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RE: Ha Ha Sisterhood

Started by Surfcal, Mar 30, 2003, 11:30 PM

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 OC Campers
QuoteORIGINAL:  OC Campers
 Now I almost understand how my mother feels knowing her one and only baby is 36.

 Uh oh.  [:o]  Someone s going to have to change their signature line....[;)]

OC Campers

QuoteORIGINAL:  griffsmom
QuoteORIGINAL:  OC Campers
 Now I almost understand how my mother feels knowing her one and only baby is 36.

 Uh oh.  [:o]  Someone s going to have to change their signature line....[;)]

 Nuh Uh, I am hoping no one but us sistuhs saw how old I am.  30 something right?
 No man would be foolish enough to question a woman, would he?[:)]  

Tracy and David

 griffsmomBesides, 36 is still " thirtysomething"   so I think you re perfectly safe!

gsm x2

 griffsmomDoes anyone else have the experience of not being bothered by YOUR AGE, but being shocked that others are as old as they are.  For example, I am much more shocked that my " baby brother"  is 45 than that I am 51.  Also can t believe that our oldest grandson it 8.  Where did this time go?
 gsm x2


 gsm x2
QuoteDoes anyone else have the experience of not being bothered by YOUR AGE, but being shocked that others are as old as they are. For example, I am much more shocked that my " baby brother"  is 45 than that I am 51.

 Same here.  The " baby"  of our family is already 34.  Yikes!!! [&:]


 gsm x2
Happy Mother s Day!

Tracy and David

 griffsmomHappy Mother s Day to all!
 Hey, it turns out I did my dh a terrible injustice!  He came home from Home Depot on Friday night with the back of the Jimmy loaded up with garden soil and Amend!  Yesterday morning he got up early and dug out everything except the rosebushes.  Then we headed back to HD so I could pick out what I wanted.  He and the kids planted while I directed.  
 So, I got exactly what I asked for!  What a great guy.  Then, just because he can t stand not to give me something to open, this morning I got a brand new Dutch Oven!  I m one happy Mama today!!!


 Tracy and David
QuoteORIGINAL:  Tracy and David
 Happy Mother s Day to all!
 Hey, it turns out I did my dh a terrible injustice!  He came home from Home Depot on Friday night with the back of the Jimmy loaded up with garden soil and Amend!  Yesterday morning he got up early and dug out everything except the rosebushes.  Then we headed back to HD so I could pick out what I wanted.  He and the kids planted while I directed.  
 So, I got exactly what I asked for!  What a great guy.  Then, just because he can t stand not to give me something to open, this morning I got a brand new Dutch Oven!  I m one happy Mama today!!!

 David is definitely a keeper!  The DO made me think that Moose and Moosette are the pebbles that cause the ripples that drift across the surface of the water, gently changing all that they touch.  [:)]
 Happy Mom s day!  (We re making peach cobbler in our DO for dessert tonight![:D])

Ab Diver

 griffsmom(turns down music at the Boy s Club, leans out the door, and says)
 Happy Mother s Day to the Sisterhood. Us He-Man Woman-Haters wouldn t last a day without you.
 Only time the Love Of My Life had to raise a finger today was to point at what she wanted me to do for her. It was *her* day, all the way.


 griffsmomHey Patricia,
 Thanks for providing me that poem " Little Hands" .  I ended up geting a nice piece of oak, routed the edges to look nice, woodburned the poem on it and mounted an imprint of Hunters hand above the poem.  Turned out well and Michele loved it.

Tracy and David

 griffsmomHey, Mike!
 Thanks for updating us. I thought about you and Michelle last night just as I was heading off to sleep; wondering what you finally ended up doing.  I m so glad you handmade something.  It will be an heirloom.


 NickYeah, Patricia thanks for the poem idea.
 I didn t use the poems you provided, but wrote one myself from my little girl s perspective about her love for her mommy. Mrs. Sactocampers loved it.  She also got her airtight food containers she s been wanting and she s getting glass pasta jars in the mail any day now. Hey, don t laugh, it s what she asked for! Then we went to the zoo for mother s day!


 NickNick, that sounds like an absolute treasure!  Glad I could help.  If ever any of you are looking for anything like that, just holler.  I have about 60 pages  worth of those things that I ve accumulated for scrapbooking, but which can also make a lovely gift just like how you did it.
 You husbands are sounding too good to be true, especially re. creating your own thoughtful gifts like that.  Yesterday was real " Mother s Day"  for me, just like the other 364 days of the year: Did 3 loads of laundry, 2 of dishes, vacuumed, made the bed, wiped Karen s bum, threw out some trash, and had to make dinner too when Mike came down with a stomach virus. [>:]


QuoteORIGINAL:  Cottonwooder
 Yesterday was real " Mother s Day"  for me, just like the other 364 days of the year: Did 3 loads of laundry, 2 of dishes, vacuumed, made the bed, wiped Karen s bum, threw out some trash, and had to make dinner too when Mike came down with a stomach virus. [>:]

 Funny you should mention the stomach flu.  Yesterday, Dave wasn t feeling well either.  It seemed to hit him right after the appetizer course, when he had to go upstairs and lie down, leaving me with Griffin, my mom, sister, brother-in-law and mother-in-law (who kept telling me repeatedly how worried she was about my wrinkles and how I wasn t getting any younger.  Uh, thanks for your concern?[:(])  He recovered a bit right before dinner and was able to choke down a couple of carne asada burritos and my sister s famous potato salad.  But poor thing, after dinner he had to go lie down again until after I had made coffee, served dessert, kissed everyone good bye, did the dishes, and bathed Griffin and put him to bed.  He then dragged hiomself downstairs for some peach cobbler.  


 griffsmomIs this the selective flu?