RE: " Wave n at da Beach" Nor-Cal Mini-Rally!

Started by otter, May 07, 2003, 01:09 AM

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QuoteRay, will you join Lon and I for pasta on thursday night?
Well, Otter, if you re feeding him Thursday, I guess I better feed him on Friday....we can t let the King of the RRing eat alone!!  Besides, if I m not super nice to him this weekend, I m afraid he might take notes on my embarrassments for his customary weekend review when we go home [:o][:o] I have an extra spot at my table anyway because my oldest decided she d rather stay in town with her grandparents so she can attend her best friend s birthday party this weekend.
 So, waddya say it a date?? [;)][:D]
 As far as Saturday night goes, I checked out everyone s past posts, and it looks like we have main dishes pretty well covered, a couple of side dishes on the way, and some dessert.   I ll try to fill in the blanks...maybe one more side dish and some hors d oeuvres?
 It s getting close....I m so excited!!!!


 SurfcalHello Tania:
 I am very pleased with the invite.  I will bring an appetizer or desert, depending on what s available in Champ s cooler.  Of course, I have to be stealthy about it.  Don t want him to know that I ll be pillaging it.

Ab Diver

 SurfcalHey all, just got back from the ocean. What a beautiful day over there. Talked to a Fish and Game warden, and guess what? Next Saturday, June 7th, is one of the year s two " Free Fish Days" . That means you can fish without a fishing license. That also means you can get abalone without a license. So, if anybody would like to try it, I have a couple extra suits I could bring. Or, you can rent a whole *abalone outfit* at the dive shop in Ft. Bragg. Just thought I d pass it along in case anyone was interested and didn t wanna shell out the bucks for an ab tag.
 Ok, gotta go clean my stuff. Saw a nice 15 lbs. Ling Cod today. Too bad you can t spear  em right now, or we d be having Ling for Lunch. [;)]


 SurfcalWe were hopeing to go to this rally at the last minute, but can t.We need to move my mother-in-law that weekend.[:@]Hope you guy s have alot of fun and see you at the GOLD RUSH RALLY.

Red neff Barchetta

 SurfcalScott -
 You guys will be missed!
 Sorry you can t make it.

Red neff Barchetta

 SurfcalFor the Saturday night potluck I will also be bringing corn on the cob lathered in butter and wrapped in foil for the BBQ.

Ab Diver

 Red neff Barchetta
QuoteORIGINAL:  Red neff Barchetta
 Scott -
 You guys will be missed!
 Sorry you can t make it.

 Yeah... what he said! [:(]  
 Ok Coughers, I still have sites 32 and 36 available. Anybody else wanna join the fun?


 Ab Diver
QuoteHey all, just got back from the ocean. What a beautiful day over there. Talked to a Fish and Game warden, and guess what? Next Saturday, June 7th, is one of the year s two " Free Fish Days" . That means you can fish without a fishing license. That also means you can get abalone without a license. So, if anybody would like to try it, I have a couple extra suits I could bring. Or, you can rent a whole *abalone outfit* at the dive shop in Ft. Bragg. Just thought I d pass it along in case anyone was interested and didn t wanna shell out the bucks for an ab tag.
 Ok, gotta go clean my stuff. Saw a nice 15 lbs. Ling Cod today. Too bad you can t spear  em right now, or we d be having Ling for Lunch.  

 I forwarded this to LOn.  He never reads the posts.  I d be surprised if he didn t want to dive.  Bring an extra suit just in case.


 Red neff Barchetta
QuoteFor the Saturday night potluck I will also be bringing corn on the cob lathered in butter and wrapped in foil for the BBQ.

 yum yum yum  
 Thank God for those veggie eaters.

Ab Diver

Hybrid Holly

QuoteHey all, just got back from the ocean. What a beautiful day over there. Talked to a Fish and Game warden, and guess what? Next Saturday, June 7th, is one of the year s two " Free Fish Days" . That means you can fish without a fishing license. That also means you can get abalone without a license. So, if anybody would like to try it, I have a couple extra suits I could bring. Or, you can rent a whole *abalone outfit* at the dive shop in Ft. Bragg. Just thought I d pass it along in case anyone was interested and didn t wanna shell out the bucks for an ab tag.

 Wow, sounds like fun....but I won t get there until about 3 on Saturday....probably too late for this type of activity, huh?
 I will bring my wetsuit and stuff just in case.  


 SurfcalHey Ab:
 Sign me up.  I ll bring all my gear.  I ve never been ab-diving.  I ll bring fins, mask.  I m also inclined to bring the kayak (are you still bringing that?) and my bike so I can ride with Austen, not the full bike, but the folding one.
 Total fun...totally insame.

Ab Diver

QuoteWow, sounds like fun....but I won t get there until about 3 on Saturday....probably too late for this type of activity, huh? I will bring my wetsuit and stuff just in case.

 Holly, you never know. The ocean could decide to get mad at the last moment, and what was dead calm the night before can be a roiling maelstrom the next morning. We ll just have to wait a see. Bring your suit anyway (on second thought, don t bring it, cuz that will *guarantee* the ocean is calm for the rest of us [;)] ).
QuoteSign me up. I ll bring all my gear. I ve never been ab-diving. I ll bring fins, mask. I m also inclined to bring the kayak (are you still bringing that?)

 Ray-- Cool! Yes, I am bringing both of them tied to my lumber rack. That way if I flip the truck on the way over, I can just sail  down the Navarro River and up the coast to Ft. Bragg.[:D]  Don t forget a weight belt with about 20 lbs. of lead, or you ll never get to the bottom. (I ll make sure you are weighted properly before you get in the water)  I m bringing some stuff for Lon to use, and my brother will be going in with us. We have ab-tubes as well for surface flotation. This could definately be a NNC Rally *first*. Hey, we could actually wind up shaving some fun here, folks!
 Just remember the number one rule of diving: If the ocean goes to H*ll in a handbasket, the wise diver foregoes diving, builds a campfire, sips a brewski, tells tall tales, and lives to dive another day. Like I always told my students-- Mother Nature is the LAST person to be impressed with how great a swimmer you " think"  you are. [;)]

Ab Diver

 Ab DiverOh, BTW... since we will be camping with electric and water, I bought a 4-liter GE deep fryer today. Remember how long it took to cook that bucket of ab-cabobs at Bodega? All I had to cook them in was a pot and a large spoon to dish them out a few at a time. This should speed things up considerably.


 SurfcalBoy mouth is watering at the thought of abalone this weekend.  It s been YEARS since I ve had it!!  I sure hope the ocean cooperates. Let me know if I can bring or do anything to help the process.