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Tricks and Tips

Started by MomboTN, May 23, 2008, 11:31 AM

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We have some very experienced campers on this site.  I thought it might be a good idea to have people give their little tricks and tips that make it a little easier, safer and more fun to go camping.

For example:
I used to carry paper and some dry kindling to help in starting my campfires.  I try not to take too much from the campsite or surroundings so I brought my own.  After a couple nights or a bit of rain, the paper would get damp and not start as easily.  I have started to bring a bag of match light charcoal.  I can put a small pile down, put a match to it and it will burn long and hot enough to start a fire.

After having people walk into our awning tie downs (white cord) my daughter wrapped some pink string around them and no one has walked into them since.


A nice tip learned on PopUp message boards:

If you lose your Fleetwood entry key don't panic!  Just find another Fleetwood PopUp owner.  The keys are the same.


the whole campfire thing...   I have watched my brother-in-law more than once almost pass out on the fire blowing on the coals trying to get it moving...

this winter I learned a couple tricks...  one cotton balls and petroleum jelly make a great fire starter...   put some petroleum jelly  on the cotton balls and light them afire... they burn great.. helps you to get it going...  

of course I always have a small propane torch to, that works well, but more fun to watch brother-in-law blow his head off first...


Propane crockpot tip,,Low can be a hard boil after a few hours so I use these clips to raise pot away from burner and it's easier to simmer, works very well.


To help me get the fire started I always bring along a fire log and just chip off a piece with the hatchet. I've been working on one log for about 3 years, so the case I bought on clearance a long time ago should last for a very long time!


Quote from: MagdadTo help me get the fire started I always bring along a fire log and just chip off a piece with the hatchet. I've been working on one log for about 3 years, so the case I bought on clearance a long time ago should last for a very long time!

Thought about those last year when I saw them on sale....  think I might pick up a few...   mind you cotton balls don't add much weight to the set up...


We are by far, not experienced pup campers, but here is a link of tips I got off another site.  There are some good ideas here.
 Camping Tips


I save clothes dryer lint for starting fires.


Do you hate having ice melt in your cooler and leave you with everything swimming around in the melt water? Use some old plastic bottles from juice or some such thing. Fill them with water and freeze them solid. Put them in your cooler, and they'll keep everything ice cold for a couple of days without any ice melt water to foul up your cooler.



As Speakeasy mentioned - using frozen jugs of water is great for the cooler, and if small enough, they really aid the PUP fridge to cool faster!


A whole fire log works well, if you're in a picked over campground without any / very little kindling around.

Talk to the park attendant if you want a bunch of wood.  They might have a number of a "local guy" who'll bring you a bunch of nice split wood .. very cheaply (if you didn't bring your own - or want a ton of it).  We got two rows (stacked crosswise in a pickup truck - floor to slightly above the bed) for $20 .. nicely seasoned, hardwood (with some pine in there), split and stacked.  We'll be calling him for the 4th and for Labor Day (we love campfires and keep one going day around).

Pack extra underwear for the kids.  They'll need it (or they will go around with nasty undies / commando).  Pack extra socks for you.  In fact, pack extra shoes for yourself too!  

We take our shoes off outside the camper - but bring them in and set them on a carpet -- keeps camper cleaner.

Leave most clothes in the car if you have your camper's limit of people (i.e. you, your best friend and his wife, your kid and their two kids).  Cuts down on clutter!

Don't leave food in your PUP.  The ants go marching two by two .....

If you frequent a CG and it has long term caretakers, invite them for dinner / coffee / dessert / breakfast / lunch.  Invite early, invite often.  They will get to know you and take care of you, too.  They won't break the rules for you.  But they'll look out for you.

Same with the park rangers.  They might not eat - but most will enjoy standing there talking for a while with you.

Help a fellow camper out.  If they need something, advice, wood, friendly face, whatever.

Dunno .. just some of what I've learned..


One trick that was in the local paper a couple of years ago - freeze a block of ice in a cake pan and put this block in the bottom of the cooler before the food and other ice.  We tried it and it really helps the ice last longer.  I don't think it matters if you remove the ice from the cake pan or just put the whole thing in.  We have done it both ways with no noticeable difference.  And, it's flat enough that it doesn't take up much space.


Quote from: MotherNatureI save clothes dryer lint for starting fires.

Absoluetly...that's what I always use


Quote from: MagdadTo help me get the fire started I always bring along a fire log and just chip off a piece with the hatchet. I've been working on one log for about 3 years, so the case I bought on clearance a long time ago should last for a very long time!

Good one.  

I also am looking for a better way to clean up the cg.  I try and leave it cleaner than i found it.  But i don't like bending over to pick up those small cig butts and bottle caps.  I thought about putting a nail on the end of a stick or maybe some silver duct tape?  Any tips here?


Quote from: DrayGood one.  

I also am looking for a better way to clean up the cg.  I try and leave it cleaner than i found it.  But i don't like bending over to pick up those small cig butts and bottle caps.  I thought about putting a nail on the end of a stick or maybe some silver duct tape?  Any tips here?

Not any tips on the above except to get one of the mechanical arms to p/u trash with, but this is what we do. We always camp with the same friends. My brother-in-law and 2 other couples down the street. We all have 2 children each and we reward them with p/u any trash in the camp area. It is a miricle what Super Bubble bubble gum or a candy bar will still do for a child! They actually see who can p/u the most.