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RE: Lake Tahoe Rally in July??

Started by Red neff Barchetta, Jan 26, 2003, 03:55 PM

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 Red neff Barchetta
QuoteORIGINAL:  Red neff Barchetta
 You can give me the cash (fully appreciated) at Snug Harbor.  You will then also need to give TMM/Scott a check which is fully refundable.  As you know, I m only here to help.
 Glad you can hopefully make it!

 Hey, now that sounds like a plan...NOT!! With so many Scott s hanging around here now, it will be wonder if I don t write out 4 or 5 checks until I get the right one......[8D][&:]


 The Memory MakerWe ll be there


 sammyslaveHey Scott,
 How come I have been STIFFED off the list?  Are you trying to tell me something?  AM I NOT INVITED?  What gives?  
 Thank You.

The Memory Maker

QuoteORIGINAL:  Civil_War_Buff
 Well, I was told by Veronica last night that she wants to get us ON THE list as Tentative to this outing!! WhooHooo!!  Please " pencil"  us in as well as Arnold & Sharon (BIL &  SIL).  
QuoteORIGINAL:  Civil_War_Buff
 Hey Scott,
 How come I have been STIFFED off the list? Are you trying to tell me something? AM I NOT INVITED? What gives?

 Can I get a little more commitment than " tentative"  and " pencil"  ??

The Memory Maker

 6QuigsO.K. folks it s about time I get this TVC contract off my desk . So to those of you who are " IN"  but have not yet submitted your first night s fees ($35.00) please do so now.
 Don t forget to give me the following info for TVC.
 Please use e-mail only due to it s personal content.
 Name(s) (real one and screen name)
 Address & Phone
 Arrival & Departure dates
(if different from rally)
 RV type
 Slideout (yes or no)
 These are the people that have signed up, but we DO NOT have their information and/or monies:
                                                                                ?cwb (and bil/sil)
 ?nick (and family)
 There will still be future chances for other NNC members to sign up for this rally.
 Just contact me.
 (Of course, you ll be camped out in the boonies with CWB).

The Memory Maker

 Now that our rally got moved up closer to happening by the successful completion of S. Harbor it s time to set a date for submission of this rally s contract.
 Which will be 4/1/03 (April Fool s Day, No I m not kidding!)
 Still need to gather info and/or deposit from the following attendees If you are still interested in attending:
 Please contact me.

Red neff Barchetta

 6QuigsScott -
 Did you get the lot and house that you wanted?

OC Campers

 6QuigsOk, I have read all the info, when is this ralley really happening?[:)][8D].


 OC Campers
QuoteORIGINAL:  OC Campers
 Ok, I have read all the info, when is this ralley really happening?[:)][8D].
Very simple answer Jacqui,
 Just visit the NNC webpage, which Sacto keeps updated on an hourly basis.
 (Actually, we haven t told him that the date for HyJinks has changed yet)
 Don t forget to pick up your free HotDog[;)]


Quote(Actually, we haven t told him that the date for HyJinks has changed yet)

 What d it get changed to?

Red neff Barchetta

 6QuigsBrian -
 There was a NNC group rabble rouse pulled on me over the w/e;
 The dates for the Yosemite rally were changed to the following w/e in August (21 - 24).  This after I had already handed Joan my deposit for 2 sites, lol.  Well, since we can t go now due to a scheduling conflict, my deposit was returned, ha.  Classic NNC group rousing!  I made reservations at another campground in the area yesterday so no worries.


 The Memory Maker
QuoteORIGINAL:  The Memory Maker
 Please contact me.

 I sent you an email.

The Memory Maker


 The Memory MakerI sent you an email too


 The Memory Maker
QuoteORIGINAL:  The Memory Maker
QuoteORIGINAL:  Civil_War_Buff
 I sent you an email.
 not to be impatient but did yu send that 2nd day air,... or was is ground deliverey?
 I got your email about as good as surfcough gets site assignments!

 Whatever that means?????  Did you get the email?  If not, let me know by email!!!
 I used the email that is linked through your that BAD????
 I need your address.
 thanks (I think).