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Horse riding at Olema

Started by Nick, Jan 26, 2004, 12:23 PM

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Red neff Barchetta

Quote from: NickOk, Here's the details.

The price is not as good as origianlly quoted.  They are now saying $49.50.  There is no deposit so that's good.  Let me know if you still want to go.  I'm going to look around for a better price.
Let's see if I've got this straight -
First Mike pumps us up and gets us all excited and states the price for said excitement.
Then when we are about "there" he mentions a second cost for said excitement.
Sounds like a "trick" you learned on the streets Mike.   :D  :D  :)

J/k friend!!
We will go with the majority here.

Whatever the group wants to do.
I'm "easy".  Wink, wink, nudge, nudge.   :rolleyes:


Quote from: NickJust an FYI-

BTW - There is a 225lb weight limit.

Does that 225 lb weight limit apply to me or the hore?


I thought this rally was at Olema Ranch, not the Mustang Ranch.
Anyway, Nick, what are the possibilities of coming last minute? We return from our Dallas trip the week before but may decide last minute to come. It would be the maiden voyage for the Sactohybrid.


Quote from: SactoCampersI thought this rally was at Olema Ranch, not the Mustang Ranch.
Anyway, Nick, what are the possibilities of coming last minute? We return from our Dallas trip the week before but may decide last minute to come. It would be the maiden voyage for the Sactohybrid.
Last year I was able to make changes and add people right up to the day before.  As long as they have sites open they are accomodating.


Last year, from what I remember, people were open to exchanging sites and it happened all over.



Quote from: SurfcalLast year, from what I remember, people were open to exchanging sites and it happened all over.


Ok, I was going to make a joke about assuming that when the ridders pick out a hore, they will NOT exchange ! No refund on the ridding! But this is a Family Program so I will just share the question around the flashlight campfire with my campfire buddy Ray!


How about we try this instead of horses or hores

Red neff Barchetta

Quote from: NickHow about we try this instead of horses or hores

Giddy up!
Never ridden on an egg-laying horse before.


You guys (and gals) are too much! I'm sitting here at work (on break) and look at Nick riding that stupid bird and laughing my head off. My co-workers in the cubicles next to me are wonder what all the giggling is about. I showed them your picture, Nick! They love it!

Oh man, do I need to go camping. The last two-three weeks have been real stressful. Since I do all the contracts for our Division, I have been doing and re-doing, and re-doing these drills to cut funds to any contract we can and cancel any contracts that we do not absolutly need or prepare an amendment to cut the budget. Mr. Swartzy has put a freeze on all contracts and ordering. This thread has really helped ease my stress and frustrations with all the good laughs you all are providing.

AND, as I recall, the one who was guilty of causing all the site swapping was Ray. Ray parked in Larry's (Sammyslave) spot which caused a chain reaction and moved everyone else around. Poor Nick had to take the brunt of all the "language" from the P'd off folks.

Nick, I hope you are not assigning sites this year (since it was the Office that caused all the problems to begin with).




I don't know what Joan did to the font color but here is her post made visiable.:J
Quote from: Calstate361You guys (and gals) are too much! I'm sitting here at work (on break) and look at Nick riding that stupid bird and laughing my head off. My co-workers in the cubicles next to me are wonder what all the giggling is about. I showed them your picture, Nick! They love it!
Oh man, do I need to go camping. The last two-three weeks have been real stressful. Since I do all the contracts for our Division, I have been doing and re-doing, and re-doing these drills to cut funds to any contract we can and cancel any contracts that we do not absolutly need or prepare an amendment to cut the budget. Mr. Swartzy has put a freeze on all contracts and ordering. This thread has really helped ease my stress and frustrations with all the good laughs you all are providing.
AND, as I recall, the one who was guilty of causing all the site swapping was Ray. Ray parked in Larry's (Sammyslave) spot which caused a chain reaction and moved everyone else around. Poor Nick had to take the brunt of all the "language" from the P'd off folks.
Nick, I hope you are not assigning sites this year (since it was the Office that caused all the problems to begin with).



FYI - If you post comes out blank, just hit edit, highlight all the unseen text and then change it to black or another visible color.


Quote from: Calstate361Nick, I hope you are not assigning sites this year (since it was the Office that caused all the problems to begin with).
No assigned sites this year.  Get one as you arrive! :D

Red neff Barchetta

Quote from: NickNo assigned sites this year.
Boooo!  Boring start to the rally.   :(


Yes Nick,

At least produce a list and see how many people can create chaos.


P.S.  Even the Anarchist Rally had a list that no one followed.


You know, with the activities you all have planned I may want to tow over from Maryland :D

I might have to leave the DW at home :J