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RE: Rabble Rouser List: Beginning 3/20/03

Started by 6Quigs, Mar 21, 2003, 01:39 AM

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QuoteORIGINAL:  Cottonwooder
 Realized late last night that us three supposedly forming an alliance are all from the southern part.  What s up with you, Rita, Holly, and the rest of you northern gals?  Lori, G, if we do band together, should we be called the Snickeresses?

 Snickeresses has too many sssss s in it.  Snickerdoodles?  Not serious enough.  I saw a reference to the Ha-Ha Sisterhood on one of the rally boards which I liked quite a bit and seems very fitting.  Is that already taken in regard to something else?  It seems G-Whiz was involved in that one too.[;)] Perhpa she s the surreptitious instigator of all that is or could be the Ha-Ha Sisterhood?
QuoteLori, what s your hubby s name?  (Whisper it in an e-mail if you don t want to post it.)  Wouldn t it be funny if I ve typed out correspondence to him?

 Dave.  As in Dave s not home.
QuoteNeff, nice to see you posting again.  Work has been slowing some of us down lately.  Ugh!  Well, back I go.  [: (]

 Don t you hate when that happens!? [:@] You guys should do what I on the boards WHILE AT work.  I ve got to say, it s a bit slow today, and I m fat, dumb, and happy as I sit here posting away while munching on artichoke heart pizza!  Yum!


QuoteORIGINAL:  Cottonwooder
QuoteLori, what s your hubby s name?  (Whisper it in an e-mail if you don t want to post it.)  Wouldn t it be funny if I ve typed out correspondence to him?

 Dave.  As in Dave s not home.
I think she meant, what is his last name,
 But that s O.K., it s right there in your signature,
 Dave  55


QuoteSnickeresses has too many sssss s in it. Snickerdoodles? Not serious enough. I saw a reference to the Ha-Ha Sisterhood on one of the rally boards which I liked quite a bit and seems very fitting. Is that already taken in regard to something else? It seems G-Whiz was involved in that one too.  Perhpa she s the surreptitious instigator of all that is or could be the Ha-Ha Sisterhood?

 The Ha-Ha Sisterhood originates back to Bodega Bay, but Woodson Bridge is where we really took off.  The charter members are Dianne, Rita, Veronica and myself, but many more have joined in the merriment since that time.  The only requirement is that you are able to laugh hysterically at the silliest, most absurd, nonsensical things (ask Jacqui about Cachuma).  And, one of the most important aspects is that the Sisters stick together.  Unlike the group of women who wear the red hats and purple dresses, we celebrate each others uniqueness and don t require a " uniform" .  Our motto is, " I am woman, hear me roar (add the words " with laughter" !) and our song is " I Love To Laugh" .  You can read the words here:
 The only initiation to become a Sister is to attend a rally and show us your stuff!  Those who have participated have definitely formed an alliance; a common bond.  
 Did that answer your question, Lori? [:D]


 SurfcalYou said  it all sistaaaaah!   hehehehehhheeeheh
 yuk yuk yuk yuk


QuoteORIGINAL:  g-whiz
QuoteSnickeresses has too many sssss s in it. Snickerdoodles? Not serious enough. I saw a reference to the Ha-Ha Sisterhood on one of the rally boards which I liked quite a bit and seems very fitting. Is that already taken in regard to something else? It seems G-Whiz was involved in that one too.  Perhpa she s the surreptitious instigator of all that is or could be the Ha-Ha Sisterhood?

 The Ha-Ha Sisterhood originates back to Bodega Bay, but Woodson Bridge is where we really took off.  The charter members are Dianne, Rita, Veronica and myself, but many more have joined in the merriment since that time.  The only requirement is that you are able to laugh hysterically at the silliest, most absurd, nonsensical things (ask Jacqui about Cachuma).  And, one of the most important aspects is that the Sisters stick together.  Unlike the group of women who wear the red hats and purple dresses, we celebrate each others uniqueness and don t require a " uniform" .  Our motto is, " I am woman, hear me roar (add the words " with laughter" !) and our song is " I Love To Laugh" .  You can read the words here:
 The only initiation to become a Sister is to attend a rally and show us your stuff!  Those who have participated have definitely formed an alliance; a common bond.  
 Did that answer your question, Lori? [:D]

 Wow!  That s quite a history about the Ha-Ha s and should be added to the Website, but don t ask me to post that in the WEBSITE thread!  It s the kiss of death!
 Thanks, GW, for answering my question.  I think Ha-Ha s is already well suited to its current usage and so we ll have to think of something else for the Alliance.  I ll have to put my thnking cap on...


QuoteORIGINAL:  6Quigs
 I think she meant, what is his last name,

 Oh. [:)]  It s Maze, as in " Lost in the"  [;)]
QuoteORIGINAL:  6Quigs
 But that s O.K., it s right there in your signature,
 Dave  55


gsm x2

QuoteThe only requirement is that you are able to laugh hysterically at the silliest, most absurd, nonsensical things

 Hey--if that s the only requirement, I can join.  " HaHa Sisters forever."
QuoteThe only initiation to become a Sister is to attend a rally and show us your stuff!

 Hmmm, I have attended a rally and I believe that making G-Whiz and Rita wet then pants with my Sophie impersonation qualifies as " showing my stuff."
 Am I in??? (And please don t say, " I don t know, are you???" )
 gsm x2


 gsm x2
QuoteORIGINAL:  gsm x2
QuoteThe only requirement is that you are able to laugh hysterically at the silliest, most absurd, nonsensical things

 Hey--if that s the only requirement, I can join.  " HaHa Sisters forever."
QuoteThe only initiation to become a Sister is to attend a rally and show us your stuff!

 Hmmm, I have attended a rally and I believe that making G-Whiz and Rita wet then pants with my Sadie impersonation qualifies as " showing my stuff."
 Am I in??? (And please don t say, " I don t know, are you???" )
 gsm x2

 Sure you can be in, Sistah!  And, this is GREAT.  Now I have a Ha-Ha Sister living with me.  Do you know what this means?  Instead of running all around in the hills today or at the beach, we can go shopping!  For the entire day!  Because I am the senior most Sister, in all ways, I will take this new Sister under my wing and show her the ways of the Sisterhood.  This is so exciting.  My own Sister, right here in my own house.  I know exactly where we will have lunch, too.  A cute little tearoom-like place with little finger sandwiches and tiny little cookies.  Oh, this is the answer to my prayers.  I think I ll sign us up for manicures and pedicures this afternoon instead of seeing that silly Steve Martin movie.  Have I died and gone to Heaven?  [;)]


 gsm x2
QuoteHmmm, I have attended a rally and I believe that making G-Whiz and Rita wet then pants with my Sadie impersonation qualifies as " showing my stuff."

 BTW, I think you meant to say Sophie.  Sadie is Otter s dog.  But, Sadie was the name of Larry & Rita s dog before Sophie.  I know this is confusing and it is hard enough remembering the NNCer s names without tossing in the children and pets!


QuoteYou guys should do what I on the boards WHILE AT work.

 That s exactly what I m doing this very moment.  Yeah, stuck in an office on a sunny Saturday afternoon.  Can you believe it?  At least this time I can laugh myself silly, since I m the only person in here at the moment.  Am usually here on Saturday mornings, but this morning I had that women s self defense class.  C mon, someone try to mess with me at a rally.  I need to see if I can really push a big man away with just 2 fingers to his throat, or whether to use a knee or foot to his family jewels.  [;)]


 griffsmomOh!++++Patricia+++++   sorry you are working on this great day!...I m at least out in the sun:  de-molding the tenting still.  Got this stuff recommended by the Viking Co.  and it seems to be cleaning well, but htere are definitely still mold stains.  Will get back to ti tomorrow.  
 Am smiling cause there is baseball on the radio[8D][8D][8D].
 I love baseball and I love the seasons of the year in which it is played.  My time of year.  Hope you can get home and enjoy some of this weather.
 Lori: welcome to the sisteah hood:  BUT: check the bylaws:  no making fun of our dogs.  We are touchy about our dogs.  hahahaha  I just got off the phone with a girlfriend in Canada.  We have been friends for 100 years and raised ourselves , our husbands and our kids, and our grandkids together...  guess what we talked about?  right.  Her puppy (named Sophie, just to keep this thread totally confusing) is nine weeks old and my Sadie is about a year.  We did some laughing over that!!!!
 May all the sistah hood have a great Saturday night :  Stay away from the bean dip


Quoteno making fun of our dogs. We are touchy about our dogs.

 That includes Rocky!  May she rest in peace. [:(]


The List:
 Late Friday/Early Saturday, 3/29/03
 Today s Nick-Neff-Cough Board Activity Level:
 Ho hum.
 Freestyle Rabble Rouser of The Day:
 This is in danger of extinction!  C mon, you guys!
 Quote of The Day:
 From Griffsmom: First of all, the " justice system"  is neither.
 Most Oblivious Post/Clueless Poster:
 From OC Campers: We do have adult conversation:::right?
 Most BS Post Of The Day:
 From Surfcal (trying to show adult conversation): I think it s really neat how virtually all of California has consolidated its dialogue in one spot rather than doing it regionally (North vs. South)
 Angriest Post of The Day:
 Cottonwooder s 3/29/03 post in the " General..."  thread, with 7 [:@] faces and 2 [: (]  faces.
 Still the Dumbest Thread:
 " Guest Post - What to do"
 This Week s Chat Room Rally Attendees (In order of appearance):
 Tri-Tip   <--CWB
 CheeseWhiz   <--self-explanatory
 Hybrid Holly (for 60 seconds or so... does that count?)
 6Quigs     <--Chat Host
 Chat Quote of The Week:
 Tri-Tip(CWB): C`wooder: I learned early on that this group is survive, be like a duck with the jaws of an alligator
 Chat Event of The Week:
 The way Guest revealed himself.  [;)]
 Those With " ALOT"  To Say (Note how this list is growing):
 Those With Something To Say:
 Hybrid Holly
 OC Campers
 Red " neff"  Barchetta
 Those Who Don t Say Much (Yet):
 CA Girl_101
 Ab Diver
 Forest Walker
 SCCS (N&I-Scott)
 Clueless in Sacramento
 Colin & Chelsea
 Inactive Roster:


 griffsmomAnd with that, it s time to hand over the baton.  Who better than The Original Scott, without whom I wouldn t even be here in NNC today.  So, neighbor, unless you want to pass along the job duties to someone else, I hereby nominate you " Keeper of The List" .  Tend to it well.
 A round of applause for TOS, please.  And let s give him plenty of fodder to choose from.  [8D][8D][8D]
 TOS/whoever takes over, I can e-mail over to you the list complete with html codes so you won t have to create it from scratch.  Lemme know!  Also, a hint for the chat attendees: Just block  n  copy the list in the top right of the room.  Voila!  Impossible for typos (or leaving anyone out). [;)]

gsm x2

QuoteAnd with that, it s time to hand over the baton. Who better than The Original Scott, without whom I wouldn t even be here in NNC today. So, neighbor, unless you want to pass along the job duties to someone else, I hereby nominate you " Keeper of The List" . Tend to it well.

 I will gladly be the keeper of the list--SOME DAY--SOME WEEK, but not this week or next please.  We re going camping. I ll even commit to being the Keeper of the List the week after SLO so people know that I am not skirting the responsibility.
 I think that the PERFECT list keeper this week would be CWB.  He s in peak form and isn t camping this weekend as far as I know.
 Will you accept the gauntlet Larry???
 gsm x2