were in a big lull, they opted to not require me to come to work - I am "on-call" until next Friday... at 10am, when I turn in my badge. I'll probably have to go in at least 1 day between now and then... :)
Thus, I can pretty much promise my wife that I will have the camper loaded & hitched & ready to go when she gets home at 4:30pm :)
I now have a week to start interviewing; the computer market has picked up, and I want to return to consulting. Shelby and I can go on Kelly's insurance, allowing me to take much more lucrative, temporary jobs - where I can move harder and faster :)
By the way - I fully intend to have my own Honda generator before next weekend! Even if I don't, I do have a new truck battery (remember, mine died last time, since it was hooked to my camper - but it was 5 years old).
We talked a bit about it before, but, now (soon) with a generator, we will be ready to do "dispersed" camping... free, in the CA parks and forests.
Wow, you have definately made a life change.  Good luck in finding the perfect job.  
Not sure what tiime he will get there.  Without me going along I am a little concerned.  You know how easily he gets lost.  I will have him packed and ready to go so I just need to find out what time he is leaving work.  Kids don't get out of school till 3pm.  
Don't worry he will still bring the generator incase of any mishaps.:D  
Are you bringing the dogs?  Are they allowed at the daffodil hill thing?
Forest/dispersed camping sounds interesting but we will have to work on it.  Do you think you can find a backwoods spot with bathrooms?:o :D .   I don't want to have to dig a hole to go.:o :(

Diane Jankauskas

Hey, thanks for the welcome!
I live in Tracy, about 60miles east of San Fran.  I will check out the other thread soon.  ;)   I just signed on and now of course the baby is crying!  Ah the life of a domestic goddess.
