RE: " Reyes the Roof Again" Rally - Feb. 27 - 29

Started by Red neff Barchetta, Sep 24, 2003, 08:14 PM

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QuoteORIGINAL:  Calstate361
 Nick, count us in.  We would like to arrive on Thursday and, hopefully, avoid the Surfcal site stealing.  I ll send the check out on 11/1 (after payday, I get paid once a month).   Thanks for organizing this again.  I guess this rally and ours (Half Dome Hyjinks) will continue to be repeats every year.  NOT A BAD THING!

 Glad you and Sal can make it.  Good idea to get there early on Thursday since there are no site assignments.  We will probably leave here at around noon on Thursday and its only a few hour drive for us.
 Anyway, so far I have recieved depostis from:
 Due date is still several months off so no rush.



Sent the check off to you on, I think, Tuesday and forgot to let you know.  Anyway it's on its way, if you haven't received it yet.


Quote from: Calstate361Mike/Nick
Sent the check off to you on, I think, Tuesday and forgot to let you know. Anyway it's on its way, if you haven't received it yet.
I recieved it on Wednesday so you're all set.


Now that the turkeys have fallen it time to look forward to reyesing the roof again.  Count us in.

Hybrid Holly

We are in too!  I will paypal you Mike!  Hope you and family are feeling better.



I sent our deposit today via PayPal.


Quote from: ckkevinNick,

I sent our deposit today via PayPal.

I suppose that means it's too late for us to tag along on this rally ? Or is it still possible to join in ?


Red neff Barchetta

All you need to do Zymomyz is e-mail Nick/Mike and send him 1 night's site fee as a deposit and you're in.

Red neff Barchetta

Btw Z -
Don't forget to join (it's free) our Yahoo site.  It's mostly for when PUT is down so we can keep our serious discussions going and keep in touch.

Oh yeah, here's the Yahoo site if you haven't found it yet;


Quote from: Red neff BarchettaBtw Z -
Don't forget to join (it's free) our Yahoo site.  It's mostly for when PUT is down so we can keep our serious discussions going and keep in touch.

Oh yeah, here's the Yahoo site if you haven't found it yet;


I didn't realize I'd need a yahoo id to join, this could be a problem for me. I think I'd rather join PUT, but then I am not sure I'd want to be a member of any club that would have me as a member ;) ;)


PS -> our deposit is on the way, even though you may not know who we are.

gsm x2

Quote from: UnregisteredRed,

I didn't realize I'd need a yahoo id to join, this could be a problem for me. I think I'd rather join PUT, but then I am not sure I'd want to be a member of any club that would have me as a member ;) ;)


PS -> our deposit is on the way, even though you may not know who we are.

I've been informed that I HAD BETTER get the time off so we can attend.  So we'll be attending.  Will either PayPal or get the check in the mail with tomorrow's bills.

Yahoo...we're going to Olema.

gsm x2


Quote from: gsm x2Will either PayPal or ...

Oh, how do I paypal ? That would be faster that snail mail.



Quote from: UnregisteredOh, how do I paypal ? That would be faster that snail mail.



Just go to PayPal at // and sign up.  You can send money to anyone that has an email address.


Ab Diver

Just curious... is this gunna be another oyster-fest?
Ab Diver-- who's looking to deep-fry anything that'll fit in a five-gallon can. ;)


Hey I am actually back to work today.  Feeling much better, even human.  

Dave, I'm sure we will do our trip to the oyster farm while at Olema so yes it will be an oyster fest.  I would support the idea of a deep fried turkey too since I missed this past one.