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My time is up

Started by Garrett, Jun 11, 2004, 08:56 AM

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I received my official notice today that my membership expires 6/15.  I have given this a lot of thought and have decided not to renew, so I just wanted to say good bye while I still can.  
I have really enjoyed PUT in the past, but since it has gone to a pay site it is just not the same and for me the value is just not there.  I am sure this site still has value to many of you, but I just do not gain much here any more.  
I would like to wish everybody the best.  I will still be hanging out over at GLPUC and PUX.  I hope to see you all over there every once in a while or better yet around a real campfire some time.


Oh wow, another one!  3 in one day!  :(

Best of luck to you!


I received mine too!

I can't believe it. Thought maybe I had won a lifetime membership. Since I hadn't seen anything. Well the road from PUT might be a busy one on the 16th.

I'll say it one more time.........I still think the smart thing to do:
Would be to team up the magazine with the competition websites.

IMO, no matter how big the competition gets.....
PUT created the demand for them, They wouldn't exist, If it wasnt for PUT.

Good luck
I'll be watching from outside the club walls.


Good bye and good luck...


I got my notice today too. Unlike the others, I plan to renew. Don't know where I'd be today without PUT. Just avoiding others' mistakes has saved me tons. Even though I'm not on the board as much anymore, it's still nice to check in. Feels cozy. Probably like a college student returning home. Not exactly the same, but still a nice feeling to be around.

Can't begin to put a price tag on all the great friendships we've made through PUT  :D Thanks Dave for keeping PUT around.


Well, I got my renewal notice too, and I'm staying!! I know I've spent a lot more than $19.95 (or even $29.95) on stuff that wasn't nearly as useful or helpful. Just two or three of the helpful hints I've gotten here have saved me WAY more than the subscription fee in hassles and headaches (and possibly repairs)!

I still wish I could remember/find out who posted the list of "things you should have in your PU" that included a 1-ton scissors jack on the list. (This was right after I discovered PUT--late 2002, I think.) I owe him/her a huge thank you! I bought a jack on blind faith and kept it in the PU because it was on the list. Didn't use it for almost a year, but when I did have to use it (to help get some Lynx Levelers under the tongue wheel on a site that had a severe back to front downhill angle), it paid for itself right there!!  Used it twice more since then for the same thing!

Thanks, PUT and PUT members. I can't even imagine how many SPUTs you've kept me from committing!!  :)


I just receieved my notice too. I thought we were supposed to get notices one month and two weeks out. Hmm, I guess that isn't working. :compumad:

We renewed and will continue to prowl the boards. :yikes:


I received my notice too, and I think, that maybe PUT has given me some free time, cause I think I lapsed a few months ago.  I haven't made my final decision yet, if I renew, it will completely be just for the social aspect.  I don't really get much from the technical aspect any more, and am not around enough to continue to give much advice, although I occassionally will still jump in and post something.  We're just so busy these days, but at the cheaper rate, I'm considering staying around.


Sorry to see you go Garrett and Jeffrey.   :(

I received my notice today and WILL be renewing my membership.  I have learned a lot from this board and have met some great friends here.  For me it is well worth the cost. :)


I made a mistake in the notice.  The actual expire date will be 6/21.
Sorry for the confusion.



Quote from: AdminI made a mistake in the notice.  The actual expire date will be 6/21.
Sorry for the confusion.


SHAME ON YOU Steve!!!!!! ;)

No biggie, does that notice apply to ALL of us the received same?


Got my notice today and have renewed even though I have moved up to a hybrid,I've been with PUT from way back(cool board) I don't post much but have learned alot from this board and have met some wounderful people at the rally's.


I also received my expiration notice, and immediately went and got my visa card to renew my membership.
Even if I never learned another helpful hint from these boards (which I believe is unlikely) I renewed my membership because I come here to hang with all my friends and to plan our next trips together. Sure, I could do that without even having to be a paid member, since guests are able to access and post to the rally and club forums. But I feel strongly that it's only right of me to help pay my share for the bandwidth I take up. Besides, its only $20 bucks.
Now don't get me wrong; I'm not passing judgment or criticizing anyone who feels differently. I recognize that everyone's circumstances (financial or otherwise) and opinions are different and you're not only entitled to them, but they are right for you. I'm just expressing my own thoughts on why I chose to continue my membership. For those of you who will be moving on, thanks for spending some of the journey here with us, and I hope that we'll meet again either in cyberspace or across a real-time campfire sometime! :)


I noticed my renewal notice in my e-mail box today and immediately renewed it. The magazine, discounts from merchandise in the store I may buy, plus the message board are a good value. I also want to help support Dave's little magazine niche. I feel the magazine is really improving so I want to keep that going and the message board is a side benefit. No other magazine caters to popups and while I have transitioned to a small hybrid, am a popupper at heart. Finally, NNC uses these boards as our communication location, and like Griffsmom, we organize our rallies here.

Life is hectic with a 2 1/2 year old, and another due any day now, so I'm not nearly as active as I used to be, but this place is still home to me and I like that I can go a few days and feel I haven't missed out on much.

To those who are not renewing, you'll be missed. To those who are, let's ride this thing as long as we can.


Quote from: SactoCampersLife is hectic with a 2 1/2 year old, and another due any day now
Hey Brian!
I was just thinking about you the other day and wondering whether SactoBun had arrived yet.  Maybe if Jennifer could hurry up with this labor and delivery thing, you guys could still make it to Pismo.  There is one space left... ;)
Seriously, wishing you all the best with the new baby and looking forward to hearing the good news and seeing the adorable pictures of your growing family!