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RE: Can We Change Titles Here Too?

Started by Cottonwooder, Mar 07, 2003, 11:22 AM

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 The List:
 This Week:  Snug Harbor " Axe Me About My Weekend"  Rally
 Thread of the Day:
 Rousing and coughing has really been going gangbusters
 Yesterday s Nick-Neff-Cough Board Activity Level:
 Very spirited, everyone definitely participated, no dominant issue except for Cans O  Whoopass
 Freestyle Rabble Rousers of the Day:
 Sactocampers & Surfcal for the Can O  Whoopass
 Posting of the Day:
 Lots of Disney oriented talks
 This Week s Chat Room Rally Attendees:
 CWB (aka CWyaB)
 OC Campers
 6Quigs (Kevin & Margaret)
 Dormant or Lurking:
 Ab Diver
 Forest Walker
 SCCS (N&I-Scott)
 CA Girl_101
 Hybrid Holly
 Duanne Family
 Frequent Flyers & the Mile High Club:
 Red " neff"  Barchetta
 OC Campers
 Missing in Action:  
 Colin & Chelsea
 Inactive Roster:
 Honorary Members:


 SurfcalSurf, I love it!  Hope it won t turn into too much constant maintenance keeping up with the ebb and flow of people s posts as they move from category to category.
 (BTW, it s 2 " C" s and 1 " S" : Occasional.) [:)]

gsm x2

 SurfcalIf somebody doesn t stop this madness, we are going to be ranked 1-4 on the Most Posters list by tonight.
 So somebody---please stop.  Come on--STOP.  Please  Sorry--I can t be first to quit; it s in my contract.
 gsm x2


 gsm x2
QuoteIf somebody doesn t stop this madness, we are going to be ranked 1-4 on the Most Posters list by tonight.

 HOLY GUACAMOLE, TOS, ya been busy these last few days!  Earlier this week you d dropped to 5th, wasn t all that close to 300 posts, and now you re suddenly bearing down on #3!!!!!
 Y know what s scary?  I m on the first page without really trying, just yakking.  Will slip off this weekend while we re out camping (do any of you camp without the group any longer???), but will be back by Sunday night.  [:D]


QuoteORIGINAL:  Surfcal
 The List:
 Today s most frequent poster:

 Once the " chatterbox"  wakes up, good ole CWB will be sent so far into the posting basement, even  cyber-ladder won t offer much help.  However, for the NOW, I shall bask on the sunshine of all y alls well wishes and admiration!!!!


 SurfcalHey I had four posts yesterday, how can I be dormant or lurking.  I should at least be upgraded to occasional.
 By the way, has anyone tried to roll one 401K into another?  What a PITA!

Red neff Barchetta

 SurfcalI don t want to be labeled!  What if I don t reach today s posting total tomorrow?  Will I be pushed down the list?  Oh man, this scares me.
 Here s your solution;  Just roll them over to my secret Swiss account and I ll take care of them while on vacation.
 Actually, I had to get an IRA for 2002 yesterday so the lovely gov t. wouldn t take so much of my dough.  Mailed off my taxes just this morning and I must say it feels good to have that out of the way!


 SurfcalI did my taxes about a month ago and I owe so I aint sending it till the last second.[:@]


QuoteORIGINAL:  Nick
 Hey I had four posts yesterday, how can I be dormant or lurking.  I should at least be upgraded to occasional.

 Let s see, he is NOT from Michigan, so this be that California Whine I ve heard tell about?[;)][;)][:)][8D]

Red neff Barchetta

 I have waayyy too many variables to be able to do my own taxes.  The check I write to my accountant (as well as any one that has to do with camping) is one that I actually smile while writing.  I only owed a few bucks this year so I sent it off.  I agree, if you owe you might as well keep it until 11:59 p.m. on April 15th and make a little interest instead of giving it to " them" .


 SurfcalSurfcal-I am formally requesting to be removed from the MIA list and be place on the dormant/lurking list.


QuoteORIGINAL:  champ521
 Surfcal-I am formally requesting to be removed from the MIA list and be place on the dormant/lurking list.

 I can t do that until you actually post in one of the ongoing threads.  Asking to be put on active duty in this thread does not constitute actual participation.  You re still in jail.


QuoteORIGINAL:  champ521
 Surfcal-I am formally requesting to be removed from the MIA list and be place on the dormant/lurking list.

 Hello Champ521,  Welcome to NNC, my name is Jeff-Neff, I will be your PERSONAL Rabble Rouser.  If there is anything that makes sense to you here today, please bring it to my attention and I will immediately inundate you with dribble, useless fact, and a few calculations so that any resemblance of order will immediately and forever be removed.
 Have a nice day...and thank you for flying NNC airlines.  If we don t get you HIGH, you aren t really here!!! [;)][;)][:o][:)]


 SurfcalMr. surfcough,
 I want to correct the nomination of Jeff Neff.  It was a motion placed on the table by Cottonwooder ( yes, ~Patricia~), I merely seconded the motion.
 I truly think we should give credit where credit is due!  Speaking of credit, come on Nick, post a little today, will ya??
 Thanks, now I must get back to my " reports" .


 SurfcalBut how can I be " Missing"  if I m right here?