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Hubby got fired!!

Started by MPTDAT, Dec 23, 2003, 03:20 PM

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We're down in FL visiting my parents and they keep hinting that maybe we should go look at houses down here. My brother also lives down in this town, has been through the "downsizing" or in his case, 2 different banks he worked at were bought out and his staff was let go each time. He now owns his own business and is very happy. My DH loves the warm weather here but my oldest doesn't want to switch schools with only her senior year left... I'm hoping this is all for the best since Chris had such a long commute but the timing could have been better, such as spring/summer (prime camping season).


Di tell your parents sorry, but you have camping plans up north and you have to keep them. :)   Plus Rick would freak out if he didn't get to visit his car once in a while. :p


MPDAT, I am so sorry to hear of this sad event just before the holidays.  Since DH had the permission of a manager, it really doesnt seem fair, but as  others here have said, most corporations take a dim view of this kind of materials appropriation, no matter how innocently intended.  I hope that Costco did not attempt to ruin his reputation over this and will be satisfied with just letting him go and let that be the end of "the punishing."  And like everyone else here , I hope that  you will soon be writing us  that he has a good new job.


MPTDAT, any updates on your Husband's situation ? Any luck in resolving this with Costco ? I hope you guys get over this quickly.


Nothing. He has been on a few interviews, but nothing so far. He told them at Costco that the customer gave the tires to him, but they said that the firing still stands because it is still stealing. I'm sorry but don't you have to be missing money or inventory for it to be considered stealing?? Even the guy who comes to pick up the old tires for recycling had the same count so who did it hurt?? He isn't even sure if he is going to get unemployment. They gave him a check for $3500 when they fired him but it is going fast. I want to go get a job, but he wants me to wait until he gets one so that the hours don't conflict because there is no way I can afford to pay for daycare for 2 ADD kids. It would probably cost more than I would make per hour for them to be in daycare for an hour. Just frustrated on this end. I love my DH but to be honest with you, I am sick of looking at him!! I am just glad the kids went back to school. Two weeks of all 3 of them 24-7 was getting unbearable!! LOL


I know what you mean about getting sick of seeing your hubby. My DH is also home, looking for work. But this time it's not so bad. Just 2 years ago, his (IBM) department was downsized and 200 people were out of work. I know it was tough for him, but I swear after a month, I was ready to kill him. This went on month after month (took a year to find another job). Not sure how, but things did get better. He just seemed to be underfoot all the time. Guess I had my routine and he sort of got in the way. Being a manager at work, he was used to doing his thing and somehow managed to "suggest" more organized ways for me to do things at home, etc. Meanwhile I was running around like crazy taking care of 3 kids, the house, cooking & cleaning while he "looked" for work. Boy was I happy he found a job... now we're back in the same situation. THis time it's better. He does his thing; I do mine. He actually offers to pick up a kid or two. Think he likes to get out of the house. Tonight he offered to cook dinner. "By George, I think he's got it"  ;) Hang in there. Life has it's moments, doesn't it?


Your husband should not have any trouble getting unemployment since he was fired and did not resign or retire.  No company these days will give anything other than "Yes, he worked here" when asked about past employees that have had problems.  Too many lawsuits have resulted from that.


I hope your right about the unemployment. My biggest problem now is the insurance. In order to keep the insurance we have now it is going to be $1,100 a month. Can you believe that?? We can't afford that. On top of that it was cut off the day he got fired. I thought that there was a law that said they had to keep you on until the end of the month?? We had my kids prescriptions refilled the day after he was fired and they "supposedly" covered it. Now they are telling us when all the paper work is finished we will owe them the entire amount. I have two boys, one with ADD and the other with ADHD. They are currently on Concerta, Straterra 40mg, Stratera 10mg, Desipramine and Zoloft. Right now they have enough medication to get through Thursday of this week. I was going to get it refilled today, but yesterday they told us that the computer shows we are covered, but we really aren't. I don't know what I am going to do. I know that I can't handle them without it.

Acts 2:38 girl

You get on down there and fill it!!  If the computer shows your covered, then officially you are.  Actually, I'd call your pediatrician and explain your situation, maybe he can write you out a RX for a months supply or something.  Wait for any letters in the mail from the insurance company, because they usually cover you for an extra month or something.  We were cancelled because we moved from MA to CT, but the company said they'd cover us until the end of March.  Good-luck.  I would also appy for state insurance right away.  Most of the time they are retroactive, so they will cover any medical expenses back one month.


Quote from: MPTDATI hope your right about the unemployment. My biggest problem now is the insurance. In order to keep the insurance we have now it is going to be $1,100 a month. Can you believe that?? We can't afford that. On top of that it was cut off the day he got fired. I thought that there was a law that said they had to keep you on until the end of the month?? We had my kids prescriptions refilled the day after he was fired and they "supposedly" covered it. Now they are telling us when all the paper work is finished we will owe them the entire amount. I have two boys, one with ADD and the other with ADHD. They are currently on Concerta, Straterra 40mg, Stratera 10mg, Desipramine and Zoloft. Right now they have enough medication to get through Thursday of this week. I was going to get it refilled today, but yesterday they told us that the computer shows we are covered, but we really aren't. I don't know what I am going to do. I know that I can't handle them without it.
Having just been thru this with us, there is COBRA which is insurance continuation for lay-offs (not sure about termination).  Coverage is for 18months at about 2-3% above their normal rates.  I'd do research on the COBRA laws.  Our COBRA rate was $800, but compared to getting it on our own, that was a steal (in fact, because of my medical, we couldn't even get anyone to insure me and DH's allergies are not covered for 1 year).
Definitely check with you unemployment office, they should be able to help out and check with your doctor's office as they may work with you and give you "free samples" to help out.


That was the COBRA rate!! $1,100 a month!!


I got a quote for my entire family in PA through COBRA and came up with rates around $400/month.  Still pretty steep when you are unemployed and I didn't get to choose which carrier I would have.  Who knows what the rates in your state would be.
Get on the internet to look for temporary health insurance. is supposed to have decent rates with decent carriers.  Even if you have to switch carriers temporarily to save some money, it MIGHT be worth the extra hassle.  OR you could take a chance and just cover your children.  I checked on the above website and got a quote for Aetna health insurance for my 6 year old for $84/month.  Hope some of this helps.
And lastly, fight those insurance companies tooth and nail.  FORCE the issue with a manager's manager if you have to about the prescriptions.
Good luck!


We're in the same boat since my Dh was laid off mid Dec. We signed up immediately for COBRA (about $1000/month) and it is retroactive. You only have a limited period to sign up though so watch deadlines. You can always start COBRA and then cancel if you find another program. We were in this spot 2 years ago and found we really didn't have any choice. Although there is state insurance that covers low income families (which we would qualify for with only unemployment coming in), we wouldn't have the same level of medical coverage that we had previously. Also beware of pre-existing condition clauses if changing insurers (this could be a huge problem). For us the large COBRA expense is a necessity because our son requires very specialized doctors (few pediatric neurosurgeons have experience with his conditions). We have spent time/effort dealing with less experienced doctors and it's quite frightening to have a neurologist/neurosurgeon ask us what he should do or worse yet, have a doctor assume he knows what to do, when he's really clueless. We have heard many horror stories. Imagine having brain/spinal cord surgery under those conditions. I admire doctors (or any professional) who knows his/her limitations and isn't afraid to admit it and refer you to someone else...

To get back to your point, last layoff we paid out COBRA for one year before my DH found work again. It was a huge sacrifice. This time we're more concerned coz our savings were eaten up last time. I'm going to look into whether our state offers any financial help. SOmeone told me there's a state catatrophic illness fund that helps cover expenses. Not sure if we'd qualify, but I'm going to research what's out there. Perhaps your state has some funds available too. Rememer too that these medical expenses should be advantageous at tax time. Diane


Quote from: MPTDATI hope your right about the unemployment. My biggest problem now is the insurance. In order to keep the insurance we have now it is going to be $1,100 a month. Can you believe that?? We can't afford that. On top of that it was cut off the day he got fired. I thought that there was a law that said they had to keep you on until the end of the month?? We had my kids prescriptions refilled the day after he was fired and they "supposedly" covered it. Now they are telling us when all the paper work is finished we will owe them the entire amount. I have two boys, one with ADD and the other with ADHD. They are currently on Concerta, Straterra 40mg, Stratera 10mg, Desipramine and Zoloft. Right now they have enough medication to get through Thursday of this week. I was going to get it refilled today, but yesterday they told us that the computer shows we are covered, but we really aren't. I don't know what I am going to do. I know that I can't handle them without it.

GET A LAWYER TODAY.  It may save you tens of thousands of dollars.  It may get your husband's job back.  It will make the difference between unemployment and non-unemployment, and between COBRA and non-COBRA, and about whether or not you are insured now.

I can't emphasize enough.  You do not need free internet advice.  You need real professional advice, and you need it now.  Your husband should not speak to Costco again without a lawyer.

Austin (not a lawyer, nor do I play one on television)


For a famliy of 4, $1,100 per month to have the same coverage is a fantastic deal.  It may seem like a hardship, but this will pay for itself in time.  Costco must offer COBRA coverage.  It's the law.  By paying for the coverage, you are continuing your group coverage which is key to having the HIPAA law enforced.  The "portability" of the HIPAA law states (paraphrased) 'if you currently have group medical coverage & you change jobs, "pre-existing exclusion" clauses MUST be waived when you sign up for another group medical coverage."  Hence, if you drop your group coverage, you're leaving yourselves open with the gap of either waiting for group coverage through your DH's next job or, worse, never having a pre-existing condition covered with your next medical insurance, group coverage or otherwise.  Not a predictament you want to be in with your kids' conditions.

As for unemployment, here in Michigan, your DH will have a problem with coverage if Costco submits "fired/let go" on the determination form.  You cannot get unemployment payments if you were fired for insubordination.  My mom went to court 2x, once for the hearing & once for the appeal, when a former employee who was fired challenged the status of "fired" from my mom's business.  My mom said she probably spent more money on legal fees than the unemployment payments would have been.  However, under the circumstances (very ugly), there was no way she was going to let that woman get another dime.

It may be worth it for you all to check with the department of Labor & consult with someone who knows about the legalities of your DH's circumstances with Costco.  Don't know how much help they will be, but at least they will be able to give your DH an objective perspective in accordance with the labor laws.

I wish you all the best in your DH finding gainful employment soon.