Last minute wife left town going campin'... extreme anarchy

Started by zymomyz, Mar 10, 2004, 11:49 PM

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Kudos to the Zeee....

This is NNC's first one person rally.  Z, my hat's off to ya.  Enjoy and have a good time!



Day 2 of the Z Solo Expedition.  Have not heard from him, but I'm sure he's enjoying his history making exploits.



gsm x2

Quote from: SurfcalDay 2 of the Z Solo Expedition. Have not heard from him, but I'm sure he's enjoying his history making exploits.
No "great fun, great people, great potluck posts after this rally."  Of course, now that I've met Steve, MAYBE there will be.  He's just that kind of guy.  Will have to check back tomorrow to find out.
gsm x2


Quote from: gsm x2No "great fun, great people, great potluck posts after this rally."  Of course, now that I've met Steve, MAYBE there will be.  He's just that kind of guy.  Will have to check back tomorrow to find out.
gsm x2

Hey The Original Scott (TOS) GSMX2:

Thanks for the mutual concern for one of our own.  We've not heard back from the Z.  I hope he didn't camp next to ex-cons who are prone to sticking pencils in people's necks.  He's had an experience like that in the past.

We'll just have to see and wait for the Z to report.  Can't wait to hear about the "one person rally."  Do you suppose he'll post a group photo?


gsm x2

Quote from: SurfcalHey The Original Scott (TOS) GSMX2:
Thanks for the mutual concern for one of our own. We've not heard back from the Z. I hope he didn't camp next to ex-cons who are prone to sticking pencils in people's necks. He's had an experience like that in the past.
We'll just have to see and wait for the Z to report. Can't wait to hear about the "one person rally." Do you suppose he'll post a group photo?
Yes, I think he will as long as his camera has a delay button on it.  I think most cameras do, don't they???  Except for the one-time-use-film-cannister-cameras.  And maybe they do too.
Anyway...he should be up and about right now.  Can't wait to hear from him.
gsm x2


Well check out is usually noon, so they can get the site ready for the next camper, so Steve should have packed up and be home by now.
We are home and unpacked, and I mean unpacked as the hybrid is going in to the dealer this week for some minor warranty work.

What a great weekend camping we had at our favorite home away from home, Seacliff. Got site #2 this time. There had been a lot of damage done a couple of weeks ago in the big storm and they had to evacuate tha campground. Parts of the railing was gone, and all the sites were covered with sand, having been washed up by the waves during the storm. Plenty of driftwood on the beach, and both today and yesterday, at low tide, the beach was perfect for the kids to buggy board, skim board and just play in the gentle waves.

Just wonder when Steve will check in with his report!


Quote from: 6QuigsWell check out is usually noon, so they can get the site ready for the next camper, so Steve should have packed up and be home by now.
We are home and unpacked, and I mean unpacked as the hybrid is going in to the dealer this week for some minor warranty work.

What a great weekend camping we had at our favorite home away from home, Seacliff. Got site #2 this time. There had been a lot of damage done a couple of weeks ago in the big storm and they had to evacuate tha campground. Parts of the railing was gone, and all the sites were covered with sand, having been washed up by the waves during the storm. Plenty of driftwood on the beach, and both today and yesterday, at low tide, the beach was perfect for the kids to buggy board, skim board and just play in the gentle waves.

Just wonder when Steve will check in with his report!

I'mmmm baaaaccckkkk...  :D .

Actually got home around 11:00am.

It was the perfect weekend to be camping !

Friday I set up camp in the completely deserted campground. I thought i't early some more people will show up later. I went for a bike ride got back around dark and still no one else in the campground. Popped a beer started a fire, some people drove through but evidently no campers. I made dinner, popped another beer, stared at the fire, and finally around 9:00pm I thought I heard voices ... I did, turns out there was another couple camping at the other end of the campground. I turned in around 10:00.

Saturday. Got up made coffee, ate breakfast, and went for a bike ride. The other campers were already gone. So, while I heard them, I never actually saw them - could be they were imaginary  :D .

Finally, Saturday afternoon while I'm having lunch, some other campers come. But, they felt the need to play their radio constantly the remainder of the day (sure made it feel crowded  :p ). Later 2 more sets of campers came. There were 4 sites occupied Saturday eveing. I had a potluck of one  :rolleyes: .

Also on Saturday, while I was eating my lunch, I started hearing what sounded like chanting - like possibly evil Children of the Corn type chanting. Sure enough, on the trail below the campground a small group of women was hiking by and chanting, dunno what it was all about, but was happy when they left the park  ;) .

It's really a beautiful spot this time of year with everything still green and the flowers coming out. There's great hiking, cycling trails, and some terrific views. There is also a little fishing lake, but don't know if anyone was catching anything. It's a winding 8 mile stretch to get there, but the Ody seemed handle it quite well, new airbags and all. I think there is a trailer limit for the road, but I forget what the sign said - 38 feet comes to mind.


Hello fellow NNCers!

It's 3:30 pm!  Do you know where your campers are?

Studies have shown that when you show interest and concern for your campers, they will have less chances of straying, getting involved with bad company, or smoking, drinking or doing drugs.

So, where is the Z?  That is the question.

Z, where are you?



Quote from: SurfcalHello fellow NNCers!

It's 3:30 pm!  Do you know where your campers are?

Studies have shown that when you show interest and concern for your campers, they will have less chances of straying, getting involved with bad company, or smoking, drinking or doing drugs.

So, where is the Z?  That is the question.

Z, where are you?

I'm right here, but it looks like you didn't see my post just prior to yours...

gsm x2

Quote from: zymomyzI'm right here, but it looks like you didn't see my post just prior to yours...
Apparently Z snuck in quietly 6 minutes before curfew---and suprised the bejeesus out of Surfcal....who probably never made it home before curfew.
gsm x2



Glad you had a good time and the weather must have been the most ideal this past weekend.

Did you have any idea at all what was being brought to the potluck?  Did it surprise you?  And don't worry about the voices, I hear them all the time too and not just when I'm camping.

Thanks for the report and this case is closed.  It was great to watch the "first and only" one person rally in NNC's esteemed history.



Quote from: SurfcalZ-
 Glad you had a good time and the weather must have been the most ideal this past weekend.
 Did you have any idea at all what was being brought to the potluck? Did it surprise you? And don't worry about the voices, I hear them all the time too and not just when I'm camping.
 Thanks for the report and this case is closed. It was great to watch the "first and only" one person rally in NNC's esteemed history.
Hey Zee....where's the group photo?? :D  I'm glad to hear you're home safe and sound, and I, for one, will look forward to hearing all the stories once you've had some time to work up your presentation!  Steak sandwich anyone?


Quote from: Ca-girlHey Zee....where's the group photo?? :D  I'm glad to hear you're home safe and sound, and I, for one, will look forward to hearing all the stories once you've had some time to work up your presentation!  Steak sandwich anyone?

It just happens I do have a group photo ! I'll post it this evening  :D


Happy to hear you made it home safe.

How did the game of Zoom go?

Red neff Barchetta

Glad you had fun Steve!  Very cool that you got some good riding in as well.  Don't forget to bring your bike to SugarLoaf.  Excellent riding is just a 10-15 minute drive away at Annadel SP.  Some of the best in northern CA actually.

Btw, did you do a certain mod. that a certain darling someone doesn't know about?
We are taking off this w/e and I'll be working on my latest grey water tote storage mod. while we're camping.
It's a free w/e at Casini for bringing the group there last November.  So we're going to cheat Saturday night and go out for dinner.  Dinner will probably cost more than the 2 nights site fee I'm saving, lol!
Btw, my BIL and family thought they might join us in their new mega-bus.  He called 3 weeks ago and they were already completely full for this coming w/e.  It's gonna be a busy summer at cg's across the country I think as people stay domestic, by an RV, & go camping.  Glad we've got our summer booked!
Although it sounds like that's not a problem at the cg you were at this past w/e.