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RE: Ha Ha Sisterhood

Started by Surfcal, Mar 30, 2003, 11:30 PM

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QuoteORIGINAL:  oldmoose
 Is this the selective flu?

 That would be my guess...[;)]

OC Campers

QuoteORIGINAL:  griffsmom
QuoteORIGINAL:  Cottonwooder
 Yesterday was real " Mother s Day"  for me, just like the other 364 days of the year: Did 3 loads of laundry, 2 of dishes, vacuumed, made the bed, wiped Karen s bum, threw out some trash, and had to make dinner too when Mike came down with a stomach virus. [>:]

 Funny you should mention the stomach flu.  Yesterday, Dave wasn t feeling well either.  It seemed to hit him right after the appetizer course, when he had to go upstairs and lie down, leaving me with Griffin, my mom, sister, brother-in-law and mother-in-law (who kept telling me repeatedly how worried she was about my wrinkles and how I wasn t getting any younger.  Uh, thanks for your concern?[:(])  He recovered a bit right before dinner and was able to choke down a couple of carne asada burritos and my sister s famous potato salad.  But poor thing, after dinner he had to go lie down again until after I had made coffee, served dessert, kissed everyone good bye, did the dishes, and bathed Griffin and put him to bed.  He then dragged hiomself downstairs for some peach cobbler.  

 Hmmm, this one sounds a little fishy[:)]  Me thinks this one was planned out.
 I got to spend my Mothers Day at the Urgent Care.[:(]  Poor Matthew (my 2 year old) was running a 103.5/104 degree temp for 2 days.  Took him in and the poor thing had tonsel-itis (Definate spelling error).  Thank goodness the antibiotics work so fast.  2 days later and you can t even tell he is sick.  
 But that s ok, I got 2 fantastic BBQ dinners cooked by my dh.  One on Saturday because we were going to be at my Mom s house on Mother s Day and then another one because we couldn t go to my Mom s house.  Anyway no cooking for me for2 days.  Yahoo..  Unfortunately, I only got 1 day of no dishes.  Oh well, can t expect total perfection, Right??[:D]


 griffsmomI had smile after smile reading the MOther s Day postings.  
 Stomach flu huh?  hmmmmmmmmmm. [&:][&:][&:] Will have to think on that one.[>:]
 We had company from the Thursday before til this morning, so I have been out of touch, but MOther s Day was great!  Brunch  with our son s family, dinner with our daughter s family, good friends, grandchildren and laughter from morning to night.
 We are truly fortunate folks
 Now I am ready to get caught up on things, read a book, put my feet up and nap!  
 Sorry, Cottowooder, mom s with wee ones can t do that!  but I [:)][:)][:)][:)][:)][:)][:)].
 The sun is trying to come out here on the coast and the temps are mild. I ve been to the spa and done my swimming, so now I can live without a schedule for the rest of the day.  
 Hi to all.


 griffsmomIt is lonely in the Sisterhood room since all the sistah s moved away![:(]
 But I get a lot more reading done.[:)]

OC Campers

QuoteORIGINAL:  otter
 It is lonely in the Sisterhood room since all the sistah s moved away![:(]
 But I get a lot more reading done.[:)]

 We haven t moved away Dianne, we are just sharing your wealth.   We are still a sistah group.  ((((((((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))))))


 OC Campers
QuoteWe haven t moved away Dianne, we are just sharing your wealth. We are still a sistah group. ((((((((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))))))

 Oh I know you will all be sistah s  in spirit, but the room stays empty for days at a time.  i miss the chit chat.  I will have to save it all up for the rallies I guess.
 thanks for the hug.....


QuoteIt is lonely in the Sisterhood room since all the sistah s moved away!

 I guess I m " moving" , but not to Scampers.  Found a scrapbooking board that is fast-paced, fun, and hi-tech... right down my alley! [:)]
 To give you an idea, they re celebrating over somebody reaching her 10,000th post today (yes, ten THOUSAND), and they have different levels and names for each level reached.  When you reach 5,000, you can make up a name for yourself.
 While on the subject of scrapping, you ll never guess what happened to me yesterday.  I still can t believe it....  won the grand prize (random drawing) at a scrapbook store.  It s a humongous, top-of-the-line scrapbook tote.  In terms of PUs, it s a Niagara!  [:D][:D][:D][:D][:D]


 otterWe re still here, we re still here!!!
 We were just over hosing down the boys room--whew! what a job![:o]

gsm x2

QuoteI guess I m " moving" , but not to Scampers. Found a scrapbooking board that is fast-paced, fun, and hi-tech... right down my alley!  
 To give you an idea, they re celebrating over somebody reaching her 10,000th post today (yes, ten THOUSAND), and they have different levels and names for each level reached. When you reach 5,000, you can make up a name for yourself.
 While on the subject of scrapping, you ll never guess what happened to me yesterday. I still can t believe it.... won the grand prize (random drawing) at a scrapbook store. It s a humongous, top-of-the-line scrapbook tote. In terms of PUs, it s a Niagara!      

 A good case study in change.
 " Things are always changing.  In the cyberworld, things change at light speed."
 Case in point:  At the start of this morning, Cottonwooder was #2 on the " Number of Posts List"  at PUT with 787 posts.  Now she is delving into a scrapbooking board and can t even have her own name until 5000 posts.  One would suspect that she ll slow down here unless she decides that she just doesn t have to see her family any more.
 Change is inevitable.
 gsm x2


 gsm x2
Quoteand can t even have her own name until 5000 posts.

 Far from.  Started out as  PeaWee, am currently a PeaNut, will move up to Pea_____ whatever comes next.  Cute!
 I m #2?  Oh dear, TOS, didn t mean to overtake you.  Everyone s pretty much stopped posting here, though.  Don t know why.


QuoteORIGINAL:  otter
 It is lonely in the Sisterhood room since all the sistah s moved away![:(]
 But I get a lot more reading done.[:)]

 Hi Dianne!  I haven t moved either and I m still an OHH (Original Ha-Ha).  I, too, get ALOT more done these days and am feeling good about my accomplishments.  Love those Ahhhhh moments as well as the Haaaaahaaaaa moments.


QuoteORIGINAL:  Cottonwooder
 Everyone s pretty much stopped posting here, though.  Don t know why.

 The weather s been beautiful and my guess is if everyoe s not out camping, then they re still outside enjoying the day. [:)]
 (Me?  I ve been camping! [:D])


QuoteI, too, get ALOT more done these days

 Oh heavens, I couldn t imagine posting at a message board all day if I weren t already sitting and working at this computer.  You re right, you d get nothing done!  It s so quick for me to flip back and forth to boards while things are printing out.
 BTW, look at this.  G and Sacto posted at exactly the same time, yet this HaHa board is listed above General, even though it comes after it alphabetically.  Wonder if it s because G s name is alphabetically before Sacto s:
 5/19/2003 10:33:29 AM
 5/19/2003 10:33:29 AM
 Pure precision.  Love it!

gsm x2

QuoteI m #2? Oh dear, TOS, didn t mean to overtake you. Everyone s pretty much stopped posting here, though. Don t know why.

 I knew that you would do it some I was prepared to watch you go by.  Been spending more time working on WebSites and camping than posting here.  Going to add bike rides on the days I wake up early, so will lose those posts too.
 I think Griffsmom will be the person to unseat me from #3.  And I ll watch her go by too.
 gsm x2


 gsm x2
QuoteORIGINAL:  gsm x2
 Been spending more time working on WebSites and camping than posting here.  Going to add bike rides on the days I wake up early, so will lose those posts too.
 I think Griffsmom will be the person to unseat me from #3.  And I ll watch her go by too.
 gsm x2

 Ha, biking and unseating.  Great play on words there by accident TOS.  I m just taking a break, just came back from a bike ride and boy, I can use something to eat.
 The weather and the longer days help make it easy to stay outdoors and do outdoorsy stuff.  Can t have a better combination.  Like this past weekend, it would have been a crime for me not to be outdoors.
 And... tis the season to be camping, fa la la la la la la la la.
 Don we now our trail apparel, fa la la la la la la la la.
 Just bein  silly you goofs.