RE: " Wave n at da Beach" Nor-Cal Mini-Rally!

Started by otter, May 07, 2003, 01:09 AM

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QuoteORIGINAL:  SactoCampers
 G-Whiz, I don t know if beer is an acquired taste. I suppose it is, but I still can t get myself to drink coffee so go figure. I guess some tastes you acquire and others you don t [;)]. Don t know why I like beer so much...I just do. I even like non-alcoholic beer.

 That is analogous to my liking of veggie burgers.  I am a carnivore, but I like veggie burgers.


QuoteORIGINAL:  SactoCampers
 G-Whiz, I don t know if beer is an acquired taste. I suppose it is, but I still can t get myself to drink coffee so go figure. I guess some tastes you acquire and others you don t [;)]. Don t know why I like beer so much...I just do. I even like non-alcoholic beer. Jeff is married to Sierra Nevada Pale Ale. That s definitely a good one, but perhaps a little too robust for a beginner. I would suggest something a little lighter, perhaps with a little sweetness to ease the psychological transition from wine to beer. I recommend you start with Pyramid Apricot Ale. It s available just about anywhere and is a good introduction for a  female wine drinker into the world of microbrews. Mrs. Sactocampers doesn t really like beer, but she ll drink Bud Light and Pyramid Apricot Ale.

 Acquiring a taste for coffee these days is much easier than when I started drinking it.  Today you can get ice blended drinks, lattes, cappuccino, etc.  All can be topped off with whipped cream.  Mexican and Irish coffees are good, too.  My first coffees had cream (the real stuff) and sugar added, but now I take it straight and don t really care for the sweeter drinks.  Hey, that s pretty much my wine experience too!  So, I think you are probably right about starting with a little sweetness.
QuoteMrs. Sactocampers doesn t really like beer, but she ll drink Bud Light and Pyramid Apricot Ale.

 She ll drink it, but does she enjoy drinking it?  I ll drink a latte, but I would enjoy a cafe au lait with lots of foam.


QuoteORIGINAL:  Surfcal
 I am a carnivore, but I like veggie burgers.

 I believe that the correct term in your (and my) case is a (tri) Tipivore, and I am proud to say that you are in an ever growing circle of  vores.


QuoteShe ll drink it, but does she enjoy drinking it?

 I don t think so. Here s how it goes: The Sactocampers decide they want to go camping. Sactocamper tells the misses he s going to the store to get food and beer for the weekend. Mrs. Sactocamper insists that Sactocamper buys Bud Light, even though Sactocampers would prefer Sierra Wheat, Full Sail Amber, Killians Red (it was on sale recently for $4.99 so I bought a six-pack. I forgot how good it was), Sierra Pale Ale, or anything else on sale. Sactocampers relents and buys a 6-pack of Bud Light at full price. The Sactocampers go camping and five Bud Lights are consumed. Five by Sactocamper, none by Mrs. Sactocamper.
 Another version of the story would have Mrs. Sactocamper drinking 1/2 a Bud Light. I can t wait till she gets pregnant again so I don t have to share beer selection authority with her!

QuoteKillians Red

 Definitely one of my favorites.  I don t drink much beer anymore, but when I do I enjoy the darker or redder ones.  It is always fun to go to the  real  local breweries where they actually make the blends on site and taste.  Very much like wine tasting.  
 I grew up on Narragansette Beer, brewed, bottled and sold in my home town.  In those days most every area had their own label.  Then the big guys bought them all out, standardized the taste, added water (lite) and upped the price. That s when I went to the English stouts and John Courage types.  Now, I wish I could consume more with so many locals around again.  I have a 4oz  taster  glass that I use,  sharing  Lon s beer.  Such a glass would be a great gift for Ms. Sactocamper!!!
 We can buy Kona Longboard Ale cheaper here at Bevrages and More than we can at the brewery in Kona! go figure.  

That d be me.


 Good to hear from ya man.  I haven t been on the boards in the past few weeks and in the last couple of days I ve been on, I haven t seen you.  Good to learn that you had a great time.  And just wait until you get back east.
QuoteORIGINAL:  Civil_War_Buff
QuoteORIGINAL:  Surfcal
 I am a carnivore, but I like veggie burgers.

 I believe that the correct term in your (and my) case is a (tri) Tipivore, and I am proud to say that you are in an ever growing circle of  vores.

 And regarding the above, I actually look forward to places that serve veggie burgers well.  Veggie burger cuisine is an art.  But when you and I camp together, we re " Tipivores"  and we will eat someone else s tri-tip anytime!  You betcha.  I m not picky.


 griffsmomYou know, I have never had a veggie burger! I will have to see how it stacks up...I may decide at some point to add a few years to my life...who knows.
 Ah, but yes my friend, I will gladly devour Ralph s tri-tip (well, anyone s actually) without much provocation.
 Chakka sauce is pure heaven in a brown bottle, not beer!! At least from MY perspective.


 Well, do you remember my little delivery to the Raider game with 300 pounds of oysters?  Well, that was for Chakka.

Hybrid Holly

QuoteAaw, thanks. You re not so bad yourself.

 Neff, maybe you should switch to near beer...
 CWB, how d the Roaring Camp weekend go?
 I think I am in for one night at Fort Bragg.  I m going to try the Surfcal method of truck camping.  


 griffsmomHey Holly,
 Good to see you here on the boards.  Easy to do truck camping when you have the support of other pop-uppers.  For the most part, I m sure the cooking will be done at Ab Diver s area.  And at El Chorro, when we all had to contribute something, my dessert contribution was a package of Hostess Twinkies which eliminated the use of pots and pans.
 The campfire will be done at some central area.  All of us tend to visit other people at every one else s site.  So really, truck camping is also ideal during rallies.  No one really spends any time inside the camper for any length of time because there s so many people to see and yet so little time.
 There s my perspective on truck camping.


QuoteORIGINAL:  Surfcal
 Hey Holly,
 Good to see you here on the boards.  Easy to do truck camping when you have the support of other pop-uppers.  For the most part, I m sure the cooking will be done at Ab Diver s area.  And at El Chorro, when we all had to contribute something, my dessert contribution was a package of Hostess Twinkies which eliminated the use of pots and pans.
 The campfire will be done at some central area.  All of us tend to visit other people at every one else s site.  So really, truck camping is also ideal during rallies.  No one really spends any time inside the camper for any length of time because there s so many people to see and yet so little time.
 There s my perspective on truck camping.

 That is so true Surfcal.  I ve never really thought of it that way.  Thanks for that input.
 P.S.  That post is history making.  The first guy to respond to his own post.

Ab Diver

 Red neff BarchettaA cat supposedly has 9 lives!
 Holly, so glad you decided to join us for an evening!
 All this talk about brewskis... are we going to have a taste-off? I ve got a brand I ve never tried before, but it has an incredible name (it was given to me a couple weeks ago). Let s just say the bottle s label states: " You re not worthy" . If you ve ever read this on a beer bottle, then you know which beer I mean. I ll bring it along and we can all have a sample.
 G-Whiz... bummer you can t make it. My brother works in a winery, and I d bring some red " just for you" . What s your fav type? Cab, Merlot, Pinot? I ll bring a bottle of it to the Gold Rush.
QuoteFor the most part, I m sure the cooking will be done at Ab Diver s area.

 Ray, let s hope the ocean cooperates. Otherwise, the only cooking at my site will consist of opening brewskis and asking who wants what on their Bernillo s pizza.[;)]  --- Naw, I wouldn t let this weekend go by without sacrificing some cow (ox) just for you and the other carnivores, myself included. (insert *licking chops* smiley)

Ab Diver

QuoteYou know, I have never had a veggie burger! I will have to see how it stacks up

 Larry, you know where veggie burgers come from, don t you? We all know hamburger comes from cows (oxen), and you see them in the fields next to the road. Well, veggie burgers also come from those " veggie cows"  you see in the fields... you ll recognize them from their rectangular appearance. They usually stand in rows, equally spaced apart in their fields. Sometimes the whole herd is rounded up and stacked up in one location of the field before being shipped off to the veggie burger packing houses. And you thought they were just bales of hay!
 (the above was my youngest s theory on the origination of veggie burgers several years ago after she found out hamburgers come from cows. Ah, the logic of young children always brings a smile to my face)


 Ab Diver
QuoteORIGINAL:  Ab Diver
QuoteFor the most part, I m sure the cooking will be done at Ab Diver s area.

 Ray, let s hope the ocean cooperates. Otherwise, the only cooking at my site will consist of opening brewskis and asking who wants what on their Bernillo s pizza.[;)]  --- Naw, I wouldn t let this weekend go by without sacrificing some cow (ox) just for you and the other carnivores, myself included. (insert *licking chops* smiley)

 Dave, I ll bring my small grill over to your site, or some designated site and it ll be the social center where we can consolidate some of the cooking, at least the barbequeing.
 And, I have a generous offer here to all attendees.  If any of you would like me to cook your tri-tip, I will be more than happy to do that for you as a service of Nick-Neff-Cough.  That will free you up from having to stand over a hot grill and get smoke in your eyes.
 This group is just delightfully helpful.