RE: FALLing Turkeys Rally - Nov. 21 - 23, 03

Started by otter, Sep 24, 2003, 11:52 PM

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 Hybrid HollyYeah, you need to take us off of " probably turkeys"  and put us into Holly s new " possible turkeys"  category. Although I really think we re " improbable turkeys" . It will take a lot of sweet-talking to get her camping that weekend. I m not sure I have what it takes.

Hybrid Holly

 Red neff Barchetta
QuoteYeah, you need to take us off of " probably turkeys"  and put us into Holly s new " possible turkeys"  category. Although I really think we re " improbable turkeys" . It will take a lot of sweet-talking to get her camping that weekend. I m not sure I have what it takes.

 Brian, you must have lost your touch!  If we both make it off the possible list, we could have a turkey convoy...


 Hybrid Holly
QuoteORIGINAL:  Hybrid Holly
QuoteYeah, you need to take us off of " probably turkeys"  and put us into Holly s new " possible turkeys"  category. Although I really think we re " improbable turkeys" . It will take a lot of sweet-talking to get her camping that weekend. I m not sure I have what it takes.

 Brian, you must have lost your touch!  If we both make it off the possible list, we could have a turkey convoy...

 Holly, one thing I ve learned being married to Mrs. Sacto is that depature times can t be planned. They just occur. Therefore, convoys only occur when the tides are in, all the stars are aligned, and the gravitational pull of a toddler needing to nap converge simultaneously . You were one of the lucky ones [;)]. As much as I like to convoy, I can make no commitments regarding a convoy to a rally [8D]. I did like convoying though!

Red neff Barchetta

 Red neff BarchettaHolly -
 Whoohoo!  I ll do a mind warp on you and Pete and turn you both into " Attending turkeys"  when I see you at our super-secret NNC meeting that nobody knows about.  Btw, tell Pete if he was a fan of the other tenant of the Oakland coliseum then he would be enjoying the start of the playoffs right now.
 Go A s!
 Brian -
 You my friend are already a definite turkey, but in regards to this rally I will move you into the " Ambivalent turkeys"  column along with Holly & Pete.  Not to worry though, Amy & I will muscle Mrs. Sacto. into this rally when we see you soon for our super-secret NNC meeting that nobody knows about.


 Red neff BarchettaOK I LL BITE, any chance a newbie could find out some info on the " Super Secret"  NNC meeting?  I would hate to miss out on some excuse to drink beer and hang out with friends.

Red neff Barchetta

 Red neff Barchettaok Rojana, put your ear really close to your monitor and I ll let you in on the big happenings.  Remember though, keep it a secret.  Sorry if my garlic breath is offensive.
 To have a super-secret NNC meeting you have to visit the county where I live and share some drink, eats, general silliness, & good conversation with us.  Pete & Holly are coming this way soon to visit a friend and on their way there we are going to hook-up for a bit.  Brian & Mrs. Sacto. are camping near here in October and we are going to go out and eat their food, hang out (& when Brian s not looking I m going to let the air out of all 6 of his tires, hee, hee), and have some fun.  We are looking forward to both of these visits.
 So there it is.  Now you know the secret.  Don t let it out.

Ab Diver

 Red neff Barchetta
QuoteYeah, come on Ab Diver! It s just a short drive down the coast for you!

 Actually, it would be a LONG drive down the coast. Gualala is over two hours from us even without towing, and the Casini ranch is, what... prolly an hour from there? Heading down 101 and then West is the way for us to go.
 On a scale of Gobbles, 5 being " Attending"  and 1 being " Fallen" , put us down as  3.5 Gobbles for a " Possible and/or Hopeful" --- not ambivalent, but not sure enough to rate a " Probable" . Some things have happened at work the last few days that will make our work days longer (Abbear, are you as pissed off about this as I am? [:@] ) so I d be leaving home about 8 o clock Friday night. We ll have to wait and see how things shake down over the next few weeks.


 Red neff Barchetta
QuoteBrian & Mrs. Sacto. are camping near here in October and we are going to go out and eat their food, hang out (& when Brian s not looking I m going to let the air out of all 6 of his tires, hee, hee), and have some fun. We are looking forward to both of these visits.
 So there it is. Now you know the secret. Don t let it out.

 Yeah Rojana, we re meeting up in October at Bodega Dunes. It s the weekend after the Collins Lake Rally that I suggested, got everyone excited about,  and then bailed out on. I forgot that we re throwing my MIL a big 60th b-day party bash on the Delta King.
 But what Jeff doesn t know is that when he s not looking, I m going to put some of Sactotoddlers dirty diapers in his car to ferment in the sun.
QuoteSome things have happened at work the last few days that will make our work days longer (Abbear, are you as ***ed off about this as I am?  )

 Dave, is this why my wife got five work-related packages delivered at 8:15 last night? [:@][;)]. I want you to change territories and be our UPS guy [:D]. That would be so great! You could stop by each week, have a beer (I mean soda), shoot the breeze, and then be back on your way.

Red neff Barchetta

 Red neff BarchettaDave/Ab -
 I ve put you down as a " probable" .  Why, you ask?  Well, if the #$&@ has hit the fan at work then by November you will definitely be in need of some good NNC relaxation.  Besides, we need you to drive your terrific family to the rally since everyone likes them so much.  I suppose you can stay too, ha.
 Sure hope you can make it!!
 Now I m off to work.  What s that smell coming from the back seat?  I knew I shouldn t have picked " toddler fresh"  scent at the car wash.


Red neff Barchetta

 Red neff Barchetta3.5 out of 5 isn t bad Larry.  I m sure we ll see you there!

Hybrid Holly

 Red neff Barchetta
QuoteWe be 3.5

 Isn t that the name of a new rap group?

Ab Diver

 Red neff BarchettaThe thought just occurred to me... since it s gunna be a kinda Thanksgiving seasonal rally, wouldn t a deep-fried turkey be the appropriate offering to the potluck meal? I ve only done this a couple times before, and had success (as in tender, juicy, and wonderful taste), but I d be a little trepidatious about building a meal for a crowd around something I wasn t *positive* would come out perfect.
 Anybody got more experience with turkey-toasting ? If not, I ll give it a shot-- just be gentle on me if it ain t *perfect*.

Red neff Barchetta

 Red neff BarchettaDave -
 Sounds perfect for this rally!  I ll even offer to keep the kids away from the fryer.  We ve got this cool electric bug zapper that I can stand guard around the fryer with, lol.
 Seriously, that sounds great.


 Red neff Barchetta
QuoteSome things have happened at work the last few days that will make our work days longer (Abbear, are you as ***ed off about this as I am?    ) so I d be leaving home about 8 o clock Friday night.

 It doesn t really change that much for me.  Same long hours which is why I usually only come out for Sat night at the outings.  You might want to check out [link=][/link].  It might help explain why this is happening.
 Jeff, this rally is taking place right when long hours for Dave and I start getting longer.  Even though it is close to home right now you ll have to count me as an improbably probable turkey.