RE: " Reyes the Roof Again" Rally - Feb. 27 - 29

Started by Red neff Barchetta, Sep 24, 2003, 08:14 PM

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Looks like you all had a great time! Thanks for posting pictures, it makes it almost like being there.  

Look forward to seeing more.


1 blow out on the trailer. = $65.00
1 Torn canvass.                = $ ?
1 Snaped hitch and bent sway bar. = $ lifetime warranty

1 Nick-Neff-Cough rally with really great people
and some of the most well behaved kids I have
ever had the pleasure of camping with.



I want to put in my two cents also. It was a great Rally, THANKS Mike/Nick. It's too bad the campground staff have such an attitude. I'm going to e-mail them and hopefully the owner will see the complaint. I think some of you others should do the same thing, maybe it might soak in that they need an attitude change.
Anyway, a great time was had by all. I'll post my Clam Chowder recipe in the Recipe Forum for those of you who want it.
Nice to see Larry (CWB) posting, we miss you!!!
Thanks again Mike/Nick. Hunter is a very special child, I really enjoyed him.


We made it home at about 2:30 after an uneventful drive. Got everything put away, took showers and then took a nap. Max gets so worn out at these rallies that he sleeps for three days. I don't mind.

Hybrid Holly

We had an uneventful drive home....hitch pin still inplace!   yeah!  
Hey CWB, guess what?  We got to call AAA again!

We had a blast. It was great to see everyone!

Just like Max, my dogs are wiped out!


Here are a few picture I took at the Olema Rally.

Hey Nick/Mike how did those mirrors work out?


Quote from: SCCSHere are a few picture I took at the Olema Rally.

Hey New & Improved Scott:

I must say, there are some very good photographers in this group.  At NNC alone, we should hold a photography contest.  Nice shots.


Ab Diver

Ok, after a good night's sleep, I'm back to full power again. After getting home, popping up the trailer, and unloading *everything*, we started on (duh-duh-DUH!) The Laundry. The da*m washing machine is STILL going.
(many) Thanks to Mike/Nick for wagonmastering this rally, even if *you* almost couldn't find it. Oh, and... you can keep the pail. ;)
Surfcal, you were missed. And don't worry about all the stuff that was said about you. I stood up for you all the way, Buddy. Like, about that first thing: "Hey, it wasn't Ray's fault! And besides, if the D.A.'s office had enough evidence, they'd have filed charges by now." And about that other thing: "Man, I tell you, it wasn't Ray's fault! I saw the pics, and *wow*---- she sure looked like she was over 18 to me!" See, you're blameless, and I'll back you up all the way, Buddy!
Towrod-- You be da beermeister, man! Good stuff, and lots of it. Any houses for sale on your block? ;) And thanks again for the Lighthouse Trip, that was a lot more fun traveling in the company of your lovely family, even if the FRS radios never got in sinque.
To Vader-- thanks for not eating Tawny, our new DiverDoggy, is a single bite.
And then there's the usual suspects: I'd like to list you all, but I know I'll forget someone, so suffice it to say you ALL made it a great experience for us. Thank you so much.
 And to the newbies... the fact that you didn't run screaming back to your trailers and spin tires for the nearest campground exit means that we made a better impression than usual. See, we *are* a nice bunch! ;)


Well, I'm home too, but I guess it doesn't count for as much when all I had to do was hop in the van and make the drive! :D

I want to thank everyone again for the wonderful hospitality. Especially Ab-Diver and family for  hosting the slumber party for my girls, Rojana for letting me make myself at home in her home away from home, and Rod & Debbie for bringing back all the junk I forgot when I left :p.
I've always thought myself extremely lucky for stumbling upon this group, and you all prove that I'm right every time I see you.  Where else can you show up trailer-less and have sleeping arrangements and a cocktail within the hour???


I didn't take any pictures at the rally, but Scott (TOS) did!  And, here they are.
Thanks Mike for your great wagon-mastering abilities.  Even with all the negativity, everything worked out positively fantastic.  Seeing everyone again was great.  Can't wait 'til next time!


I uploaded some of the Olema photos to webshots.


gsm x2

Quote from: SurfcalHey New & Improved Scott:
I must say, there are some very good photographers in this group. At NNC alone, we should hold a photography contest. Nice shots.
I think that this would be a good way to choose are shots for the "A Challenge from Texas" photo contest.  We could have every photographer at the rally submit their FIVE favorite shots.  Then we could post them at WebShots or the SCCampers site and have people vote on the FIVE shots we will submit for the contest.  Sounds like fun.
May we could post them at TOS, Great and N&I pictures at
gsm x2


Quote from: gsm x2I think that this would be a good way to choose are shots for the "A Challenge from Texas" photo contest.  We could have every photographer at the rally submit their FIVE favorite shots.  Then we could post them at WebShots or the SCCampers site and have people vote on the FIVE shots we will submit for the contest.  Sounds like fun.
May we could post them at TOS, Great and N&I pictures at
gsm x2


I am not up on the rules for the submission of the PUT Photo challenge.  The pictures do not have to come from a particularly rally do they?  Can it come from any camping trip?  I haven't been following it because I can't make it to Pismo.


gsm x2

Quote from: SurfcalTOS:
I am not up on the rules for the submission of the PUT Photo challenge. The pictures do not have to come from a particularly rally do they? Can it come from any camping trip? I haven't been following it because I can't make it to Pismo.
Ray--the "Challenge from Texas" photo contest is for those attending the Texas, Eastern, and Western rallies only.  Now we'll really miss you; you are a ringer.  So, sure you can't come???  Five sites left only, so talk to Kevin.
Rules?  We don't need no stinking rules!  But actually some sense of rules have been made. They are:
1. Each club can submit up to 5 pictures to vote on. I know that's not much but if we do an on-line vote we are sort of limited on the number of choices in a poll.
2. People in the pictures need to have most of their clothes on.
3. Pictures should be camping related. Pictures of a Pacific sunset overlooking the surf would be hard to compete with a river in TX or a battlefield in PA. Unless you have a popup on a Pacific beach, then it would be "camping related."
4. We can let the world vote on them. We can set up a webshots location to post the pictures, then run a poll on both PUT and PUX. They seem to be the most active popup sites. If we only go by picture number on the poll then most people will not know where it came from other than the people that may be been at that event.
Five sites left buddy.  Come on!  Doesn't owning the company have certain fringe benefits???
gsm x2


Quote from: gsm x2Five sites left buddy. Come on! Doesn't owning the company have certain fringe benefits???

I dunno, I think Ray's boss must be some kinda hard ass  ;)