Last minute wife left town going campin'... extreme anarchy

Started by zymomyz, Mar 10, 2004, 11:49 PM

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Quote from: 6QuigsWhat a great weekend camping we had at our favorite home away from home, Seacliff. Got site #2 this time.

Hey Kevin,

A friend of mine wants to know HOW you get reservations to Seacliff?  She said that she has been trying for 3 years and can't get in, I told her you go ALL THE TIME.  If the answer is proprietary I will understand ;)

Glad the family had a great time this past w/e, we had a great time in Monterey, the cg was full, in March that's saying a lot!



Quote from: Red-better-keep-his-big-mouth-shut-Barchetta :D Btw, did you do a certain mod. that a certain darling someone doesn't know about?/QUOTE]

No, but I did spend some time Saturday afternoon checking it out some more. I think it can work but I'll come clean with Anne Marie before I attempt it. She has been asking what was in the package i grabbed out of her hands one afternoon not to long ago "It's nothing dear" :rolleyes:

Last night I bought one of those fancy Xantrex Link 10 battery monitors :D . Got it on ebay for what appears to be a great price. I'll probably work on that mod before the access door mod.

Also, I am going camping again the first weekend of April, probably alone again. I'm going ot China Camp on the edge of San Pablo bay. It's walk in so no PU  :confused: , Ray said he'd be up for coming over for the day (I guess he's to ascared to stay over night  :eek: ) How about you ? Or anylne else ?


Quote from: Civil_War_BuffHey Kevin,

A friend of mine wants to know HOW you get reservations to Seacliff?  She said that she has been trying for 3 years and can't get in, I told her you go ALL THE TIME.  If the answer is proprietary I will understand ;)

Glad the family had a great time this past w/e, we had a great time in Monterey, the cg was full, in March that's saying a lot!

Not quite all the time. It is very difficult to get reservations and unfortunately we were unable to get reservations for June, July, August or September this year. :mad:
Though we are going back there on April 9th for a 4 day weekend.

We were thinking of you Larry and Vera as we looked through the fog at Monterey on Saturday.
We got to see some dolphins swimming by, and on Sunday morning we got to see a whale surfacing a few times.


Alright gang the photos are in:

In the JDGrant album

Red neff Barchetta

I clicked on your link, but all I got was this;
Looks like you forgot to put your awning away before the afternoon winds kicked up.  Looks like you had a blast though.  Thanks for the pic.!

Seriously, something's up with your link.


Quote from: zymomyzAlright gang the photos are in:

In the JDGrant album


Thanks for the memories.  Looks like a great time was had by all.  I am glad you were able to get in the group photo.  It's always tough for the photographer to be in it unless you have a tripod.

Some of that burlwood action looks like scenes from The Arches.  You need to get a Nick-Neff-Cough mug or thong for group identification.

Next time we'll build up the rally to become a two person rally and increase it by 50%.


Red neff Barchetta

Now it's working.
I see you employ the same tactics as I when wanting a well built campfire ready to fire up - Scare off some scouts and take theirs!
I see Harvey the rabbit even woke up in time for the breakfast potluck.  He looks just like he does in the movie.  Your body part shot scares me a little though.  I'm glad nobody was around.
I'm bummed you didn't get any shots of the other campers mod's. though.  Such a quiet group though, maybe they don't show off their mod's unless you ask.


Quote from: Red neff BarchettaI clicked on your link, but all I got was this;
Looks like you forgot to put your awning away before the afternoon winds kicked up.  Looks like you had a blast though.  Thanks for the pic.!

Seriously, something's up with your link.


Hmmm, seems to be okay now ??? What was it doing ? Or not doing ?

gsm x2

Quote from: zymomyzJeff,
Hmmm, seems to be okay now ??? What was it doing ? Or not doing ?
I am humbled.  I usually have to shoot about a 100 shots to get the "feel of the rally."  You did it in five and included an "artsy fartsy" shot for us artistic types.
Good job.
gsm x2


Quote from: gsm x2I am humbled.  I usually have to shoot about a 100 shots to get the "feel of the rally."  You did it in five and included an "artsy fartsy" shot for us artistic types.
Good job.
gsm x2


That one was special just for you  ;)

gsm x2

Quote from: zymomyzScott,
That one was special just for you ;)
Thanks.  Also a compliment on the sequencial order of your gallery.  The transition of "Reminds me of something" to "Group Photo" was brilliant because at first glance the "Group Photo" reminded me of something too.
gsm x2

Hybrid Holly

We stopped by to see Steve on Sunday morning and he was long gone!  All that was left was his reservation sticker and some blood!  
This left us a little worried, especially when we saw that mountain lion with a pony tail hanging out of its mouth!

Hybrid Holly


Quote from: Hybrid HollyWe stopped by to see Steve on Sunday morning and he was long gone!  All that was left was his reservation sticker and some blood!  
This left us a little worried, especially when we saw that mountain lion with a pony tail hanging out of its mouth!

Hybrid Holly

You sure it was a mountain lion, or was it a bobcat?  That will always be lingering question of that animal sighting at the Thanksgiving Rally.  It's our club's "bigfoot" moment.



Quote from: SurfcalYou sure it was a mountain lion, or was it a bobcat?  That will always be lingering question of that animal sighting at the Thanksgiving Rally.  It's our club's "bigfoot" moment.



Dude, it was a house cat  ;) .

Hey are you going to come over to China camp the weekend of 4/2-3 ?


Quote from: zymomyzRay,

Dude, it was a house cat  ;) .

Hey are you going to come over to China camp the weekend of 4/2-3 ?

Yes, I'll be there and I'll go bike riding with you.  I went up the hill once and bonked.  The only part that's hard is uphill.

Today I am looking at road bikes, it's between Specialized and Cannondale.  The road bike should help with the cardiovascular effort.  Maybe quittting smoking might help too!

Neff is considering coming with his son Austen to intro him to that area.  That place has the best single track and technical trails, short but challenging grade, 800' gained in 4.7 miles.  It is a mecca for the locals and sometimes it gets downright packed on the weekends.  The roadway is great for road biking, 17 miles for the whole loop, moderate hills.  And the China camp area and nearby McNear's Beach is great for kayaking, with lake-like placid qualities.

The campground is a walk-in, but it's really not that far of a walk, less than a footbal field length and you can go up a gravel road to unload, thus getting you pretty near the campsites, then move to park in the lot.  The campsites are in the shade, great when it's sunny, but damp when it's rainy.  It can get miserably muddy in the rain.

San Quentin State Penitentiary is just a couple of exits up the freeway, so you'll feel right at home.  If we're lucky, we'll get visits from recent escapees enjoying the outdoors.  They might even want to borrow your bike.

All in all, a fun family experience for all.
