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HalfDome Hyjinx III

Started by calstate360, Aug 16, 2004, 04:14 PM

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I finally sifted through my 180+ pictures from this marevelous rally and posted them on my webshots page.  You can see them here

I have uploaded lower resolution pictures on webshots for faster computer loading times, but if anyone would like a copy of any of my pictures at their original high resolution, please feel free to let me know and I'll be happy to e-mail them to you.

OC Campers

Great pics Lori.  I will have to show them to Maffew tomorrow.:D



Yes, very nice pictures Lori.
I just wanted to let all you on-line supporters now that I have reached my weight loss goal as of last Friday (9/16/05) and have lost a total of 19 inches with 7 just in my abdomon! So by the time I see/meet my surgeon on Oct. 7th I will probably have lost more and he will more than likely schedule my Gastric By-Pass Surgery for sometime in November. I'm getting excited now!!! :D


Way to go girl. You take care and we're proud of what you've done. Since March I've lost almost 30 pounds and 5 inches. I've changed what I eat, the quantity and started exercising. I feel better also. I know you'll feel so much better after all this is done and you'll have a lot more energy. Best to you and Sal.


OC Campers

Quote from: Calstate361Yes, very nice pictures Lori.
I just wanted to let all you on-line supporters now that I have reached my weight loss goal as of last Friday (9/16/05) and have lost a total of 19 inches with 7 just in my abdomon! So by the time I see/meet my surgeon on Oct. 7th I will probably have lost more and he will more than likely schedule my Gastric By-Pass Surgery for sometime in November. I'm getting excited now!!! :D
Congrats Joan!!!  Keep up the good work.  Losing weight is one of the hardest tasks.  You can quit smoking for you health but you have to eat to survive.  Keep us posted on the surgery.


Very good job Joan!  Great to see it all going so well!  I salute your stick-to-it-tiviness (hey is that even a word???).


THANKS all, as I said, I'm getting excited now.   Once I see the Surgeon and hopefully have my surgery date scheduled, I'm thinking of posting a new thread just for my surgery so we don't have to keep posting here on this thread.
