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RE: The woman s a @$%@##% FREAK!

Started by campingboaters, Sep 24, 2003, 11:50 AM

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 It all started innocent enough and she seemed kind of normal at first. We had gotten into a conversation about our Campers. They had just gotten an old Apache that needed restoring. Normal campground conversation. They were camping 2 sites down....and no I never got around to mentioning PUT and you all will thank me for not!
 Like I mentioned we chatted, I finished my walk and went back to our site. We met the nice young couple camping next to us,(at least they were normal!) Saturday
 the young man told us they were having company that night, if they got to loud don t hesitate to say something  if they did . ...The party ended before we went to bed.
 (don t young adults know how to party anymore?)
 Well, the lunatic 2 sites down joined them (uninvited), then she wanders over to our site for a visit. She talked non stop for atleast an hour...(breathe already!)...[:@]
 The subjects that were brought up amused as well as amazed me. She started with how much she loves her father, which led into how she wanted his dentures when he passes on. For her own mouth yet! I about lost it.[: (] Then into making jewelry out of his charred remains. [:o](I told you she was a freak) Then
 she starts talking about a toe fettish and peanut butter [&:] she drinks her beer rambling on, she says she is not an alchoholic (yeah right, uh-huh) among many other strange topics.
 OK, I think we have heard enough...YAAWWWNN (arms stretching) boy are we tired. Time to call it a night! Atleast she got the hint and left. All this time her boyfriend was smart and stayed back at his camper ( he probably threw her out for some quiet, thanks alot guy)[:@]
 As she is leaving she says we need to exchange phone numbers in the morning (NO WAY!)..After she left we threw another log on the fire and enjoyed the silence.
 We were camping at a nearby SP, now I know why we prefer the Forest [;)]
 DH says I m not allowed to talk to strangers in a CG any more.
 What is the strangest person you have met camping?[;)]


 ForestCreatureI have to say, I have a hard time just opening up to people I camp near for just this reason -- you have NO idea of who you are talking to.  We have neighbors across the street from our house that are so bizarre, we thought that some kind of cult lived in that house when we first moved in.  My DH made the mistake of being nice to one of the grown daughters that lives there and she has been nothing but a leech to him.  I have kept my distance and am VERY happy I have done so.  I suppose we ve been very fortunate in that the people we have talked, while camping, to have been very friendly and not pushy at all.


 ForestCreatureMarcy, I don t understand?
 Sounds like she would have fit in around here perfectly![;)]


 ForestCreatureMarcy...You really don t want me to answer that do you? I guess it would have to have been a little over a year ago in a small town in Tenn. Deep in the middle of the Smokey Mountians. Funny thing is " I seem to fit right in" . Someone? said they where a " CULT"  Too? [:D][:D][:D][:D][:D]


 ForestCreatureAnd I thought by the title of this thread you may have been talking about Hilliary.[: (][:o]


 You are baddddddddddddd!
 Tell your beautiful wife hi for me :)


QuoteORIGINAL:  ForestCreature
 What is the strangest person you have met camping?[;)]

 We were in Petrified Forest NP in Arizona diring the summer of 2001.  While there, we visited the site known as Newspaper Rock, which is covered with ancient petroglyphs.  There are also some well-preserved kivas and other ancient ruins.  There was an older guy there who was arguing a bit with the ranger about what the glyphs meant.  The truth is any interpretation is pure speculation, because there are simply not enough to create a meaningful interpretation.  I didn t think anything of it and we went on our way.
 We returned to our camper and started taking care of routine chores.  This huge Class A pulls into the campground, and ends up in the site right next to us.  (The place was vacant.  Nobody in their right mind camps in the Arizona desert in summer.  So I should have expected a crazy.)  I was sitting at the picnic table when a somewhat familiar older guy gets out and sits down at the picnic table with me.  He starts spouting off about the rangers, and it clicks that he recognized me (even though I didn t recognize him at first).
 He introduced himself (" call me J.T." ) and we start talking about the evils of our government.  I actually found it refreshing to talk to someone who questioned why we should tell the government where we live, how much we earn, what banks we use, where we go to church, how many children we have, what their names are, etc.
 We talked about the JFK assassination (I swing both times I know Oswald was a lone gunman and a others I m convinced that there was a vast conspiracy and massive coverup).  I argued for the conspiracy this time, which was clearly his point of view.
 We talked for hours.  The red light should have come on when he thought DD#1 (at that time, 17 years old) was my wife.  But we got that straightened out and moved on to solving all the world s problems.
 Eventually, he trusted me enough to tell me the truth.  He was hated and mistrusted by both the CIA and the FBI.  He had written a book, Prarie Aflame, which exposed the misdeeds of the government.  He claimed it sold a million copies before the CIA was able to snatch it off the shelves.
 Then he started telling me about the chips.  The CIA had secretly implanted various monitoring devices in different parts of his body in order to track his thoughts and his movements.  There were at least two chips in his head, and another in his shoulder.  He knew what some of them were for, but not all of them.
 Of course, by then I was no longer intertested in the conversation, or of camping near this guy.  I mentally inventoried my family...two kids & PJay at the pool, one kid in the camper.  How do I get away from this guy without letting on that I think he s a little touched?  How do I let PJay know he s not all there?
 In all honesty, I don t know how I got rid of him.  He, his wife, and his teenage granddaughter were gone when we go up in the morning.
 I tried searching for the book " Prarie Aflame"  when we got back, but found nothing.  Must be the CIA wiped it off Amazon and Google, among others.


 ForestCreatureI have found the easiest way to get rid of a looney is to mention about the disease that is causing the oozing sore on your leg.  They usually leave.


 ForestCreatureBob, that ll get rid of talkers but it just eggs on the loonies. Mention a sore; ozzing or otherwise; and they re ready with complete documentation on every illness that s affected anyone they ve ever known or else they insist on " treating it"  with their favorite smelly home remedy.
 Austin, your loonie must come from a large family, we got saddled with his sister or cousin, and author of a CIA banned book several years ago in the Adirondaks. She " forced"  us to see where the scars where the chips were implanted and asked when I had mine implanted when see say the scars on my legs from a bypass operation.
 Something tells me this is a common delusion or else those black helicopters flying over my house really are out to get me.


 CampNfanRick, LOL I might be crazy [8D] sure do fit right in ! [:D]
 Sounds like those CIA loons came right out an old X Files episode, or maybe the Twilight Zone.......


QuoteORIGINAL:  Flacamper
 And I thought by the title of this thread you may have been talking about Hilliary.[: (][:o]

 Hi Rick, I think you are right.[:)]

C. Hains

 ForestCreatureWhy is it when people go over the edge they always seem to have delusions about the FBI, the CIA, and helicopters?! [&:]  These stories remind me of an old neighbor of mine who told me she wrote a book exposing Benny Henn and some TV broadcasting network.  She thought the CIA was after her because she exposed Benny Henn and she kept coming over to my house trying to get me to say I saw the helicopter that was hovering over HER house just waiting for her to come out so they could pick her off!  OI!!! [:o]
 If I had met her out camping I m not sure what I would have done - maybe I would have told her I shot down the helicopter - now just go home and go to bed!!!!!!!!


 FlacamperCut the political crap



 You are like a sister to me and I know you are not lying about meeting this person, we too have seen some strange people when we camped.[;)]
 Not being political here, but I have seen the name Hillary embossed on tents and screen rooms.  (I really doubt she was really in there, hope there are no royalties for her there I m sure the people in them had to pay more than just taxes to pitch them)[:(]
 For the rest of you who may want this thread to end[:@].  Please let the rest of us hear some stories about some odd people you may have come across or we may think you may be one of them[:o].
 Yes, I have one I will mention (but have a few more), a popup camped next to us. They arrived one afternoon, a very large woman stayed in the TV the PU was set up and she disappeared into it.  We did not see her the whole weekend.   The DH and kids were very friendy, but we never saw her the whole time, she stayed in the PU the whole weekend, not even leaving to shower or use the bathroom( she had a porta pottie).  I knew she was there and offered a plate of food for her and was told she would not eat it anyway and they acted like she was not even there.  What a sad way to live[:(].  The kids were some very happy go lucky type.  The DH was acted the same way, but I wondered about that lady who kept herself locked up away from the whole scene of camping and let her kids go swarm with strangers.  There is a name for this disease, but usually you can not get them to leave the home.  When they were leaving she got into the TV and waited till the PU was dropped and they went away.
 She must have had some good books to read (or at least I hope to think so)  but this was way before " living History"  was out.
 As for this post made by Marcy, please respect it for what it is, it may have gone to what some people may think political but come on...If you have ever camped near a weird half wit/or total freak or barbaric seasonal at one time or another consider yourself one of the lucky ones or please post it on the camping review section.  We would all appreciate it[:)]  I really think Hillary will not care.