No Name Rally (Olema) February 17 - 20, 2005

Started by Nick, Jul 08, 2004, 05:26 PM

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gsm x2

Quote from: NickThat would be a site.
How was the wine and chocolate?
They were wonderful.  Georgeanne set it was her best Valentine's Day weekend ever.  Here are some pictures.


Hi Nick,

We are coming on Thursday night instead of Friday.  Since Steve is working back down in the Milpitas area, he is just going to meet us at Olema.  Is there space to park an extra vehicle?  Do you want me to paypal you more money or just pay for the extra night when we get there?
So who else will be there Thursday night????  If I get there before Steve I may need help backing in the trailer.


Since we have never been to Olema, what's the best way to get there?  Looking at our GPS, it routed us 2 different ways from is to take Hwy 37 to 101 the other routed down to I580 and across.  Steve said that 580 would be very bad due to the traffic.  I'm planning on leaving Redding at 3:30ish on Thursday - that puts me in Vacaville between 5:30 and 6:00 p.m.
Also, our plan for Friday is to take the kids into the city (San Francisco).  We were thinking about going to the Exploratorium.  And then on Saturday go down to the beaches, lighthouse, etc.  Any ideas for us?
What are the chances for any whale sightings from the lighthouse?


Quote from: pcmomIf I get there before Steve I may need help backing in the trailer.

 I am sure their will plenty of people their to help you back into your site. We wouldn't let you do it alone. (or would we) Might get some great photos from an event like that. jk


Quote from: pcmomSince we have never been to Olema, what's the best way to get there? Looking at our GPS, it routed us 2 different ways from is to take Hwy 37 to 101 the other routed down to I580 and across. Steve said that 580 would be very bad due to the traffic. I'm planning on leaving Redding at 3:30ish on Thursday - that puts me in Vacaville between 5:30 and 6:00 p.m.
Also, our plan for Friday is to take the kids into the city (San Francisco). We were thinking about going to the Exploratorium. And then on Saturday go down to the beaches, lighthouse, etc. Any ideas for us?
What are the chances for any whale sightings from the lighthouse?
Hi Michelle,
Here is the Official Pt. Reyes website.  It looks like they even have some whale programs led by the Rangers going on at this time.  We drove up to the Tule Elk Reserve and I must say the views are some of the best I have seen in my entire lifetime.  The Tule Elk are impressive, too.  Of course, there is always the Oyster Farm.  That's something you don't see every day!

OC Campers

Is Olema bike friendly?  I just wondered if it was worth the extra trouble to load the bikes if the campground was hilly?  We don't usually go off road, the kids usually just ride around the campground.



Quote from: OC CampersIs Olema bike friendly?  I just wondered if it was worth the extra trouble to load the bikes if the campground was hilly?  We don't usually go off road, the kids usually just ride around the campground.


The campground is pretty flat, but it will be muddy, especially following this weekends rain.

OC Campers

If the roads are flat I will probably bring the bikes.  The mud puddles will soften the blow if they fall off:D .

So what meals are we potlucking?  SC Campers usally did the Saturday night dinner and a morning breakfast get together.  Are the people arriving on Thursday planning on something?  Or is that the "lets go out to dinner" night?  
P.S. Nick, do you have a list of who is coming and the number of kids coming?


I would agree on bringing the bikes Jacqui.

You don't want your kid to be the only one without their bike, as all the other kids head off exploring the campground.
From the list of families attending on the first page of this thread, there will be plenty of kids there, and a great mix of ages.

Looks the previous years where the weather is going to co-operate with us, and we might not get too much rain this weekend, if any at all.

We will not be arriving till around 9:00pm on friday night, so you can all grab a beer and your chairs and watch as we try to back our hybrid into our site.

OC Campers

Thanks Kevin, we will bring the bikes.   I don't want them to be left in the dust because they didn't bring their wheels.



Quote from: OC CampersThanks Kevin, we will bring the bikes.   I don't want them to be left in the dust because they didn't bring their wheels.


Don't worry Jacqui, there will be no DUST this weekend.

Now getting left behind, and covered with mud splashes, that's a major posibility. ;)

BTW, Brendan says to tell Chris to bring his Yu-Gu-Oh cards and his Duel-Disc-Launcher as his is ready to do battle with him!!

OC Campers

Quote from: 6QuigsBTW, Brendan says to tell Chris to bring his Yu-Gu-Oh cards and his Duel-Disc-Launcher as his is ready to do battle with him!!
You got it, I will make sure it gets packed.  If we keep them busy, that is one less kid to worry about.  How dirty can they get playing Yu gi oh?:p


Not very many people have posted what they will be brining for the pot-luck on Saturday night so this is all I have to post for the unofficial UNLIST:
Saturday Morning unpot-luck gathering:
Joan (Calstate 361) = Sausage Gravy & Biscuts
Jacqui (OC Campers) = Camp Biscuts
Rod (towrod) = Fresh cut fruit
Saturday Night Pot-Luck:
Joan = Clam Chowder
Champ = BBQ Beans
G = Shrimp
Cook-off Teams = Chippino
Jacqui = DO Lasagna

OC Campers

Saturday am--camp donuts
Saturday dinner--DO lasagna

Red neff Barchetta

Hey Olemians -

Have fun this w/e.   :)

I'll try and stop by for a beer tasting if possible.