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Carousing at Casa

Started by SCCS, Nov 29, 2003, 05:10 PM

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Quote from: Red neff BarchettaWhoohoo!
The boss just instructed me to put us down for 200% & 3 nights!

I have you penciled in JEFF. :W  Right now we have numbers running from 50% to 200%. Ahh, I love this group.

gsm x2

Quote from: g-whizCasa de Wine and Casa de Sweets?  Oh, now twist my arm! :D  I'm giving a 98% for sure at this point.  That gives TOS a chance to put in his 2 cents worth!  I'm marking it on the calendar right now which pretty much makes it a done deal!

I always enjoyed George Allen's "giving 110%" routine.  So I am 110% certain that we are going.  Added to Georgeanne's 98% sure, we are 202% certain we are coming.  We beat the Neff's by 2%.  Pretty good when outnumbered 4 to 2. :J


Red neff Barchetta

Quote from: gsm x2I always enjoyed George Allen's "giving 110%" routine.  So I am 110% certain that we are going.  Added to Georgeanne's 98% sure, we are 202% certain we are coming.  We beat the Neff's by 2%.  Pretty good when outnumbered 4 to 2. :J

Er, Scott -
I just confirmed this with our 4 year-old and 98% + 110% = 208%.
A mind is a terrible thing to, aahh, er, um, where was I?   :D

Excellent news that you 2 are coming!!!!!

gsm x2

Quote from: Red neff BarchettaEr, Scott -
I just confirmed this with our 4 year-old and 98% + 110% = 208%.
A mind is a terrible thing to, aahh, er, um, where was I?   :D

Excellent news that you 2 are coming!!!!!

Way cool....we even beat you by more than I thought.  A full 8%.  Or is that 4% because 8 is .04 of 200?

Any math teachers in this group?

gsm x(208/104)


Holly hasn't filed a percentage, which leaves us to wonder, what is her percentage?  I remain at 50% as N&I had declared.


Red neff Barchetta

Scott/GSM x(416/208) -
You might want to streamline this station on Thursday's from 7 - 8 p.m.;
My parents host an old radio program where you will here the likes of George Allen.  Thought you might be interested.
Not that I'm saying you're old, lol.   :D

I grew up listening to The Green Hornet, Bob & Ray (these guys were hilarious!), Lights Out, The Lone Ranger, George & Gracie Burns, etc...

Red neff Barchetta


I just noticed that they have a show called "Rabble Rousing";

gsm x2

Quote from: Red neff BarchettaScott/GSM x(416/208) -
You might want to streamline this station on Thursday's from 7 - 8 p.m.;
My parents host an old radio program where you will here the likes of George Allen.  Thought you might be interested.
Not that I'm saying you're old, lol.   :D

I grew up listening to The Green Hornet, Bob & Ray (these guys were hilarious!), Lights Out, The Lone Ranger, George & Gracie Burns, etc...

CWB--what do you you think of this whipper-snapper saying he isn't calling me (spelled US) old?

Just because I saw George Allen coach against Tom Landry doesn't mean I am old. Heck, I might have just been an infant.  But alas, I wasn't. :rolleyes:

I'll see if we can listen to your parents.  Is this a call-in show?

The Breningers:  And now we have Scott in Ventura on line 3. Scott, what's on your mind.

Scott in Ventura:

Hmmm, have to think of that.  AbDiver, help me out.  I am at a loss for words on what I would say to Jeff's folks on talk radio on a left-wing station that hosts Rabble Rousing.

gsm x(square root of 4)

Hybrid Holly

Quote from: SurfcalHolly hasn't filed a percentage, which leaves us to wonder, what is her percentage?  I remain at 50% as N&I had declared.


Being the statistician that I am, I should give you my 95% confidence intervals around my point estimate, but I will spare you all.

Speaking of spares, for those who care, I have my new spare after the Tahoe adventure.  Goodyear, did pull the roofing nail out of the sidewall and the tire now I have 2 spares!

The Memory Maker

Count Scott & Scott and the rest of our family in.

Red neff Barchetta

Scott/GSM x(.5(4)) -

You don't know the half of it regarding how funny and weird it is that my parents show is on a station like that.  I'm sure they don't talk with any of the other hosts.
They are the most straight arrow, law abiding, God fearing people I know.  I never missed church for 16 years and read and dissected the bible 3 times all the way through.
Which probably explains why I have my belief system that I do today -
They pushed me over the edge Man!  J/K!   :D
They fell in love with Amy as soon as they met her, but when they found out she was a biology major they said "You know people in science don't go to church right?", lol.  I just said "Yeah".  We haven't talked about religion since as well as a tadpole turning into a frog and apes into humans.

Anyway, if you listen to their show you just might hear a news flash from "way back when" which might include some words of wisdom from Churchill, FDR, or even sports people like George Allen.  Or Kate Smith singing "God Bless America" and then talking about all of the "fine strapping (one of her favorite words) young soldiers defending our country and don't forget to buy your cheerioats (later became cheerios) and purchase CBS stock (of course she was an employee of CBS)".  Or the announcer reading an obviously canned (read censored) piece about the war effort and how we need to help clean up the world.  Or you might learn that the "My Favorite Husband" radio show later became the tv show "I Love Lucy" - every radio episode later became a tv episode with almost the exact same script.
Crazy stuff rolling around in my brain huh?

Red neff Barchetta

Btw, they pre-record their show in their home studio and then it airs on the station a few days later.  It is not a call-in show.  Sorry.


Quote from: Red neff BarchettaScott/GSM x(.5(4)) -
You don't know the half of it regarding how funny and weird it is that my parents show is on a station like that. I'm sure they don't talk with any of the other hosts.
They are the most straight arrow, law abiding, God fearing people I know. I never missed church for 16 years and read and dissected the bible 3 times all the way through.
Which probably explains why I have my belief system that I do today -
They pushed me over the edge Man! J/K! :D
They fell in love with Amy as soon as they met her, but when they found out she was a biology major they said "You know people in science don't go to church right?", lol. I just said "Yeah". We haven't talked about religion since as well as a tadpole turning into a frog and apes into humans.
Anyway, if you listen to their show you just might hear a news flash from "way back when" which might include some words of wisdom from Churchill, FDR, or even sports people like George Allen. Or Kate Smith singing "God Bless America" and then talking about all of the "fine strapping (one of her favorite words) young soldiers defending our country and don't forget to buy your cheerioats (later became cheerios) and purchase CBS stock (of course she was an employee of CBS)". Or the announcer reading an obviously canned (read censored) piece about the war effort and how we need to help clean up the world. Or you might learn that the "My Favorite Husband" radio show later became the tv show "I Love Lucy" - every radio episode later became a tv episode with almost the exact same script.
Crazy stuff rolling around in my brain huh?
I never would have guess that those people I met a Snug Harbor hosted a radio show. I am so impressed and can't wait to hear the show. Luckily it doesn't interfere with our Thursday night TV date. We actually watch TV from 8 pm to 11 pm on that night. Now we'll have something to do from 7 to 8 pm!
Oh, btw, how old are you?  I was trying to figure out your quote of "I never missed church for 16 years". Did you go from birth to 16 years of age, or start at a later time and then go for 16 years? Is this one of those math story problems?

Red neff Barchetta

Georgeanne -
Well, I was born in 1966.  The same year The Beatles held their last concert.  I went to church the first 16 years of my life.
There's some more useless facts for ya, lol.

I'm tired so I'm heading off to sleep for my 13,548'th night.



With that kind of history, you should think about going into radio.  You have the perfect face for it.
