RE: Lake Chabot Negative Buoyancy Rally (1/17-1/19/03)

Started by gsm x2, Jan 05, 2003, 08:39 PM

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Red neff Barchetta

 ab diverLarry/CWB - Yeah, we didn t miss you at all!  Just kidding.  Funny how you re not surprised at the rest of us for chugging, lol!  I guess Nick was the only one who still had you fooled.  Btw, I noticed he didn t chug until his parents headed home, ha.  Nice people.
 Seriously, you & Veronica were missed and we better see you at Olema " Mr. Man" !
 Brian - Very cool that we are in the " ring" !  NNC looks terrific too!  Can we have the " C-O-U-G-H"  come out of the frog s mouth?

Ab Diver

 ab diverHey y all, glad you had a great time. Love the pics. Let s hope the weather holds out for us next month. Now if we could just get some of our newest members to post a bit " so s we can get s to know s them some"  before Olema. Think we ve scared them off?


 ab diverWell we had a great extra day, the place was quiet all day. No more scooters zipping around.  We had a great time seeing all of you again.   When the Raiders won we could hear the roar from the city, still not sure if it was fireworks or gun shots. from Oakland you can never be sure though.
 Well the camper is put away for another week, then I ll take it up north when I go to Washington.  
 Good to see you all, and see the group is still growing.  Welcome to all the new members, may Nick-Neff-Cough keep growing!

Hybrid Holly

 ab diverHi Everyone.  What a great time!  Go Raiders!   Are we going to have a letter writing " rally"  to Bay Area Regional Parks about the motor scooters?


 ab diver
QuoteNow if we could just get some of our newest members to post a bit " so s we can get s to know s them some"  before Olema. Think we ve scared them off?

 Hmmm... am I a new member yet?  Yeah... y all are mighty scary.. specially cause you re soooooooo normal looking!!!   [;)]
 We didn t have the nerve to show up at lake chabot without full hookups.  Just not feeling that brave yet.  Although, it looks like we missed some great fun!  We did take the poptop out to Castanoga.  It was sterile but perfect for newbies and our last minute decision to go.  Although if yuppies make your skin crawl, you might think twice about going yourself.  
 I guess the most intimidating thing about the bunch of you is the cooking you do!  At least you seem to have your priorities straight!  We re still trying to arrive without forgetting the blankets!  I m not naming names or anything... it s just hard to imagine someone forgetting blankets!!!!  I remedied that by buying some new ones and leaving them inside the PU.  
 Who s child is Makayla s?  How old is she?  Will she be at Olema Ranch?  At least those are the questions imiportant to my daughter.  
 And as far as the motor scooters go... I m not hip to what s happening... but since they were passing out free scooters at the RV show (for all us new buyers) you may be seeing even more of them out and about.  
 Oh... and there s a teacher guy named Doug we met in the middle of the road out near Butano SP.  He said he just bought a Bayside and never heard of you folks.  I passed on this website and hopefully he ll join this group as he seemed mighty friendly.  
 Oh... and I just wanted to tell y all that I didn t know what D3, 2 or 1 was on my Honda Odessy (till this weekend) and that things (such as climbing hills and going down them) are working out very, very well.  I m still going to take Ab-Divers recommendation and head out to the scales some time to assess the situation more scientifically... but I think we re doing fine as far as weight limits and whatnot.  We must be just on the edge.  The Honda tech said we could load up the car with two adults and stuff and still tow 3500lbs.  So far so good.  I imagine the low profile of a pop top helps reduce wind resistance and drag on the vehicle.  
 Hope you dont mind the rambling but I took Ab Diver s comments as an invite!
 duanefamily mamma


QuoteWe didn t have the nerve to show up at lake chabot without full hookups. Just not feeling that brave yet. Although, it looks like we missed some great fun! We did take the poptop out to Castanoga. It was sterile but perfect for newbies and our last minute decision to go. Although if yuppies make your skin crawl, you might think twice about going yourself.

 SSHhh!!! How did you find out about that place?! That s supposed to be Surfcal s top secret hideaway. I thought he only told ME!
QuoteI guess the most intimidating thing about the bunch of you is the cooking you do! At least you seem to have your priorities straight!  

 Actually, Sammyslave and Nick cook. The rest of us eat! Just kidding, we all bring something to the potluck. But there s nothing in the NNC bylaws that states it has to be homecooked! <YET?>
QuoteWho s child is Makayla s? How old is she? Will she be at Olema Ranch? At least those are the questions imiportant to my daughter.

 That s Nick s brother s little girl. His name is Dave. They are new to the group and this was their first campout. Nick, isn t he looking at getting a hybrid or something?
QuoteAnd as far as the motor scooters go... I m not hip to what s happening... but since they were passing out free scooters at the RV show (for all us new buyers) you may be seeing even more of them out and about.

 These weren t the kind of scooters that you would get for free. They were gasoline powered motor scooters...and there were four of them...all riding at the same time.[: (]. Oh well, you gotta tolerate those things every once in a while.
QuoteOh... and there s a teacher guy named Doug we met in the middle of the road out near Butano SP. He said he just bought a Bayside and never heard of you folks. I passed on this website and hopefully he ll join this group as he seemed mighty friendly.

 I m not surprised he hasn t heard of us. We re kind of hard to find! We don t show up in search engines and we re working on that. If he hasn t stumbled across PUT, chances are he s never heard of us.
QuoteOh... and I just wanted to tell y all that I didn t know what D3, 2 or 1 was on my Honda Odessy (till this weekend) and that things (such as climbing hills and going down them) are working out very, very well. I m still going to take Ab-Divers recommendation and head out to the scales some time to assess the situation more scientifically... but I think we re doing fine as far as weight limits and whatnot. We must be just on the edge. The Honda tech said we could load up the car with two adults and stuff and still tow 3500lbs. So far so good. I imagine the low profile of a pop top helps reduce wind resistance and drag on the vehicle.

 Glad it s working out, especially since you climb up and over the Santa Cruz mountains. [:D].
QuoteHope you dont mind the rambling but I took Ab Diver s comments as an invite!

 We certainly don t! It s the best way for us to get to know you [:D]. When we say " Jump right in"  we mean it!


 Just wanted to let everyone know Josh caught a bad case of poisen oak this weekend at Chabot.  Has it all over and internally.  Poor guy is miserable.


 SactoCampersNick, Please tell Josh how sorry I am to hear that!!!![: (]
 I think Sadie has some.  She has several little bumps that are not ticks.  I keep looking at them mystified, but now I wonder if that is what she has.  She and Josh spent a good deal of time rolling around together.  Maybe she picked it up on her fur hiking around and gave it to him.  But then you d think Lon and I would have it too.  Lon is pretty sesitive to it.  
 How did he get it internally?  Was someone burning it?  I know he didn t eat it![: (]
 Well, give him my best, poor guy.  
 hugs, Dianne

gsm x2

 SactoCampersYikes---poor Josh.  I hope he feels better.  Hardly anything worse than poison oak.
 I have heard of people getting it internally by breathing it in brush fires.  How badly did he get it?  Is it in his lungs?
 Huge hugs to him and a small rub disguising a scratch.
 gsm x2


 NickPoor Josh!  I remember once my grandmother getting poison ivy internally when she was burning it.   Do you think we could have burned some?  Did he get a shot of prednizone or whatever they use these days?  Poor Sadie too!  I have something on my leg and thot it was skeeter bites, but now I m wondering.  The itching has been intense, but then you know how I am with that itching stuff.


 duanefamilyduanefamily, welcome to the Nick-Neff-Coughers.  Glad to see the club growing more and more. Don t worry about the group, they are a very very welcoming group of fine folks.  Makes me feel good when I see new folks join in and feel right at home, right away too I might add.

The Memory Maker

 ab diver
QuoteHmmm... am I a new member yet? Yeah... y all are mighty scary.. specially cause you re soooooooo normal looking!!!
From that statement, it is obvious that you have not had the pleasure of meeting(or hearing) CWB and his racoon mating call (does anyone still have gsmx2 s sound link?) This guy is about the furthest thing from being normal. AND he still holds that grudge for me not taking his xmas card photo back at Del Valle!!
 Don t worry, you ll fit right in!!
 CWB- you know I m only pulling your one good leg
 NNC ers-
 I m glsd to see and read that a great time was had by all at Chabot, We re looking forward to Olema!!
 Only 32 days till Olema!!

Ab Diver

 SactoCampersduanefamily mamma, glad you survived your second trip. You ll be an old hand at this in no time. We ve had several people sign up for Olema, way back in the year Two Thousand and Two Ay-Dee, that we haven t heard from again, so I wasn t talking about you. But I m glad you jumped into the forum. Nice bunch of folks at NNC... just the usual suspects, ya know?[;)]
 Total bummer about Josh. I used to get it so bad as a kid, my eyes would close shut. Then I kinda got used to it, and built up an immunity. Now as an adult, I don t trasp (is that a word?) all over the hills every day after school, and I lost my immunity. Poison Oak is one of those miserable things that never should have made it off God s " to do"  list. [;)]

gsm x2

 I thought about you a couple times this weekend wondering if you were going to swing by and say, " Hi."
 Glad to see you made even better use of your time by heading out on trip #2.
 Really looking forward to seeing you at Olema.
 And all I can say about the craziness and zanyness of this group is, we sure do like to laugh a lot.
 Oh yeah---I guess I have the Larry, the Raccoon Annoyer webpage
 What is it with the flashlight anyway?  It somehow reminds me of Monica in " Touched By an Angel" .  NOTE TO CWB---When spotlighting raccoons, point the light into the EYES.
 gsm x2


 SactoCampersHey folks, I m back from frigid Buffalo.  I got there and it s was 10 degrees and dipped to below zero the next day.  Makes our weekend at Lake Chabot seem like a walk in a warm park.  I had a lot of fun with ya ll, as usual.
 As for the new folks, don t even bother to ramp up, as soon as you join, just hit the ground running.  The whole group is like a running conversation, just join right in and drop out anytime.  It s the beauty of the group.  Take the MemoryMaker, he only chimes in between celeberity bashes.  Or CWB, he breaks into action here and there, even when his TM is in the shop.  Calstate360, you don t hear from his steadily, but just about when you wonder where he is, he shows up.
 And not to beat a dead horse, but have you noticed, Nick killed another thread, the Lake Chabot Wine, Cheese and Fruit tasting thread.
 Sactocampers, nice job on getting us included in the Webring.  Is that like a Lord of the Rings stuff?  And maybe, you ll share how we can get hits on Google, Mr. Google star.
 And GSM X2, I just changed the subject from Dixie Dregs to Lake Chabot, it seemed more appropriate.
 Good to see all in the active mode.  Just thought I d check in.  I haven t done my share of rabble rousing lately.