Rally-ish: Peninsula RV Resort - Rollins Lake

Started by zamboni, May 05, 2006, 10:00 PM

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For those of you who brought your dogs...
Check for ticks... we pulled one out of Mo's neck this morning.
Just pull out with a pair of tweezers, grabbing as close to the skin as possible.. gloves are suggested to prevent Lyme disease, Vet said Lyme disease rare in CA but check your dogs health for a few weeks.

OC Campers

We will definately check "the girls".  Angel got a tick right after we moved here and ended up getting lyme disease.  It cost about $1500 to figure this out.

We had a great time this weekend.  I am sorry that I missed the potluck.  It appears that it was a realy good one.  Thank you Glen for suggesting this cg and for being the "wagonmaster".  It was very nice.  I love the tall trees and the nearby lake.  Hopefully, next time the bugs/squitos will be a lot less.  This campground is a "keeper"  
We are looking forward to camping with everyone again soon.


Where are the pics???

OC Campers

Well, we have this nice new digital camera but I have no idea how to do a Web shots site.  Plus, I think I only took 2 pictures:( .  I need to get better at taking pictures.



OC I took pics and posted them immediately on a new thread

OC Campers

Thanks Chuck.  Nice pictures.  This cg had some beautiful scenary
