RE: " Wave n at da Beach" Nor-Cal Mini-Rally!

Started by otter, May 07, 2003, 01:09 AM

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 Since you re over here reading this thread, do you know the status of Debbie and Lorri for the Gold Rush Rally. I e-mailed you regarding this but you haven t responded. It may have gone to Sal s e-mail [;)][;)].
 If you think they still want to come, please have them contact me ASAP. Time s slipping by, unless they just want to reserve a site on their own. On Friday the 13th, I will submit our final roster and release back those reserved sites that went unused. So they could still come last minute and be very close to us, their reservation just wouldn t go through me. I have acutally reserved site 225 for them, because I was expecting them to contact me. Either way, just let me know.


 Red neff Barchetta
QuoteORIGINAL:  Red neff Barchetta
 If anyone s cell phone works the last 80 miles to the rally let me know who your carrier is!  I m sure my last possible call will be in the Cloverdale area.
 I ve got Verizon and it doesn t even work out at the Sonoma county coast area.  Drives me nuts, but the thought of switching 6 phones over to a new provider drives me even more nuts.
 Guess I ll have to look around the house and find my calling card, lol!  Sure love the free long distance on the cell phone.

 Can you hear me now???  I totally thot that when TOS and I signed up for Verizon, we were told that there were only a couple of places in the US where I phones would not work.  They brought out these fancy maps showing us the coverage area stating that AT&T (not be be confused with ATT) wasn t as good because they (AT&T) were using the Verizon towers/satellites (whatever).  HA!  I also thot he said that if we were ever in an area where our phone didn t work that we would be credited on our account.  Do you know if that s true?  It should be, but so far I haven t challenged it because of the time it takes to deal with those type of issues.  So, I just let it go, but then when I m having one of those days, I get to thinking of how easy we, the consumers, let these big companies off the hook (good, unintended pun there) by not saying anything.
 Ok, now I m on my soapbox for a minute.  The other day in a popular office supply store, I bought 5 things.  ALL of them rang up incorrectly on the register.  Three of the items were $12.99 each (marked on the shelves very clearly).  They rang up as $15.44, $15.44 and $12.94.  The other items were $27.98 each or 2 for $43.00.  They rang up for the $27.98 each with no discount given.  It took us half an hour to check out due to having to correct all the mistakes.  In Michigan if a purchase scans in incorrectly, the customer receives a reward from the store.  I think it s like 10 times the purchase price or 10 times the amount of the mistake or something like that.  The store stands to lose ALOT of money if their data entry person makes mistakes and it also keeps the stores honest.  I guess there is no law like that here in California, so that particular store is making $16.60 on each purchase exactly like mine unless the customer brings it to their attention.
 Well, that s my beef (and it ain t no tri-tip) of the day.  I better go meditate now before I get all worked up.


 otterSacto, just reading the boards before I leave work.  Yes, you sent the e-mail to Sal.  When I m home I don t get on the computer there.  All 3 computers are his and I don t touch any of them!  I did send Lori and Debbie an e-mail when Sal told me you contacted him.  I talked to Debbie, and her and Jack will not be going.  Debbie said that Lori is still making up her mind and was going to contact you.  Since our offices moved I don t see Lori any more, she is in another building.  It is up to you what you want to do.  I would cancel their reservation and let Lori worry about it if she decides to come alone.  She is a big chicken and will probably not come without Debbie and Jack.  Sorry about the hassel.


QuoteORIGINAL:  Calstate361
 Sacto, just reading the boards before I leave work.  Yes, you sent the e-mail to Sal.  When I m home I don t get on the computer there.  All 3 computers are his and I don t touch any of them!  I did send Lori and Debbie an e-mail when Sal told me you contacted him.  I talked to Debbie, and her and Jack will not be going.  Debbie said that Lori is still making up her mind and was going to contact you.  Since our offices moved I don t see Lori any more, she is in another building.  It is up to you what you want to do.  I would cancel their reservation and let Lori worry about it if she decides to come alone.  She is a big chicken and will probably not come without Debbie and Jack.  Sorry about the hassel.

 Thanks Joan. No problem, I just wanted to know what their plans were. See you at the Rally!
 ....and now back to your regularly scheduled programming.....

 otterOK It finally happened! Robucko is back, and with a vengeance. I did learn to log on but as yet don t know what else to do. I am over at AB DIVER S, he s showing me a few tricks, that should be a kick in the a--!
 So glad to be back among the inteligencia(?) again. Looking forward to seeing those brave souls at Cleone!
 Remember how warm it was, NOT at Bodega? AB guarantees a perfect weekend!!!
 See you all soon and I will shortly be my usual big mouth again.
 HI, Dave!


 I do agree you have a big mouth.  But more so, you have a biigger heart.  I am so stoked you are coming.  And when you come back to the boards, keep striking those keys and welcome back...with a vengeance.
 Say hi to Nancy for us.

 SurfcalOk, I got my house back. Jeeze, I thought that guy would NEVER leave!  [;)]
 Jerry, so glad you finally made it back. I know how tough it s been, so here s to a new year, a new back, a new forum, and a new puter! And to think, you ll be rejoining our little community and attending a rally at almost at the same time. How s that for charging right out of the gate, Cougher s?
 So, I *officially* Welcome you to the " Wave n at da Beach"  rally, and also Welcome you back to PUT. Hugs from our family to yours, Bro.

 SurfcalOtter-Fam and Surfcal--- tomorrow is the day for you! Hope your trips are safe, uneventful, and surprise-free. Please give me a call if there is anything specific you think I should bring on Friday (short of a pink elephant... I m running out of space). I ve been stuck inland this week, so I can t say what the ocean looks like. I ll try to get there as early as possible Friday, although robucko should get an earlier start than I.
 See ya in a couple days!

Ab Diver

 SurfcalDOH!!!   Might help if I logged in. The above two posts were mine.
 See robucko, you ve only been back a few minutes, and already you re rabble-rousing other members. Getting me to forget to log-in was subtle, but brilliant. [;)]


 SurfcalRed " neff"  Barchetta and others:
 I was just looking in the guide book and quote, " there is a beachfront ride on the Old Haul Road Trail from from Fort Bragg at MacKerricher State Park which follows a long stretch of the northern Mendocino beachfront, including the Ten Mile Beach area.  It is a level and easy ride, variable in length depending on where you start and how far you decide to go."    This might be an ideal ride with Austen.
 And Ab Diver, for boating/canoeing (and kayaking?):
 Here s what the guidebook says:  ...the Noyo at one time attracted canoers looking for a lovely, lazy, efflortless drift upstream.  Those with their own canoes should put in at the end of North Harbor Rd. near Casa Del Noyo.  Those without canoes are out of luck since the only canoe rental in the village has gone out of business.
 For all the drinkers:
 North Coast Brewing Company:  This homey brewpub is the most happening place in town, especially at happy hour, when the bar and dark wood tables are occupied by boisterous locals.  444 Main Street.  (707) 964-3400.
 For all foodies:
 The Restaurant:  One of the oldest family-run restaurants on the coast, this small, unpretentious Fort Bragg landmark is known for its good dinners and Sunday brunches.  The eclectic menu offer dishes from just about every corner of the planet.
 Just a little insight into our next destination.

Ab Diver

QuoteOld Haul Road Trail from Fort Bragg at MacKerricher State Park

 Yeah, a great ride along the beach. Very do-able, even for the rawest of beginners.
Quotethe Noyo at one time attracted canoers looking for a lovely, lazy, efflortless drift upstream.

 Never thought about drifting up the Noyo, but Big River (about 15 minutes south on Hwy.1 at Mendocino village, you ll cross it if you drive up Hwy. 1 from Hwy. 128) has 7 miles of great river to see by canoe before you reach the first obstacle. The tidal flow takes you a LONG way back. You can see old logging machinery, wildlife, lots of trees, etc. And one of the things I ve wanted to do for a long time is drift the river at night-- on a new moon with thick cloud cover (Blacker than Black). Cuz then the disturbance of your canoe and your paddles in the water cause the plankton to phosphoresce. I ve only seen it a couple of times while crabbing at night, and that was without a full black-out night. It was totally cool. In total blackness it would be even cooler.
 You can still rent kayaks at the dive shop in Ft. Bragg. If someone is interested, I m sure we can find a canoe or three.
 North coast Brewing Company---  Need I say more?[;)]
 The Restaurant-- There is also Jenny s Giant Burger, right next to the bowling alley, and Capt. Flint s down at the harbor.
 By the way, anybody ever been to Elk Snout, Or.? Well, you will be able to say *yes* after this weekend. That was the fictional town in the movie " Overboard" , with Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn. Quite a few places in the city of Ft. Bragg, as well as the harbor, were used for location shooting. And that " house"  they lived in?... It s real. I delivered to that place before they choose it for the movie. Believe it or not, they actually cleaned the place up before filming!

Red neff Barchetta

 SurfcalRay -
 Sounds good!  Austen is really looking forward to a ride.
 Ray & Dianne (& Lon) -
 Travel safely tomorrow.  I ll see you hopefully by mid-morning on Friday.  If you re all gone checking out the area, I ll be sure to rummage through your stuff.


 SurfcalYou take the high road and we ll take the low road!  Have a fantastic weekend.  TOS and I will be thinking of you while we partake in some SCC fun down Temecula way.  The Hot Air Balloon Festival is going on down there so it s up, up and away for a terrific weekend.  Be safe everybody!  And HI Robucko.  Welcome back.


QuoteTOS and I will be thinking of you while we partake in some SCC fun down Temecula way.

 Enjoy, enjoy.  You will be missed.  I don t think we have been to a rally without you.   There will be an empty spot!
 Enjoy the weekend.


 Red neff Barchetta[>:]
QuoteDianne (& Lon) -
 Travel safely tomorrow. I ll see you hopefully by mid-morning on Friday. If you re all gone checking out the area, I ll be sure to rummage through your stuff.

 We plan to leave early and hope to get there in the early afternoon.  Getting thru the bay area is always trickly and unpredictable.  [:o]
 See you all there.[:)][:)][:)][:)]