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Board Killers

Started by bearbait, Nov 06, 2003, 10:57 AM

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This has little to do with "fluffing" anymore.  What some posters are accomplishing here is killing this board, so the name of the group "formally known as fluffers" shoud be, is board killers.

Do you think it's an accident that less and less people are posting here, including Nightowl and Suzy Q and a few others that used to be regulars?  I see almost daily threads started that say "Where is......?"  I wonder sometimes if they don't come around anymore because these unmoderated postings that add little to the board have just driven more and more people away.  Now it has even spilled over into the general discussion area and I suppose it's going to just keep on spreading like any other disease.
Don't misunderstand me, off topic discussions are fine, that's what we all do around a real campfire and I suspect that this is the point of this "virtual" campfire.  But letting it spill out into the general forums and making everyone suffer through sifting through it looking for some camping topics is just wrong.  Board killers need their own special section Dave, so the rest of us can get back to buisness as usual.
We all paid our 30 bucks, we all should be able to post as much or as little as we want too.  But this is about resect for other board members, and this has to play a part in it.  Just adding a "one liner" to a thread that is meaningless is not helpfull to the topic, It's getting very old to some of us and that's why a lot of us just don't come here to read much anymore, much less take the time to post.
By Dave changing this software and hosting site, it has made things better for all of us to a degree, a chat software that works for members would be a very welcone addition to many members and I think that's almost a must to keep some people here.  But I also wonder if all this "board killing" that's going on makes the end inevitable?  I wonder if it was too little too late?  
So going forward, when you reply to a post or start one, think about what your posting first and weather their is anything there that someone would find helpful. Keep thinking of your posts in terms of respect. That's not to say anyone should stop posting fun topics here, they do have their place and I enjoy reading some of them to an extent.  But when the main focus of the board becomes off topic fluff, someone needs to reign the offenders in in my opinion.
So I'm going to go start a poll over in that area asking a question about weather or not the fluffing is becoming a board killer, answer if you like.....


Jmo, Lately when reading this board.... I feel like a Peeping Tom
Listening in on personal conversations.

Everything posted is directed at the few posting, nothing of interest to anyone else.


This I find to be an interesting post. Right now there are 18 people on line, not counting the hidden. If everyone would post..... It would take off again. This is what I meant last fall, when I was debating about the pay thing, If you put a post up, Who will hear it???? Now we are at the point where there is very little meaningful action.

I will not criticize anyone for what they post. It just doesn't make me feel "right". But with all the members that are here, there should be a lot more ideas, questions, or just general things to share.

But to just sit back, not post anything, and then criticize isn't right either.

I feel much the same about this as I do Voting, If you don't post anything, don't bitch about it.


This thread makes about as much sense as a donkey ride down the interstate.


"Just adding a "one liner" to a thread that is meaningless is not helpfull to the topic, It's getting very old to some of us and that's why a lot of us just don't come here to read much anymore, much less take the time to post."

I have to agree with Lee on the above.  I get a little tired of going through a thread and seeing a one or two word reply that is often made in jest to another poster.

I am not saying this is wrong because this has always happened in the past but I think that in some of the threads it has gotten out of hand.

As an oldtimer on PUT, I find myself visiting here less and less and posting less and less.  I don't feel that there is the same quality posting now than there has been in the past.

I also miss some of the postings by such members as ChasD, CampnFan, NightOwl, Jeffery, ForestCreature, SuzyQue and so on.

My most recent posts have been in the Hybrid forum because I just purchased one.  Some hybrid owners have graciously answered my questions in a manner consistent with the board.

I think Lee has made some valid points and I believe that his post was made out of his concern for the future of PUT.  I think Lee, like many of us, are wondering what direction PUT is going in and what is the future of PUT.


I've gotta agree with Bearbait, posting, just to post without adding anything of interest to the thread doesn't help anything. When it happens in the "Campfire" it's not so bad, that where the off-topic stuff belongs anyway. It seems to me that in the "General" section, a thread can start out on a camping subject only to be driven in a completely different direction. Perhaps if we do a better job of posting to the proper section and refrain from "off-topic" replies to "on-topic" subjects, things will be smoother.

I'd hate to see this site.......this community......fade away.  



It's my opinion that it is up to the Mod and PUT to move anything from General to the Campfire as they might see necesssary.  Members have different reasons by choice as to how often and how infrequent their visits are on PUT.  It shows caring and concern for other "campers" here when someone asks about certain members, particularly those that may have endured fires, illnesses, and other hardships that have not been on the board in a while.   As such, this indicates that there is something called "community spirit" and a camaraderie amongst members.  There were those who privately emailed me when I was away from PUT for many months, encouraging my return.  Many of these emails came from those I had met through PUT and had gone camping with as a group.

Out of respect of the opinion for all parties and fellow members, I must say that I try to follow the rules of PUT.  Things like name calling are not allowed here.  I try to be fair and honest to all parties like the rules state:
It s OK to criticize a product, manufacturer, campground or Pop UP Times. Just be honest and fair to all parties involved, including your fellow board readers.  If someone has personal issues about PUT, then address those with the Mod and PUT.


most people have been here a
long time and know many of the answers to the same  questions asked over and over....  So I think people start topics that may not be related to Pop ups so they can still communicate with people.  If you think about it it is called pop up times... not hybrid times, not tent times, but pop up times... still others are welcome and are treated the same.. many poeple have met and become friends sometimes we like to talk about other things then just pop ups... Maybe it should be called camping times.... or campfire times... that way pople can post almost anything with out feeling guilty about only talking about Pop ups


I believe Bearbait has formulated his words to show care and concern for PUT, in its present form and its future. Acting with the same concern, I have strived to keep the fluff in campfire forum only. The few times, there were exceptions, and the moment I realized it, I stopped it immediately. After all, people have only so much tolerance for stuff they are not interested to know/read.

It hurts to be called Board Killers. I find it offensive to be called a BOARD KILLER. I also find it extremely difficult to believe that, people are not posting in the general forum, or campfire forum, because a group of people who made friends via PUT are sharing their friendship over PUT.

There was always NON-pupup stuff discussed in campfire, and nobody had to be named because of this.  As much as I would love to post at the General forum too, the traffic there is minimal, and I have only a few areas I can contribute to, the lack of newcomers makes me a newbie, and thus I keep to myself in General forum.

It is very acceptable to point out mistakes, to ciriticise, but one has to consider that if asked, what did you do for PUT, did you contribute to the forums regularly, one has to be able to answer the questions with a big "YES I DID".

I think we all have a lot of work to do, in a lot of areas. If my posting have kept anybody from posting, I apologize. The postings I made was mostly to create some traffic and get more people involved with the board. If the only reaction is going to be, we don't want people to be friends and carry on conversations on PUT, I can understand that. I have made quite a few friends thanks to PUT, and I am sure I can carry on those friendships outside PUT.


Lee, I'm not sure why I've frequented this site less and less over the last month or so.  I'm not sure if it's the fluff you refer to or lack of activity; I enjoy reading posts from new owners asking those same questions over and over again, I don't see that happening too much anymore.  I'm able to post and respond with those I've camped with in person on other sites, I think there were only 2 or 3 of us that decided to pay to stay on PUT and that is a big reason I'm not very active here much lately.

I think I can be considered as much of a board killer as the fluffers you refer to by my decision to not log-on on daily basis and contribute in any fashion. I think this may even be my first post since the board changed format. I contributed to the fluff as much as the next person but also feel the flavour has changed.  I honestly think there is not enough new blood to keep this site alive come the new year.


I still check in regularly.  My one and only reason that I don't post as much is because I post A LOT on my animal forums.  I still enjoy it here, and I know I can always come here and ask if I have a camping related problem.  
So, as far as I'm concerned, this is still a great place.
Edit:  And of course I always enjoy the OT stuff, and will always read and lend my prayers to the topics that indicate my cyber friends are in need of them.


[It hurts to be called Board Killers. I find it offensive to be called a BOARD KILLER.


No one was mentioned as a Board Killer.

I believe that the term was used generically.  Any other term could have been used.


Quote from: MtnCamperThis I find to be an interesting post. Right now there are 18 people on line, not counting the hidden. If everyone would post..... It would take off again. This is what I meant last fall, when I was debating about the pay thing, If you put a post up, Who will hear it???? Now we are at the point where there is very little meaningful action.

[font="comic sans ms"]
I have to agree with MtnCamper on this.  There have been times when I've been away from the boards for a few days.  When I come back there will be many people logged on (28 right now) and no new board activity.

There are almost 800 members here ~ why are we all waiting for somebody else to post something interesting?!  Surely there are others who have questions, comments, concerns, ideas, etc that they want to share ... (and don't call me Shirley ;))


I'll try to reply to this again. Really not sure if it's worth it, but I will anyway.

I can agree with Lee, when I read lately most threads are just conversations between a few people. Makes me feel like a peeping tom.  It really does get old sifting through it.

I think off topic is OK, but it's really all there is.
Not that's any members fault, it's not our job to moderate ourselves.
We are all bored and have nothing else to say.

IMo.... What was really frustrating even more than the above,
Was the fact I defended this place, When all the big changes happened.
I was one of the fools, that said "I'm sure it'll be great whatever it ends up being and I'll be glad to pay and stay."

And now it looks like there might be some good changes in the works.
But 10 - 11 months later???????????  Give me a break!
Most of us that did hang in there, have lost interest.

So there's MO...... I don't post much and won't.
I'm sure I'll still read, but don't think I will post much of anything.

To tell the truth, I've lost interest in all camping message boards.

Jo Ann

it must be me...i just looked in the general section and didn't see any topics that where fluffy.

i come on when i can...sometimes i can't come on for perios at a time...but i do try and check in every chance i get.

i guess it never occured to some ppl that we all have lives outside of the forum which interfers with our ability to post. also, there always have been slow posting periods for the board.  i just don't understand why fluff is considered a problem.

topics such as this are board killers as well, making ppl who have been here for along time with great contributions fill unwanted and they leave.