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Rally at Francis Lake- May 13-15.

Started by OC Campers, Feb 13, 2005, 07:41 PM

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Quote from: OC CampersWe are back from Francis Lake.  I hopw everyone had a great time.  We did.  As usual more food than anynoe person should consume.  It is back to my diet.

It was so much fun meeting all the new families.  The kids had a lot of fun with each other too.  I think one of the highlights of the trip was when a bunch of us went down to the swimming beach/boating dock and just hung out.  The kids played in the water and swam out to the raft.  They also played with the kayaks.  My kids will definately remember the kayaks.  
The weather was beautiful.  My only grumble was all the mosquitos.  I guess this is what happens with so much rain.  We made it home in under and hour and got everything unloaded before the rain showers hit.
Thanks again everyone for making this such a fun rally.  The campground was asking me if I wanted to reserve sites again next year.  If everyone is in agreement I will call in the fall and reserve the same sites for this same time next year.

That sounds great!  The Jarmans would love to have B5 again if it is possible.  We had so much fun!!  We had a blaste meeting every one. A speciale thanks to the gentalman that made the marshmellow bloweres.    How cool was that!!  Thanks for all your hard work and arganizeing every thing.  
                                     Sincerely The Jarmans


Donna and I want to thank Jacqui and everyone else who helped put this rally together [we had a wonderful time] and would love to return next year with the group. The campground was beautiful and everyone at the rally was great - the food, at the pot luck was, in my opinion, to die for.

From our home in Huntington Beach [SoCal] to Lake Francis was 490 miles. It was a long drive but well worth doing.

I'm working on a photo web page for the rally, I usually take a lot of pictures [everywhere I go], but, for some reason, on this trip, I only took eight photos. I saw several people at the rally with cameras, if any of you would like me to add your pictures to the page I'd be happy to do it. If you'll email me the pictures and the text you'd like inserted, I'll post them ASAP. I think it's a great way to show family and friends where you've been and what you've been up to.

My email address are and/or


We definitely also had a great time -- this time was even better than last (sugarloaf), since our roof actually stayed up!

It was nice to finally meet everyone, and the campground was one of the better ones we've been to in a long time... nice and peaceful, plenty of trees, and the lake.  Great margaritas, Dee!


We had such a fun time at Lake Francis!  It was a great campground, can't wait to go back.  It was nice to meet everyone and eat yummy food.  It was our puppy Casey's first camping trip, she seemed to love it and all the attention.

I guess the blue gills were starving, Emily caught her first fish, you could see them right off shore just waiting to be caught.  At least four different kids used my pole and caught fish with it.  It was a blast.  

I found a black motorolla clip for a phone or walkie talkie... let me know if anyone lost it and I'll mail it to you.  Well, take care.  Happy camping.

Max the Wonder Dog
Camping Casey the yellow pup