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Carousing at Casa

Started by SCCS, Nov 29, 2003, 05:10 PM

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GSM x2 and I got home about 45 minutes ago.  After one stop to get a new lightbulb for the PU's tail light, another for gas :yikes: , and bumper to bumper traffic for only a short way since we know our way around such messes, we have tucked the PU in for a few weeks rest.  We had a great time this weekend meeting new people and eating lots of great food.  The campground was fantastic with the exception of when they clean the bathrooms.  I found the Peacocks entertaining to say the least.  
Thanks SCCS's for planning this rally!!!

gsm x2

Quote from: g-whizGSM x2 and I got home about 45 minutes ago. After one stop to get a new lightbulb for the PU's tail light, another for gas :yikes: , and bumper to bumper traffic for only a short way since we know our way around such messes, we have tucked the PU in for a few weeks rest. We had a great time this weekend meeting new people and eating lots of great food. The campground was fantastic with the exception of when they clean the bathrooms. I found the Peacocks entertaining to say the least.
Thanks SCCS's for planning this rally!!!
Here's a lesson in perceptions.
On Friday we left Ventura at exactly 2:10 enroute to Casa de Camping.  We had to stop for gas and a 20 minute trip to Costco....a predication of the restroom cleaning problems at CdC.  It took us FOREVER to get to camp and we didn't arrive until 7:20 p.m.
On the way home we left at exactly 12:20 and were saying things like, "Wow, Salina already" and "Pismo, we're nearly home."  After are aforementioned stop for a tail light and gas, we got home at precisely 6:00 p.m. thinking how quickly the trip home was.
Do the math---trip up took forever at 5 hours and 10 minutes.  Trip home was "quick" at 5 hours and 40 minutes.  The difference...half an hour shorter going UP, but going UP we really wanted to BE THERE and camping with our friends.
Just a lesson in perceptions.
gsm x2

Red neff Barchetta

Sounds like you all had a great time.   :)
Glad everyone had safe travels.

I've never liked peacocks so I can't say I missed seeing them.


Quote from: mustangHi all!
We'll be leaving Vacaville around 1pm with a stop for lunch and ga$.  Should be arriving by 4pm, depending on traffic.  Looking forward to seeing those of you we've met, and meeting those we haven't!

Btw, our Saturday potluck dish will be 7-layer Mexican dip.

Hey Mustang-just wanted to say hello and say HI neighbor, we live in your town too!


It was nice seeing everyone again and some for the first time.  Jonathan had lots of fun playing with two of the four Scouts (Original and Jr.).  

GSM X2- kind of amazing how the perception of time works out, between going camping and driving home again.

BTW, did anyone find a couple stuffed animals (a blue dolphin and a pony)?

AKA: Darth Rver (PUX)


Quote from: RTurnerHey Mustang-just wanted to say hello and say HI neighbor, we live in your town too!

Well "Hello neighbor" to you too!  That's cool!  Hope to meet you at a rally soon!


Quote from: UnregisteredIt was nice seeing everyone again and some for the first time.  Jonathan had lots of fun playing with two of the four Scouts (Original and Jr.).  

GSM X2- kind of amazing how the perception of time works out, between going camping and driving home again.

BTW, did anyone find a couple stuffed animals (a blue dolphin and a pony)?

AKA: Darth Rver (PUX)

We did end up with a big blue dolphin that is not ours.  Let me know the best way of returning it!


Quote from: SCCSWell, we have been home for a few hours now (just unpacking and taking a little siesta). We really enjoyed seeing and visiting with everyone! Hope the peacocks didn't bother anyone's sleep. :yikes:
 How about that potluck, such an abundance of food with a taste of heaven.
Nick it sure was nice of you and michelle to stop by and visit and to spend the night in the CASA de Pricey. Craig thanks also for stopping by saturday night.
 Hope everyone had a wonderful time. Thank you all for attending.

Thanks for setting this up Scott - what a nice family friendly rally!

I learned that I don't like peacocks - especially at night :yikes:

Trip home was uneventful until we got off the freeway in Elk Grove and noticed a NEW rattle - thought it was something loose in the van - WRONG.  I drove about 7 miles home and found that the brake/lights connector had fallen off the van and was dragging on the ground - both it and the cord from the trailer were scuffed up but still servicable.
Glad it happened at the end of the trip!



It was nice seeing you guys again.  Perhaps you can hand the dolphin off to your sister next time you see her and I can make arrangements to pick it up from her.  E-mail me through PUX and I


Quote from: UnregisteredBTW, did anyone find a couple stuffed animals (a blue dolphin and a pony)?
AKA: Darth Rver (PUX)
Gary we did find a pony when we got home. E-mail me your address and I will send it to you.

gsm x2

Ah---one of the nicest parts of rallies....the exchange of left-elsewhere's that follows. Perhaps that's why we keep going to we can get back and give back all the things we have accidentally exchanged.

gsm x2

OC Campers

Quote from: gsm x2Ah---one of the nicest parts of rallies....the exchange of left-elsewhere's that follows. Perhaps that's why we keep going to we can get back and give back all the things we have accidentally exchanged.
gsm x2
Like Matt's snuggy (cloth diaper) that he left in your camper in November.  You and Georgeanne were so sweet you even washed it and handed it back to him at the next rally.  I remember going back to our camper and he smelled it and than said hmmm mells keen.