We were SUPPOSED to bring the dog home from the shelter this Friday...

Started by copcarguy, Jun 03, 2004, 12:23 AM

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Copcarguy, Sabrina seems like a great dog, as a matter of fact, while I was reading this thread we were thinking of her, but then you took her.  

After looking at Cheetah though, she's just great for our family.  I don't know how long they have had her, but I can't believe she is still there, I mean with that gorgeous smile, I can't understand why someone hasn't snapped her up.

I know you are probably more excited than we are, but I'm just beside myself with anticipation, I can't wait until Saturday!


Startx, congrats to you too ! You guys are brave ! How do you manage a big dog :) Milo is puny and is all we can manage, of course he likes showing his white sparking teeth at us now and then hehehehe. I had to own a set of thickly insulated winter glows in June :) Do you have any idea how tough it is to find them ? They saved my left hand on last Mondays training course !


Quote from: copcarguyWOW guys!  I never would've thought that my original post venting about that other shelter would result in the adoption of two dogs from Oklahoma over 1500 miles away...  How cool is that??
SO cool!!! :#
Quote from: copcarguySeriously - I think we should include this story in the next issue of PUT.  Without PUT this never would've happened!
I think so too - and I have often thought it was so great that Dave puts a little PSA in the back of every issue about adopting homeless pets. Now where's that little doggie icon when you need it?


Birol, I would imagine part of Milo's snappiness is his breed and size, as well as past treatment you have no way of knowing about.  I have known lots of little dogs that were biters.  Larger dogs, at least the breeds we consider, tend more to the mellow side, and are more recommended for families, and Ms Babe we have raised from a puppy.  She is very loving, and very patient, even in her old age, and would not bite us except in very extreme circumstances(like physical pain etc).  She also knows her place from years in the family, Milo needs time to understand you and that you aren't going to hurt him, and that you are alpha, not him.

I think in general, larger dogs are easier to handle, but my experience with the smaller breeds isn't as expanded.  Plus, I have two toddlers, meduim to large dogs are our only logical option as they are more "sturdy".  :)


Copcarguy and gal have a safe trip  to NYC today.  Post pictures when you have time.

Startx you have a safe drive. :)


Well did you two get your dogs? :confused:


Hey all!
Well Sabrina is here laying at my feet on her camping pillow snoozing...  We drove down to NYC from the CG yesterday.  What a transition to go from up "in the mountains" where we live (the CG is 18 miles from home) to down in the bowels of society, and then back up to here.  Sabrina handled the flight really well.  She gave us snuggles and licks in the airport as soon as she got out of the crate :) .  She did really well walking in the airport on her leash.  When we entered the NYC streets, it was overload for her (people, sirens, noise) and she just laid down and wouldn't budge.  Stephie picked her up and carried her to the car.  Once we got to the car Sabrina got in and made the back seat her home.  We stopped at a rest area and Sabrina peed for over a minute.  LOL!!  She would NOT go on anything but grass and that was the first grass we could find.  We were surprised/shocked at how good of a dog she is!  We headed straight to the CG where she got a nice bath with the outside shower on the PU and some puppy shampoo Stephie had bought yesterday.  Stephie brought her home last night to get her used to "home".  Next week is our North Lake trip, which will be her first "real" camping trip.  I still can't get over what a beautiful animal she is.  :D :D


Beautiful stories  :p  I hope they will both stay healthy and happy for a long time to come and enjoy their new homes and bring happiness to their new homes.


Hey Rick and Steph
I had no idea you were looking for a dog.Just happen to stumble on your story.And what a great story it is.
I still have an extra crate (metal) which I used for my labs.I ended up buying a bigger foldable crate for my yellow lab when he had his surgery and ended up buying a second one(foldable) for my black lab.We take the foldable crates with us camping if we go on longer trips,that way the dogs sleep in the Add-A-Room,which is better for our yellow lab,since he doesn't have to climb any steps into the camper or on to the bed.
If you have use for the crate you are welcome to it and I even bring it up to you.
Again,Congratulations and good luck.



I am glad she was ok with the traveling.  So when will you post pictures?  Have a good time next weekend. :)


Hooray!  I'm so glad to see Sabrina is in her new home!  I hope you have a lot of good years with her!


andym86: I wish I read your post a little sooner! Stephie & I just went to four different pet places pricing crates. WE JUST BOUGHT ONE! Arrrrgh.... lol! We really appreciate you offering us one.
PS - I have been wondering how you made out with the Taurus. ??
I wanted to send you an email, but I lost it.


Congrats on the new member of the family   :D

I just finished the brake controller install on the Voyager, but ran out of daylight, so I don't know if it works  :yikes:

I'm taking Thursday off to debug the install and pack up the camper, look forward to seeing the three!!! of you next week...



I expect a fire stick to be burned in my honor, so I know you miss me. :(   We will be camping at Assateague Island. :D
