RE: FALLing Turkeys Rally - Nov. 21 - 23, 03

Started by otter, Sep 24, 2003, 11:52 PM

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Friday night I am going to make a big pot of potato soup for anyone who would like to partake.

Its good!
Well I woke up this morning with full on flu symtoms.  I'm sitting at work in front of my computer, feeling miserable all cause I used up my off time camping.:(
They need one of those purple "sick" smilies in the selection.

Red neff Barchetta

Nick -
Sure hope you can shake that today so you can drink this w/e!  Drink lots of orange juice buddy.

Red neff Barchetta

Zymomyz -
Any chance you can bring your heat gun this w/e?  I need to do the mod. to my BAL chock handle and can't find my heat gun.  Since I haven't needed it for at least 3 years I'm not surprised it has hidden itself in the deep dark recess' of the garage.

Red neff Barchetta

Just got an e-mail from Les/Calmobile from our Yahoo site.  He and his son are hoping to make a day trip on Saturday and join us (possibly for dinner)!
He says he'll be in a white & cream S-10 Blazer so keep an eye out for him.

Red neff Barchetta

Although I might post in the morning, I'll see everyone there!

Get ready for the final posting of the "Big Post".

Here it comes,

Steady now,

"Without further ado" -

Red neff Barchetta

Well, November is fast approaching with nary a mention of a rally.
So let s go to Casini Ranch Family Campground in Duncans Mills;
We really like this location because it is 3 1/2 miles from the ocean and shielded from the wind with a lot of things to do in the area. You can go wine tasting or go to the ocean (lounging, walking/hiking/exploring, fishing, whale watching, tide-pooling, playing, kite flying, etc...). You can check out the seals where the Russian river meets the ocean. There are some terrific restaurants for lunch. There is Fort Ross ("The Russians are coming, the Russians are coming!"). There is a giant redwood grove that is wonderful to stroll through. You can play golf at 2 different spectacular courses


Quote from: Red neff BarchettaAlthough I might post in the morning, I'll see everyone there!
Get ready for the final posting of the "Big Post".
Here it comes,
Steady now,
"Without further ado" -
Have a GREAT time Jeff!  That goes for everyone else, too.  Wish we could be there, but alas, taking a month off doesn't do wonders in the time off department for the rest of the year.  I'm not complaining, tho, since Cachuma is right around the corner and so is 2004 with the promise of lots more days off for camping!


My gosh, Neff, that may well be the longest post ever made in NNC, if not all of PUT!   ::::bowing in awe::::
 Have fun, y'all.  Us Southerners did this past weekend, so much so that the newbies can't wait to join in on other rallies.  :)

Ab Diver

Pre-rally complications...
Champ521, did you get my email?
Gotta pick up the new pup today. She's a spunky little thing. Of course, I'm sure both the family cats are going to have their say about the matter. For now, I'm putting twenty on the white cat named *Cuddles* (our friends call her "Hiss 'n Spits").
The weather sez the rain prospect is low (some Friday), but temps are going to drop a bit. That means another wheelbarrow of firewood will get stacked in the back of the truck. (like those old A&W Rootbeer commercials... "Never run out of firewood")
The propane heater should work fine for shrinking that wrap-- just hold the BAL chock close to the burner and rotate the chock handle.
OK, camp supplies.... peanuts? check. mixed nuts? check. chilie dip and chips? check. beer? check. Ok, looks like I've got all the food groups covered. If I have room, I'll toss in some junk food like turkey or something like that. ;)

Red neff Barchetta

Coleman PU NNC'ers;
The drill will be charged and ready (unless you all arrive at the same time) for you if you're interested.  Unless of course you'd like to crank the roof and stabilizers to generate some heat.  Sorry Nick, I think you have the square crank like Dianne.  Maybe it can still do your stabilizers?  Speaking of that, do you have the same weird set-up as Dianne - square crank for the roof and round crank for the stabilizers?  I would lose one of them for sure!

I'm off to drop our dog off at the kennel (he's getting old as well as I don't want a muddy mess to deal with) and then we'll get going in a bit.

I want to be there before Dianne arrives.

I've got a box of firewood, kindling, canopy, tarp, lantern, etc...
Btw, I'm happy to get more firewood as needed.  It might be fun to have a big fire going all w/e.

This should be a good w/e to try out the electric mattress pad and little cube ceramic heater.  Hopefully the heater will keep the furnace off a bit more.

Travel safely everyone!  I'll be watching for you Michelle.  Fort Ross tomorrow?

Red neff Barchetta

Btw Dave -
Good idea about the BAL chock handle.  I think I'll either do that or use a stove burner like MtnCamper/Gary suggested over at PUX.
Heck, with this group there's bound to be plenty of hot air.   :D


Quote from: Ab DiverPre-rally complications...
Champ521, did you get my email?

Ab/Dave- Yes I got It. We will all be attending.

Did anyone else see the post in the Yahoo group from Nick? I got one saying that he is pulling a Sacto. If that is the case I guess that will make Ab/Dave and PCMom the camp chefs.


Quote from: champ521Ab/Dave- Yes I got It. We will all be attending.

Did anyone else see the post in the Yahoo group from Nick? I got one saying that he is pulling a Sacto. If that is the case I guess that will make Ab/Dave and PCMom the camp chefs.

For some reason I could not get into the Arvee page this morning.  Anyway, just got back from the doctors and I have pneumonia.  I'm going back to bed now.  

Have a fun weekend.

I'll send you a check for anything they charge you.

gsm x2

Quote from: champ521Ab/Dave- Did anyone else see the post in the Yahoo group from Nick? I got one saying that he is pulling a Sacto. If that is the case I guess that will make Ab/Dave and PCMom the camp chefs.

Niether Nick nor Larry is going to be're going to starve.  Fortunately AbDiver has 25 pounds of K-rations in the back of his truck, so you'll at least make it through Saturday.

Just don't get any beer from him.

gsm x2


Ok, maybe the 3rd time trying to post this message will be the charm!

We are pulling a Sacto albiet very late.  One of the boys is sick and we are simply exhausted.  It was a very diffuclt decision but we have decided to just stay home and try to catch up so we can enjoy the holidays.

We hope everyone has a good time this weekend.

We did call Casini and canceled with them but we have no way to reach Jeff.  Can someone let him know that we won't be showing up tonight?  Also, if we owe any money let me know and I will send it ASAP.

