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Carousing at Casa

Started by SCCS, Nov 29, 2003, 05:10 PM

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OOOOpppps!  that was of course me, The Otter, pulling anOtter.
Funny how things get named around here.

gsm x2

Quote from: otterOOOOpppps! that was of course me, The Otter, pulling anOtter.
Funny how things get named around here.
And funny how once named, they are like the Duracell Bunny.
gsm x2

gsm x2

Quote from: gsm x2And funny how once named, they are like the Duracell Bunny.
gsm x2
We cancelled our trip this weekend...we won't cancel next weekend.
See you there.


 I hope not. It has been awhile since we have seen you and a few of the others too. Looking forward to next weekend.



Looking forward to camping this weekend (is it still called camping when you have hook ups?).  Anyway, we


Quote from: UnregisteredLooking forward to camping this weekend (is it still called camping when you have hook ups?).  Anyway, we


Quote from: gsm x2And funny how once named, they are like the Duracell Bunny.
gsm x2

how true; how true.
this site must tap our truest traits...
Will miss you guys this weekend.  I doubt if we even get over the hill to see you for a few hours.  This are toooooooooooooooooooo busy around here.


Quote from: UnregisteredLooking forward to camping this weekend (is it still called camping when you have hook ups?).  Anyway, we


Y'all have a great time modern camping, ends up that we will be dry camping up in the forest.  DS basesball game got cancelled and the neighbors are taking their maiden run in the new trailer so we are tagging along.

Have a great weekend camping, looking forward to seeing alot of you at Pismo.

gsm x2

Quote from: RTurnerY'all have a great time modern camping, ends up that we will be dry camping up in the forest. DS basesball game got cancelled and the neighbors are taking their maiden run in the new trailer so we are tagging along.
Have a great weekend camping, looking forward to seeing alot of you at Pismo.
Ron and Rojana---we'll miss you.  Have fun yourselves.
gsm x2

The Memory Maker

With the number of us dropping off faster than Surfcal's ability to take someone else's site, I was wondering if we'll be having a pot(bring whatever-the-heck-you-want)luck on Saturday? :confused:

gsm x2

Quote from: The Memory MakerWith the number of us dropping off faster than Surfcal's ability to take someone else's site, I was wondering if we'll be having a pot(bring whatever-the-heck-you-want)luck on Saturday? :confused:
No PotLuck????  Never....Fewer people just means more shrimp for each of us.
gsm x2


Quote from: gsm x2No PotLuck????  Never....Fewer people just means more shrimp for each of us.
gsm x2

Breakfast on Saturday.

Over easy eggs on toast
Chopped Basil
Chopped tomatoes
Parmisian cheese
Sprinkled with Basalmic vinegar.

Saturday night

Tonkatsu (Pork cutlett)

first aide kit


We should roll in around 5pm Friday.
Saturday breakfast we'll bring muffins and strawberries.
Our contribution for dinner will be Bacon wrapped scallops with basmati rice.  
Kolsh style homebrew will be available :!
31 hours to RALLY :D :D


We are going to stop by Saturday morning on our way south.  See ya then!