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RE: HalfDome Hyjinx

Started by Civil_War_Buff, Mar 11, 2003, 03:34 PM

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 SCCSYEA KEVIN, glad you are back in the count down battle again...
20 days for us!
 Sacto, It usually takes us about 4 hours to get there after stopping for gas and stopping at my favorite fruit stand, so it might only take you 3 hours.


 SCCS21 You guys are slippin.


QuoteORIGINAL:  champ521
 21 You guys are slippin.

 Joan has 3 days off and she won t touch any of my computers.
 So have fun and post away. She won t be back online untill Monday
 if they have her work computer fixed.


20 days to go
 Thats Two Zero.
 SCCS, you could use your fingers and toes to do the countdown now[8D]


 SCCSShort and sweet, only 19 Days to go!


QuoteORIGINAL:  SactoCampers
 Still doesn t answer my question about site size [8D][8D].

 Don t worry about site size, Sacto.  It s not the size of your site that matters, it s how you use it.  [;)]


 griffsmomKa-BOOM [:D]
 Nice one *~Lori~*
 and speaking of Male problems.
 looks like SCCS has once again gone and called the days left too early.
 you need to go to your profile, and change your time zone to -3 hours,
 and this should take care of your Premature posting problem[8D][;)]


QuoteORIGINAL:  6Quigs
 and this should take care of your Premature posting problem[8D][;)]

 Millions of men have had success treating their premature posting problem (" PP" )with a little green pill called NIAGARA.  NIAGARA is a pill used to treat PP in men. It can help many men, who have PP, keep a track of and accurately count down to a rally when they become excited (stimulated).
 Ask your doctor if Niagara is right for you.


 you need to go to your profile, and change your time zone to -3 hours,
 and this should take care of your Premature posting problem  

 Quit being a hater! Leave your " zone"  alone and you will be just as mature as the rest of us.


 you need to go to your profile, and change your time zone to -3 hours,
 and this should take care of your Premature posting problem  

 No premature posting here.[:D][:D][:D]
 That sort of thing doesn t happen in my family.


QuoteORIGINAL:  griffsmom
QuoteORIGINAL:  6Quigs
 and this should take care of your Premature posting problem[8D][;)]

 Millions of men have had success treating their premature posting problem (" PP" )with a little green pill called NIAGARA.  NIAGARA is a pill used to treat PP in men. It can help many men, who have PP, keep a track of and accurately count down to a rally when they become excited (stimulated).
 Ask your doctor if Niagara is right for you.

 But SCCS already has a Niagara[>:]
 Maybe he needs to use it more often[;)][;)]


 SCCSHey guys, I m back.   Still having problems with my computer here at work so don t know if I ll be able to post any more today.   ANYWAY....


 O.K. Joan
 I was hoping someone else would point out your error on the days left, but with SCCS always posting on the wrong date, it gets very confusing[;)]
 Good news is, it s one day closer[8D]


 griffsmomOK Kevin, I ll count your way.  I was including the day of the count (like today) and the day of arrival, which made my count different.
 Hear Ye, Hear Ye, I would like to know when all of you are arriving on Thursday because I am planning on purchasing a couple of roasts to cook in the Dutch Ovens.  If you all plan to be there by 6:00 p.m. I will put the roasts on to cook at 3:00 so dinner will be almost ready for all of you buy 6:00 p.m.  All you would have to do is bring something to go with the roast (post it here so everyone can see).  Here is how I make the roast:  salt and pepper it and brown all sides then place in the dutch oven with 1-2 cans mushroom soup and 1 pkg. of onion soup mix; close the lid and cook for 3 hours.  The meat is so tender it falls apart and it also makes a nice gravy.  I usually make mashed potatoes with it, but what ever everyone else brings is great.
 Also, do we want/need to have a plan for the pot-luck on Saturday night?  Also post here what you plan to bring.
 We are not planning any activities because we assume most of you will be going to Yosemite (which is a 2 day event), and if you don t, there are lots of things to do right there at the area or outside the area for a day trip.   We can plan as we go.
 Can t wait, I sooooo need to go camping!


QuoteHear Ye, Hear Ye, I would like to know when all of you are arriving on Thursday

 Assuming it s going to take us three hours to get there, we should be arriving somewhere between six or seven.  We may just eat on the road or stop somewhere along the way though if we re going to be there late.  I wouldn t want to subject anyone to the wrath of my over-hungry children. [:o][>:] However, I will bring along a salad of some sort to add to the cause if we re going to be there by 6:00 because:
QuoteHere is how I make the roast: salt and pepper it and brown all sides then place in the dutch oven with 1-2 cans mushroom soup and 1 pkg. of onion soup mix; close the lid and cook for 3 hours. The meat is so tender it falls apart and it also makes a nice gravy.

 sounds REALLY YUMMY! [:D]