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RE: NNC Fireside Chat, Wed. 8:30 pm

Started by g-whiz, Mar 12, 2003, 10:14 AM

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 SurfcalAs usual, the NNC virtual rally was very brisk with multiple conversations going on simultaneously.  It s analogous to a shark feed or pit bulls going after gristle.
 A lot of expletives were flying around and foul language wasn t the only game, also foul air was plentiful.  PUT has conveniently provided us with an icon for a virtual f*art and that gets used often.  This time, Nick, Cottonwooder and 6Quigs couldn t get enough of it.
 I taught G-Whiz how to talk in the private chat room and we chatted in there for a while until GSM X2 broke it up, he got a little jealous.  Otter was in a quiet mood, but hung out for the duration.  Mike reported he was at Home Depot, but couldn t wait to get home just to get into the chat room.  6Quigs spent most of the time trying to unclog his garbage disposal.  CWB was in a Rabble Rousing mood.  All his entries were designed to antagonize, but we did a good job of IGNORING him.  They a guy by the name of Tony came in to lurk, but we RRed him away.
 But the news is, those Central and SoCal partipants have really pitched in to become a major part of NNC.  It has been a blessing to the strength of the group.
 All in all, another fun night at the NNC virtual rally.


 :::::empty room merely echos back:::::  [:(]


 When do you want to do the next one?  Ray


QuoteORIGINAL:  Surfcal
 When do you want to do the next one?  Ray

 Yes please


QuoteORIGINAL:  6Quigs
QuoteORIGINAL:  Surfcal
 When do you want to do the next one?  Ray

 Yes please

 When is yes?


 When do you want to do the next one?  Kevin


 I rather enjoyed you being the guy who takes the lead, seeing you re the most experienced one.  You re the veteran guy.  But, let s co-host the next one.  At least we know we ll have someone else to chat with.
 Do you want to do one on Wednesday, sort of like a post Snug Harbor wrap up?


 SurfcalAll right everyone.
 Let s all gather around and have a great night of chatting. As people who have been on the chat rooms know, they are a great new avenue for the group.
 You log on at 8:00 and the next thing you know, an hour has gone by.
 It is a total Nick-Neff-Cough experience. Old familiar names with zingers and classic Rabble Rousing. It ll be a great time to reminisce about Snug Harbor and a chance to look forward to SLO.
 So remember, please mark your calendar for:
 When: Wednesday, March 26 at 8:00 - 9:30 PM Pacific
 Where: The Fireside
 What to wear: The NNC thong
 Music to play while chatting: Neil Diamond and Abba
 Food: Virtual s mores will be served
 No host bar: BYOB (preferred mixes-Harvey Wallbangers and Margariters)


 SurfcalThe great Chatmaster Kevin has spoken. Let s all gather around and have a great night of chatting. As people who have been on the chat rooms know, they are a great new avenue for the group. You log on at 8:30 and the next thing you know, an hour has gone by.
 It is a total Nick-Neff-Cough experience. Old familiar names with zingers and classic Rabble Rousing. It ll be a great time to reminisce about Snug Harbor and a chance to look forward to SLO.
 So remember, please mark your calendar for:[/b]
 When: Wednesday, March 23 at 8:30 - 9:30 PM Pacific
 Where: The Fireside
 What to wear: The NNC thong
 Music to play while chatting: Neil Diamond and Abba
 Food: Virtual s mores will be served
 No host bar: BYOB (preferred mixes-Harvey Wallbangers and Margariters)
 Question to all: Is this a good time? Should we start a half hour earlier to accomodate the early to bed folks? We are now taking suggestions and those will be forwarded to the management (Kevin). And those that haven t been on, if we offered door prizes, will you come?


QuoteORIGINAL:  Surfcal
 Question to all: Is this a good time? Should we start a half hour earlier to accomodate the early to bed folks? We are now taking suggestions and those will be forwarded to the management (Kevin). And those that haven t been on, if we offered door prizes, will you come?

 8:30 is fine with me since I can stay up until 10 pm on Wednesday night. [;)]  8:00 is also fine and just means I can chat longer!


 SurfcalNice try Ray,
 But when I spoke I had changed the time to
  8:00pm PST
 to accomodate CWB/Arvee Stew/or whatever he wanted to be called.
 Apparently, he needs his beauty sleep, and requested the earlier time.
 Can you now please go back and change all your entries to the correct time


QuoteORIGINAL:  6Quigs
 Nice try Ray,
 But when I spoke I had changed the time to
  8.00pm PST
 to accomodate CWB/Arvee Stew/or whatever he wanted to be called.
 Apparently, he needs his beauty sleep, and requested the earlier time.
 Can you now please go back and change all your entries to the correct time

 Thanks Kevin, now what about that date, surfcal??? You say March 23rd, which was Sunday, did you mean the 26th?  Yes, I think so.


Quote8.00pm PST

 Just so you all know, that s Euro for 8:00 pm PST
 Next thing you know he ll start writing the date as 26.3.2003
 Hey Kev, when in Rome....[;)][8D]


QuoteORIGINAL:  SactoCampers
 Just so you all know, that s Euro for 8:00 pm PST
 Next thing you know he ll start writing the date as 26.3.2003
Actually the Fireside chat will be starting at 4:00am GMT 27.3.2003
QuoteHey Kev, when in Rome....[;)][8D]

 For those in Rome it will  be held at 5.00am CET 27.3.2003


 For those in Rome it will be held at 5.00am CET 27.3.2003

 Now you ve really confused CWB.