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RE: NNC Fireside Chat, Wed. 8:30 pm

Started by g-whiz, Mar 12, 2003, 10:14 AM

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QuoteORIGINAL:  Nick
QuoteORIGINAL:  Civil_War_Buff
 I rest my case!!!!
Does this make any sense to the rest of you?[&:]

 No. I think he s running out of rabble rousing gas.

Red neff Barchetta

 CottonwooderSettle down boys.  This place is getting weird.  Or maybe that s the idea; to scare more recruits away.  As the general concensus last w/e was that the NNC recruiting should end as the group is on the verge of getting too big.  Who cares how many rallies someone s been to?  I don t.
 Brian - I have to agree with CWB s stance on moderator s.  Nick btw, is innocent as he wasn t a moderator on the old board.  The moderator s are in general, idiot s with a tiny bit of power weilding.  As you recall last year, they moved one of CWB s rousing rants regarding the Trail Manor ad from the NNC area to the General area for all to see!  Once it was in the General area, it had the appearance and tone of an angry tirade and our NNC silly replies (especially Y-Guys classic one) to calm Larry all of a sudden looked like we were trying to talk him down off of the roof top.  We all laid into the idiot who moved it, but it was too late as the damage was done.  At least now that we all have paid cold cash for this site, they know they better leave this area alone.
 To top it all off, they removed the archives so I can t even look up Y-Guys post for a good laugh.  That was one of the funniest posts I have ever read here.
 Sorry for that.  Silliness can now resume.  I have to go buy 2 American-made cargo vans.  Should I buy Dodge or Ford?  My guys are pushing for the Dodge, but Ford has a pretty cool package where they throw in the shelves and protection wall for free (whatever " free"  means with them, ha).


QuoteORIGINAL:  6Quigs
 First CWB shows you up,
 Then you make the dig at AbDiver.
 Now making fun of Modeator 1[:o][:o]

 Then he RR my sweatshirt.[:D]  Sacto is on a roll.


 Civil_War_BuffHey CWB,  notice how far you and I came up in the PUT post list today.


 Red neff Barchetta
QuoteORIGINAL:  Red neff Barchetta
 Should I buy Dodge or Ford?



QuoteORIGINAL:  Nick
 Hey CWB,  notice how far you and I came up in the PUT post list today.

 No, did we do good?[:)][:)]High five (as Sacto would say).[;)]


QuoteORIGINAL:  Nick
QuoteORIGINAL:  6Quigs
 First CWB shows you up,
 Then you make the dig at AbDiver.
 Now making fun of Modeator 1[:o][:o]

 Then he RR my sweatshirt.[:D]  Sacto is on a roll.

 I was serious about your sweatshirt. I gotta hook myself up with one of those.
 I guess we re making Neff a little uncomfortable. If you look back at all the posts it does look kind of weird, but I was laughing the whole time.
 You oughta go back to the old PUT archives sometimes and see how nice and polite we were back then. Now we just rabble rouse like crazy [:D].
 I ve driven a 1-ton Dodge Van for a vanpool.  Go with the Ford.
 BTW, were you talking about this thread:


 Civil_War_BuffThats a great thing about this place.  We can come on here and give each other hell and laugh about it.  I m sure not offended about anything, sure hope nobody else is.


 Civil_War_BuffCWB s posts, if you look at those short busts, reminds me of Turret s Syndrome.

Red neff Barchetta

 Civil_War_BuffAaahhhh!  NNC marital bliss.  I love you guys!  (backing away strutting the arms saying;  " how  bout them A s, huh?" )
 Larry - I like Chevy s, but their cargo vans are pretty bad.
 Brian - That s the way I m leaning.  Thanks for the driving testamonial.  I will be getting 3/4-tons as the 1-ton s are too long for our needs.  I don t want the guys backing them up at the end of the day too close to the PU, lol.
 It sure is funny how just as we all laugh about worrying about our $10,000.00 (plus or minus $5K) PU s more than our $15K - $30K vehicles getting garaged.  I care more about the PU in the warehouse than all of the business equipment, ha.  Back into a $7,500.00 sander.  No problem, but ding the tongue of the PU and you re fired!  LOL.
 Speaking of baseball - Opening day is right around the corner!


 Red neff BarchettaDid you see the link in my previous message. You CAN relieve those days!


QuoteORIGINAL:  Surfcal
 CWB s posts, if you look at those short busts, reminds me of Turret s Syndrome.

 And Ray, who started all this rabble rousing this morning, recommences the rabble rousing.

Red neff Barchetta

 Civil_War_BuffBrian - GOOD JOB!!!!!!!!
 " Zen s House of Relaxation"  should be on the NNC site.
 That thread makes me seriously laugh out loud.  I miss those face icon s also.  I ve had to learn how to express myself without them here on the new site.
 Unfortunately, I now have to go back to work.


QuoteThats a great thing about this place. We can come on here and give each other hell and laugh about it. I m sure not offended about anything, sure hope nobody else is.

 Well, :::sniff::: I m very, very offended :::sniff:::.  You re all being so :::sniff::: mean to me and each other.  :::lip quivering:::  Waaaahhh!!!
 Sacto, thanks for the link.  I remember reading that thread as it developed, and never took the original post as more than tongue-in-cheek that it was meant to be, without even knowing CWB back then.  Yes, sure am glad NNC has its own forum for nuttiness.  Amen! [8D]
 You guys are NUTS!  [8D][8D][8D]
 BTW, where d the " stupid poll"  go to?  It was there an hour ago.


QuoteORIGINAL:  Cottonwooder
 BTW, where d the " stupid poll"  go to?  It was there an hour ago.

 I just did that to goad CWB a little.  Deleted it cause it wasn t that funny.
 You never explained why you went bizerk on me for RRing CWB?