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Gasoline prices

Started by Old Goat, Aug 16, 2005, 06:44 AM

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Old Goat

Whats the price of gasoline in your neck of the woods?...Will the higher prices effect your future camping plans?...Price of regular here in Shelby,NC is $2.59, up .09 cents since yesterday morning..............


When we left our campground in Cape Charles, VA on Saturday, we filled up at around $2.22.  When we got home late in the afternoon (we live near Reading, PA) prices were $2.51.  I think it was around $2.53 this morning.  Our prices usually are just a few cents below the national average.  I heard on the radio this morning that prices in some parts of Europe are over $6.



for unleaded regular. :swear:



$2.75 for reg. unleaded.  Went to Brentwood,Ca. yesterday and noticed that Premium was $3.15 !!!!


Gas in Ontario Canada is 99.7cents a litre which works out to roughly $4.00 a gallon for regular unleaded.
It is really starting to hurt everytime I fill up the truck.
Have a great one
Mike :canada:


Quote from: TufsterGas in Ontario Canada is 99.7cents a litre which works out to roughly $4.00 a gallon for regular unleaded.
It is really starting to hurt everytime I fill up the truck.
Have a great one
Mike :canada:

That sucks !!


Ours went from $2.23 to $2.35 to $2.47 in a week's time.  I now firmly believe it's all about the oil companies bleeding us dry.  I used to buy the "price has gone up, demand is high" line of bs, until I read about the record profits the oil companies have been making in recent years.  And I've never quite understood why the summer driving season should push the prices up, I mean it isn't a fluke, it happens every year, it should be part of the plan.

Lickily I've switched from driving my big Ford E150 all around town to a small more efficient Toyota Corolla.  And DH bicycles to work so he's even more fuel efficient than I am!


$2.599 on 'my' side of the Cities, Austin.

I stopped for gas this morning.  Budgeted $40.00.  Took $39.60 to fill the tank.  Whew!

Only 2 (maybe 3) more camping trips this season and they are all within a couple hours of home.  Not sure what this does to next year's road trip ~ yet.


High gas prices are not a temporary phenomenon. It *is* a supply and demand thing. All commodities are.
Summer season pushes prices up because people drive more. We're competing with emerging economies for the same finite resources.


Regular unleaded is about $2.59 here.

I budgeted $3.00 a gallon for our upcoming trip.  I figure I will be spending about $150 less for this 5500 mile trip than I did for my 11,000 mile trip last year.  $1650 verses $1800.

We considered not taking the trip this year but then figured we don't know what gas prices will be next year so we are going ahead anyways.

We bought the truck and Kiwi to travel when we retired but if the gas prices keep on going up, we may be doing more local camping next year.

OC Campers

It is $2.65 here at the cheapest station.  I don't know how it will affect our camping plans.  We don't have a trip planned till Labor Day weekend.  We have changed the way we drive though.  I try to do all my errands at once and I now drive the truck and dh drives my Odyssey (he has a 50 mile round trip commute).  

If we could fit the 3 kids and a dog in a Toyota Corolla I would be trading in the Odyssey today.  But the kids would bicker the whole time they are in the car.  Our Odyssey gets about 15 mpg around town vs. 30 for the Corolla.  I might just have to buy some ear plugs:D :p


Here in Charlotte, NC it is 2.59. It was only 2.39 a little over a week ago. I have recently bought a used Suzuki 259 motorcycle for the work commute. Calculations show about 67 mpg  :)  verses the F150 at 16mpg.

We just returned from a trip to PA with a one day skip up to Niagara and back. Total miles from home to back with all the sight seeing in between came out to just under 2,000 miles.  :eyecrazy:  I think I spent nearly 400.00 in gas.

With gas cost continuing to rise, not too many more trips like this are in the future. :(


it's about 2.71 my BIL Just arrived here from New Orleans and says it's about 2.31..we paid 2.98 in Yosemite last weekend.. not sure it will effect any camp plans


In a 2000 mile trip the difference of gas cost at $2.30's verses $2.70's is going to be less than a hundred bucks. Not enough to make me cancel a trip. Paid $2.79 in Winters, CA yesterday on my way back from Hat Creek. Did not mind it a bit compared to the great time I had camping with my family.
Dee said....  .. not sure it will effect any camp plans
I agree.


WoooHooo!!  CA has the highest gasoline prices in the country!!  The news channels are covering the latest gas prices, as high as $3.15 in Gorman, CA.  In Southern CA. the average price is about $2.85 right now.