Self-service Negative Bouyancy Rally II, Jan. 16.17 & 18

Started by Surfcal, Dec 06, 2003, 09:26 PM

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Red neff Barchetta

Ray -
Well, we're waiting on Steve and his answer.
I'll e-mail him (again!   :D  :rolleyes: ) and see if he asked if he could play yet.
If you could pick the tix up at your convenience tomorrow (Tues.) that would be great.
I'll send you some money on Wed. as I'll be out all day tomorrow.

Unless we hear from Steve (hopefully), it looks like 3 tix (Holly, Pete, & I).

The Warfield
982 Market St.
"Experience Hendrix" (Buddy Guy, Paul Rodgers (Bad Co.), Joe Satriani, Jerry Cantrell, Mitch Mitchell (Jimi Hendrix drummer!) Billy Cox (Jimi Hendrix bassist!), etc...)
2/26/04 @ 8:00
Looks like $39.50 each, but whatever they are is fine (at least by me)

Thanks Ray!  We owe you an $8.00 beer each!   :)


Quote from: Red neff BarchettaRay -
Well, we're waiting on Steve and his answer.
I'll e-mail him (again!   :D  :rolleyes: ) and see if he asked if he could play yet.
If you could pick the tix up at your convenience tomorrow (Tues.) that would be great.
I'll send you some money on Wed. as I'll be out all day tomorrow.

Unless we hear from Steve (hopefully), it looks like 3 tix (Holly, Pete, & I).

The Warfield
982 Market St.
"Experience Hendrix" (Buddy Guy, Paul Rodgers (Bad Co.), Joe Satriani, Jerry Cantrell, Mitch Mitchell (Jimi Hendrix drummer!) Billy Cox (Jimi Hendrix bassist!), etc...)
2/26/04 @ 8:00
Looks like $39.50 each, but whatever they are is fine (at least by me)

Thanks Ray!  We owe you an $8.00 beer each!   :)

I'm sorry for taking so long. I'll go with you guys. Anne Marie can't go so it will just be for one person.

Red neff Barchetta

Quote from: zymomyzI'm sorry for taking so long. I'll go with you guys. Anne Marie can't go so it will just be for one person.
Cool beans Steve!   :cool:
Looks like we'll be each others date for the night.   :D

That makes 4 tix Ray (me good counter).


Quote from: Red neff BarchettaLooks like we'll be each others date for the night.   :D

Okay, whatever you say Jeff, errr Julie  :D  :D  :D


No prob, I'll pick 'em up today.


P.S.  Box ticket office doesn't open until 7:30.  I will report back soon thereafter.  I'm stoked, another form of a NNC Rally, a Concert Rally.  Keep the new products rolling out.  Don't forget to post pictures!

Red neff Barchetta

Holly & Steve -
Check your e-mail.  It will be time stamped around the time of this post.

Red neff Barchetta

Steve/Z -
We're heading out the door in a bit for dinner and to check out Los Lonely Boys.
I'll let you know how they were when I get home later.
Thanks again for the heads up on their tour!   :)
Wish we could see them tomorrow night in The City with you guys.  I dig Slim's.  Did you ever consult with Ray on a good place to eat/drink near Slim's?

Red neff Barchetta

Steve/Z -
You are in for a great show!!!   :)
Those guys are excellent - all great musician's.  They will be fun to watch throughout their careers.
Outstanding!  You can really hear the SRV & Santana influences.
Enjoy!   :)

Unfortunately, I still have a whole day to face though.   :(  :D

Red neff Barchetta

Steve -
Be sure to pick up their album at the show - titled "Los Lonely Boys".
It comes with a live video clip as well.
What a great band!  Very tight, but smooth playing!   :)  :)


Quote from: Red neff BarchettaSteve -
Be sure to pick up their album at the show - titled "Los Lonely Boys".
It comes with a live video clip as well.
What a great band!  Very tight, but smooth playing!   :)  :)

Glad to hear you enjoyed the show !! I, a, errrr, (hope no one is listening) already downloaded most of the album  :eek: , but I'll probably buy a copy as well.


Quote from: zymomyzGlad to hear you enjoyed the show !! I, a, errrr, (hope no one is listening) already downloaded most of the album  :eek: , but I'll probably buy a copy as well.

Hey Steve:

Do you know how to FTP?  File transfer protocol?  I'll take a copy.



Quote from: SurfcalHey Steve:

Do you know how to FTP?  File transfer protocol?  I'll take a copy.


Yep, I ftp. gotta' site ?

Red neff Barchetta

Ray & Steve -
Go to your rooms!!
You are both fined 12 ales each (to be paid to me).
Live music is a dying activity which is why even succesful groups such as Joe Satriani, Steve Morse, Buddy Guy, etc... say a very heartfelt thank you for supporting live music at every single gig.
Now an up-and-coming band like Los Lonely Boys (who had to split the door receipts (only $11.00 per person!) last night with a horrible first act) rely on album sales.  Pay the silly $15.00 for their album!   :mad:  :D  :)

"Bands", er I mean acts like Britney or Janet make their money on videos, but not groups with actual musicians.


Quote from: Red neff BarchettaRay & Steve -
Go to your rooms!!
You are both fined 12 ales each (to be paid to me).
Live music is a dying activity which is why even succesful groups such as Joe Satriani, Steve Morse, Buddy Guy, etc... say a very heartfelt thank you for supporting live music at every single gig.
Now an up-and-coming band like Los Lonely Boys (who had to split the door receipts (only $11.00 per person!) last night with a horrible first act) rely on album sales.  Pay the silly $15.00 for their album!   :mad:  :D  :)

"Bands", er I mean acts like Britney or Janet make their money on videos, but not groups with actual musicians.


Tell ya' what I'll do... Ray, I'll give you the disc I already burned and I'll buy one. How would that be ?

(FYI: I am typing this on my brand new laptop, and I'm wireless  :D )


Quote from: zymomyzJeff,

Tell ya' what I'll do... Ray, I'll give you the disc I already burned and I'll buy one. How would that be ?

(FYI: I am typing this on my brand new laptop, and I'm wireless  :D )


Wireless is the best.  I have one at home and I love it.  Plus, I also have a HotSpot account.  They are the best in public places, like the airport and Starbucks when you're out of town.

Plus, in hotels now, wireless is becoming more and more common.  Makes those FTP communications a lot faster with broadband.

At the leading edge,

P.S.  And, if you have a totally wireless optical mouse, now you're really cooking with gas.  I also use a Blackberry for email on the go.