RE: FALLing Turkeys Rally - Nov. 21 - 23, 03

Started by otter, Sep 24, 2003, 11:52 PM

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Quote from: pcmomWe did call Casini and canceled with them but we have no way to reach Jeff.  Can someone let him know that we won't be showing up tonight?  


we will let Jeff know what happened to you.
I just tried Jeff's cell phone, but no reply.
There must be no signal in the campground.

Look after yourselves, and the boys, and we wish him a speedy recovery.
Looks like it is gunna be a cold one Saturday night.
I checked the weather link Nick gave us, and it predicts a low of 29 degrees for Saturday.
Better pack more blankets :rolleyes:


Even though some are at the campground right now,everyone have a safe trip and enjoy the campfire. :W Look forward to seeing the pictures.For those of you that are sick, HAVE SOME CHICKEN SOUP AND GET WELL.

Ab Diver

Quote from: gsm x2Niether Nick nor Larry is going to be're going to starve. Fortunately AbDiver has 25 pounds of K-rations in the back of his truck, so you'll at least make it through Saturday.
Just don't get any beer from him.
gsm x2
Choke! Snrfle--ack! Cough, Cough.... Good one, Scott! Thanks, I needed that. And in your honor, I'm bringing *dark* beer. ;)
Geez, I dunno if I can take the pressure of being camp cook. Let's see... one "Turkey Tartar", coming right up!
And now for our Daily Dive Report, we bring you tonight's guest reporter, Capt. Maxwell "Stormy" Waters, captain of the good ship "N.N.C. Seafoam":
"Ahoy, mates! 'Tis a fine, fine day at sea! The wind be howling from the north, and the seas be trimmed with a dash of white every fathom or so. Keep yer eyes peeled for the following sea, and keep yer keel off the rocks, matey... 'Tis a good day for a sailing vessel, but the breakers be pounding Davey Jones' locker for all their worth, and I woodna give three pieces o' eight for a divers chances in de water. Ahrrr...."
I think we'll be staying ashore this trip.:mad:
And now for more bad news... DD#2 has come down sick as well. I'd hope she would pull out of it, but it looks as though Mommy will have to stay home with her (and the new pup, "Abby"). So DD#1 and I will be representing the Ab Divers, and if DD#2 feels better, my better half will bring her down on Saturday so they can all join us. Plus, Abby can earn her Pup-Scout Camping Merit Badge.
BTW-- Abby's living on borrowed time. She introduced herself to the cats, and they were none too pleased. I think they are planning a counter-attack.

Clueless in Sacremento

Quote from: Ab DiverI think we'll be staying ashore this trip.:mad:

Ralph is going to bring his dive gear.  You just never know and it would be a shame if the conditions are good and he didn't get a chance to dive before the end of the season.  You might want to think about bringing your gear - just in case.



Rupert is now available to go diving.


Ab Diver

Sorry about not mentioning Nick and pcmom's under-the-weather reports. Bummer, guys. Hope everyone feels well again, soonest. You will be missed this weekend. Michelle, if it makes you feel any better, I'll get with Jeff and we'll juggle the numbers so's you can owe him the fees for ALL the camp sites. See, don't you feel better already? ;)
BTW... I think Rupert would make a great NNC'er. (I vote we send him an invitation to camp with us sometime) I knew he wouldn't last, though. Too strong and capable... he was a threat that had to be eliminated. Wonder how the others are gunna get fish, now. Maybe they could use that snakeinthegrass Jon as bait. :D


Quote from: Ab DiverAnd now for more bad news... DD#2 has come down sick as well.
They are FALLING LIKE TURKEYS. :confused:
Keep her wrapped up well, and hopefully we'll see her Saturday, along with Abby,
that is if the cat's haven't won yet!!

O.K. we are all packed and Margaret is off picking up the older two from school,
So drive safe everyone, and we'll check back in on Sunday

Red neff Barchetta

Well, we're home and unpacked.
What a great w/e!  Absolutely beautiful skies and the ocean was picturesque.
Watched seals, birds, deer, & a mountain lion right from our sites!  Actually, I didn't see this so called mountain lion and I'm thinking it was a dog that the "witnesses" were looking at through their beer goggles.
As always, what an awesome group of people, wait, make that FRIENDS!!!!!!
Amazing food and cheer too!  Although Nick & Sammy Slave were missed, we did pretty darn well if I do say so myself.
The Survivor games were a riot - Kudo's to Tania & Ray!  Even had tiki torches.
Dianne is WOMAN as she handled her rig with ease!!  Sure was great to have Ab Diver and his wonderful DD although we missed the other half of the Diver family.  Holly arriving for the day/evening was excellent although she did help her Survivor team cheat to a victory.  Too bad Pete didn't come along.  He was missed!  Thanks again for making the trip Holly!!
Zymomyz fit right in with this group!!  What a great addition they are!  Joined in on the games and late night party'ing.  I think the story behind their username fits right in with this group and NNC.  They made it up and it doesn't mean anything, lol, other than you can spell it the same in reverse.  He is a mod. fanatic in true NNC form also.  He had his Bal leveler and BAL chock before he even had his PU!  He's already done the detachable power cord mod. too!  I'm still too chicken to try something that technical.  Great family!
I truly enjoyed each and everyone's company this w/e.  So much fun to stop at any given NNC site and have a fun chat.  As always, the kids all got along so well too.  And of course, what would a rally be without Ray running around snapping pictures and video.  I still get a smile when I look at his half-a-PU.  You can never upgrade Ray.  That is one unique rig!
Thanks to everyone who attended!  I'll post again later, but there's stuff that needs to be done around here.

Nick & PC Mom -
You were all missed and we toasted a few to your improved health!


We made it home safely too.
even had Dianne tailgating us all the way home.
Onc again another wonderful NNC weekend.
Great company, great company, and apart from the frost in the morning, great weather.
All 6 of us had a great time, even if I did bring home 3 boys with red, green and blue hair.
I'm sitting here nibbling on some left over fried turkey, yum.
O.K. I got a trailer to clean, and put a few things away, so I'll check back in later.
Zymomyz, great that you could join us, and as Neff said, you fit right in with this group.


And thanks, Kevin & Margaret for letting me follow the BIG Tahoe all the way home.  It was such a nice ride for me.  We made it safely to Menlo Park and I am heading for the showers.  The warm showers.  Then I shall have to head for some exercise to wear off all that wonderful food.  I think I can probably skip Thanksgiving Dinner this year since we had everything needed for such a feed last night.  The turkey was superb, the desserts fantastic, and everything in between was a feast.
What a great weekend.  
Has anyone mentioned the moutain lion.  Now that is a first.  Racoons, opposums, ticks, we've had them all, but never a Mountain  lion.  
Jeff you did a great job.  WagonMaster par excellence....
hugs all
Dianne=otter.   someday I will figure out this software and redo my signature, learn how to quote and use smily faces, etc...till then.......................................................*smile*



Quote from: SurfcalPictures from the rally:


That was quick !!!

Just a little note to say thanks once again to you all for inviting us !! We had a great time and look forward to camping with you all again in the not too distant future !!


Ab Diver

Ok, we back. Trailer and truck are unloaded, the clothes are washing, the coolers are emptied, the family has been hugged, the new pup has been petted, and I even winterized the trailer's water system--- just in case. (Gee, dunno why I'd need to winterize a water system here in sunny Calif... everybody knows it *never* gets cold here!)

First, to our MIA Coughers: you were missed, both in mind and spirit. Hope you all feel better ASAP.  Same goes to those who didn't intend to attend, but were feeling poorly as well. BTDT, got the dirty T-shirt. Get-well-hugs to all of you.
To everybody in attendance: Thanks once again for your friendship, your hospitality, and your good manners at not making fun of my haircut.;)
Special Thanks to: Wagonmaster Jeff and his luverly family, who spearheaded this whole shebang. Great choice of campgrounds. Only bummer about the whole thing was the view... I mean, only a measly 140


Quote from: Ab DiverTo everybody in attendance: Thanks once again for your friendship, your hospitality, and your good manners at not making fun of my haircut.

Sorry, Ab, but even though you cooked an awesome turkey Saturday evening, I can't resist . . . what hair ? ;)


gsm x2

Oh Dave....what a wonderful ability to capture the tenacity of the First Survival Game.  It made me feel like I was there, but alas, we weren't.  Good thing to because this was the weekend of my annual cold.  That's good because now it is out of the way and won't occur at Cachuma like it did last year.

gsm x2