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HalfDome Hyjinx III

Started by calstate360, Aug 16, 2004, 04:14 PM

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All are prayers are with you!!!!!!!!!  You can do it.  I know you can. Keep focused with a positive attitude and you can accomplish anything.We all want to see your after pictures.
Your support Group on line.


Joan, I like Dave's comment. This is your vertual support group. We're with you all the way.



Since we drove by these area's a little bit ago, I thought you'd be interested.

Yosemite Fire Crews Work To Extinguish Multiple Lightening Fires

Wednesday, August 17, 2005 - 04:20 PM

Sabrina Sabbagh News Anchor

Yosemite National Park, CA -- Fire crews rappelled from helicopters and scaled mountain trails yesterday to combat a dozen lightening fires burning near inhabited areas inside Yosemite National Park.

The fires were sparked yesterday by intense thunderstorms. Between five and six acres near Crane Flat and Foresta have been burned so far.

");//-->My brother was backpacking out of Tuolumne Meadows while we were there and he said they only got rained on in the late afternoon after they'd set up their tents. It cleared up about an hour later. He said the mesquitos were terrible.


Wow...was your Bro up there when we were??? too bad we didn't get to meet him.

I couldn't get the link to work, but maybe it's me


Dee, you are not the only one, I couldn't get the link to work either.  All I got was a blank page.  So sad to have some more of Yosemite burn up.  It's too pretty to waste that way.  BUT, it is natures way of cleaning house.

THANKS all of you for the on-line support.  I will keep you posted.  There is a lady here at work that was about my same size and weight and she has lost 125 lbs.   She's my model.  Everyone here at work knows about it also so I not only have you all, but everyone here at work.  AND of course, Sal keeps telling everyone how proud of me he is....
I'm getting jittery now!


Wow! Fire!  I am glad it didn't happen when we where up there.  Any way I couln't get it to work either!!  Bummer!! That would have been intresting to see.  Joan:  You have all my prayers to give you strength.   I don't know to much about it but it sounds narly!!  It is good to here you are looseing wait.  Not an easy task!!  You go girl!!!  



I think I found the "missing link" :

to the Yosemite fire, but there was only the briefest of news there.

Also Joan as you know I've been through the surgery and can tell you that the jittery feeling is normal.  It really gets bad the day they set "the date" of your surgery (at least for me it was) .  But just keep in mind that the goal makes the trip worthwhile.  If you have any questions or need any advice just email me.


How about this?
Yosemite fire crews work to extinguish multiple lightening fires.
The Associated Press
(Updated Wednesday, August 17, 2005, 6:10 PM)

YOSEMITE NATIONAL PARK, Calif. (AP) - Fire crews rappelled from helicopters and scaled mountain trails Wednesday to combat a dozen lightening fires burning near inhabited areas inside Yosemite National Park.
The fires, which were sparked by Tuesday afternoon's intense thunderstorms, burnt between five and six acres near Crane Flat and Foresta, a community of about 200 people.
"Anytime we have these lightening fires with dry conditions, there is a potential for them to go into a developed area," said Scott Gediman, a park ranger. "We've been fighting them aggressively, and they're just about out."
One of the lightening fires came close to the Yosemite Institute, an outdoor education program in Crane Flat, park officials said. The blazes burnt down dozens of cedars and pine trees inside the park, and ignited trees in the Sierra National Forest, just outside the park below Yosemite Flat.
Gediman said 60 Yosemite firefighters began attacking the blazes mid-afternoon Tuesday. Crews descended on ropes into the fires armed with axes to chop down smoldering trees, as the rain that accompanied the storm dampened the underbrush.
"Most of them were just one or two burning trees, but this was a lot of concentrated strikes at one time," he added.

It needed you to sign up for free, and if you sign up for one bee you get them all.


Quote from: GwenzillaAlso Joan as you know I've been through the surgery and can tell you that the jittery feeling is normal.  It really gets bad the day they set "the date" of your surgery (at least for me it was) .  But just keep in mind that the goal makes the trip worthwhile.  If you have any questions or need any advice just email me.

I'm thinking about having my Jaw wired shut..Dan likes that idea :J

seriously...we're with ya 100% and will be in our prayers. I have a couple of friends who have done it and have been happy...and soon you will be Very happy


Thanks all for the kudos.  I'll keep you all posted.   Thanks George/Granzella for the extra help.  After talking with you 2 years ago was when I decided I would try to go for it.  As I said before, I have a lot of help here at work also.  It's great to have so many nice wishes and friends.



Quote from: Dee4jWow...was your Bro up there when we were??? too bad we didn't get to meet him.
I couldn't get the link to work, but maybe it's me
My brother drove by us at 6:30 AM. He and the 5 "kids" were on the trail by 8 AM out of Tuolumne Meadows. He looked trimmer than a few weeks ago when I saw him. After looking at El Capitan, I don't understand why he likes sleeping 2000' in the air. He says it's fun. He has plans to climb El Capitan next year, but during cooler weather.


Quote from: oldmooseMy brother drove by us at 6:30 AM. He and the 5 "kids" were on the trail by 8 AM out of Tuolumne Meadows. He looked trimmer than a few weeks ago when I saw him. After looking at El Capitan, I don't understand why he likes sleeping 2000' in the air. He says it's fun. He has plans to climb El Capitan next year, but during cooler weather.

6:30 am  :eyecrazy:  :morning:  I didn't even have my alarm set until
8 am ;)  :J


Quote from: griffsmomMe too, I promise! :)
Okay Lori, I've got to ask ... did Brandy break your camera?  I heard that you took some pics of her digging in the sand when we were in the valley.  If I beg real nice will you post them?  Thanks!



Hi Laura!!

I do have a bunch of really cute pictures of Brandy, but I've been lazy about going through the pictures and uploading them.  I've been trying to finish a scarf/shawl that I'm knitting for my mom and it seems that I can't do more than one thing at a time.  :o
I promise I'll post my Yosemite pictures within the next couple of days.  Also, if you want me to e-mail them to you, I'd be happy to do that was well.  Thanks for putting up with me (and my laziness!!) :)


Quote from: griffsmomHi Laura!!

I do have a bunch of really cute pictures of Brandy, but I've been lazy about going through the pictures and uploading them.  I've been trying to finish a scarf/shawl that I'm knitting for my mom and it seems that I can't do more than one thing at a time.  :o
I promise I'll post my Yosemite pictures within the next couple of days.  Also, if you want me to e-mail them to you, I'd be happy to do that was well.  Thanks for putting up with me (and my laziness!!) :)

WHAT??? :yikes: can't do more than one thing at once... I thought you were the Queen of muti-tasking :eyecrazy: ...