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RE: General coughing and rousing

Started by 6Quigs, Jan 22, 2003, 08:12 PM

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Red neff Barchetta

 otterSomeone is sitting back watching all of us PUT s users going crazy and laughing their heads off, lol!
 Glad you re with me Scott!


 Red neff Barchetta
QuoteORIGINAL:  Red neff Barchetta
 Glad you re with me Scott!

 So, does this mean YOU are ganging up on me too??? Shouldn t you ve said glad I m with YOU Scott?  Why those words?[&:][:(][:(][: (][8D][&:]
 I personally see a row of TrailManors on mine, all shiny and new, fitted quite nicely with roof air conditioning, a great Wingard tv antenna, and a spare tire mounted low in the center of each one.  Please elaborate on all this muffin, brownie, pop-up stuff?  And hand me a piece of that pepperoni pizza will ya?
 Happy Campin  <><


 otterWell, with all this talk about corn muffins and brownies, I propose that they be included as part of our Saturday night appetizer potlucks.  I will bring brownies (not Jeff s or TMM s version) to Olema.
 Someone s got to make biscuits and gravy for CWB.  G-Whiz, Otter and Rita, get ready for more singing.  And Pete, practice reciting the numerals, in order, for the game of Zoom.
 Olema, a Mega-Rally, approching fast.  I can t wait.  I bought more accessories and finished off my newest deshnitzifications.

gsm x2

QuoteInstead of Control Panel, I then go to Programs >> NortonSystemWorks >> " Uninstall Norton SystemWorks" . Up pops a message asking if I m sure I want to uninstall Netscape. HUH????? They switched??? Any idea how the heck that happened? Or should I just try to uninstall the next program alphabetically after Norton to see if that works? Or is an all-out computer exorcism a better idea?

 I think an exorcism is in order.  I got 90% through an e-mail that gave you instructions on how to at least look at the registry to check why Systemworks is linked to Netscape.  But the file is given a variable designation instead of a name.  In mine its:  MsiExec.exe /I{43C3D832-AC96-463A-8FE4-1B8D1BFA2FA3}  That sucks.
 I would probably just use the WIN DOCTOR feature in Norton Systemworks to see if it can straighten out the problem.  BTW--why are you eliminating Norton Systemworks?  I consider it to be one of the most important programs I have on my computer.
 Good luck.
 gsm x2


QuoteORIGINAL:  Surfcal
 Well, with all this talk about corn muffins and brownies, I propose that they be included as part of our Saturday night appetizer potlucks.  I will bring brownies (not Jeff s or TMM s version) to Olema.
 Someone s got to make biscuits and gravy for CWB.  G-Whiz, Otter and Rita, get ready for more singing.  And Pete, practice reciting the numerals, in order, for the game of Zoom.
 Olema, a Mega-Rally, approching fast.  I can t wait.  I bought more accessories and finished off my newest deshnitzifications.

 If I bake muffins on Wednesday to eat on Saturday, well, they just won t be the same as when freshly popped out of the oven.  If I bake brownies on Wednesday for a Saturday potluck, believe me they will be gone before Saturday!  I do miss having an oven when camping.  
 Mi-mi-mi-mi... I m warming up Ray!  Are you going to tell what accessories you added or do we just have to wait to see?  

Hybrid Holly

 otterHey GSM X2 and G-Whiz,  Were you drinking wine and eating garlic and brie last night?
 Sure sounds like it.  
 Anyone know if we are ever going to be able to add icons to our signatures like in the good old PUT days?

Red neff Barchetta

 otterLarry, Larry, Larry, (or the 3 Larries) -
 I m always with you baby!  It s just that Scott & I are apparently the only 2 NNC ers that haven t been passed the peace pipe so we can also see the mysterious PU icons instead of muffins.  Cottonwooder somehow is the only one who s PU we can see.  I don t know if ignorance is bliss, but I sure am a happy guy though, lol.
 Whoohoooo!  The PU is currently in front of the house waiting to move into its new INDOOR home on Saturday morning.  I take possesion of the warehouse/shop then and the PU is the first thing to go in, ha.  Who cares about work vehicles and tools/materials/supplies, lol.  I will not miss the storage yard where it has lived the last 10 months.  Crazy looking people hanging out in their rundown RV s during the day.  One guy stores his van there and takes it out on w/e s around the county.  On the side is plastered " Stephen King Killed John Lennon" , lol.  It takes all kinds I guess to make this silly planet go  round.  Of course he s got it all wrong.  Everyone knows that Richard Bachman did it.


 Red neff Barchetta
QuoteCottonwooder somehow is the only one who s PU we can see.

 Ain t I special?  It s my punishment, for being the loudest to complain about the disappearance of the corn muffins.
 Folks, we were talking about setting the time to our zone.  I ve done that twice, and now realize that it resets to default after being logged off.  Came back this morning to find EST showing on all the posts.  Anyone know if we can permanently set it to  show West Coast time???
 (Please don t tell me it s only me, that different time zones appear after different monitor color settings, etc.)  [&:]


QuoteORIGINAL:  Cottonwooder
 Folks, we were talking about setting the time to our zone.  I ve done that twice, and now realize that it resets to default after being logged off.  Came back this morning to find EST showing on all the posts.  Anyone know if we can permanently set it to  show West Coast time???
 (Please don t tell me it s only me, that different time zones appear after different monitor color settings, etc.)  [&:]

 Is there a reason you log off? I am assuming you mean logging out of PUT.  I just don t.  When I click on my PUT icon, my browser opens and I m ready to read the boards.


 Red neff Barchetta
QuoteORIGINAL:  Red neff Barchetta
 Everyone knows that Richard Bachman did it.

 My favorite Bachman is The Longest Walk.


QuoteIs there a reason you log off? I am assuming you mean logging out of PUT.

 You can remain logged on?  I m automatically logged off, both here and at IRV2.  Back on the old PUT board, I remained logged on, and so thought it s a new feature here.   Yet I remain logged on here during the day, even though I sign on and offline throughout the day, and am only logged off overnight.  Hmm....

gsm x2

 You may be tossing your cookies after each session.
 Check e-mail for more detailed explination.
 gsm x2

Red neff Barchetta

 CottonwooderWell, it looks like I was the last one to get passed the pipe, but oh man was it worth the wait.  I don t even mind all of the slobber on it.
 I SEE PU S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 I now have that " Crystal Blue Persuasion"  goin  on.  I think I ll put on some Simon & Garfunkel followed by some Pink Floyd and enjoy the ride.
 I ll never forget the muffins though.  They have so much in common with PU s, lol.  Who s idea was that anyway?
 " Puff, the magic dragon, ..."


 gsm x2
QuoteYou may be tossing your cookies after each session.

 Eureka!  Silly me didn t even think to check the Cookie setting.  Darn thing was set for cookies to expire after each session.  [:@]  Have reset it for 90 days.  Now, let s see if I can exit, re-enter, and STILL see California time!  (Currently 2:22p.m.)
 (Perhaps PUT tossed its muffins like I ve been tossing cookies...)


 Gung Hay Fat Choy Everyone...  Chinese New Years is upon us.  Pay off all your debts by tomorrow AM  or it will not be a good year for you.  
 Year 4700...  the year of the horse.  ( I hope that is not an augar).
 Congrats Jeff... It s popups all around now.  I like that!  After all we are non exclusive.  
 Hi G-Whiz (tinklebelle huh?)  no, I didn t miss that one)  and  Hi Ray.. I am practicing too, but alas will never be heard.  I will be thinking of you all from the climes of Kona, Big Island, Hawaii.  I will however bring my kazoo and 3 notes of a singing voice and be thinking of you.  
 Dear Cottonwood.  If an exorsism is need count me in!   My computer has needed several over the microwave even more.  
 huggles everyone