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RE: NNC Fireside Chat, Wed. 8:30 pm

Started by g-whiz, Mar 12, 2003, 10:14 AM

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QuoteBy MY rules remember, Del Valle doesn t count for s all a matter of the data that you use....

 Yes, but by G-Whiz s rules (you know, your GIGGLING partner) it counts as EXTRA dedication. You better consult with G-Whiz so the two of you can come to some kind of consensus.
 Since when do we use YOUR rules anyway? [8D][8D] HE who so vociferously complains about Nick s moderator powers? [8D][:D]


QuoteORIGINAL:  SactoCampers
 Yes, but by G-Whiz s rules (you know, your GIGGLING partner) it counts as EXTRA dedication. You better consult with G-Whiz so the two of you can come to some kind of consensus.
 Since when do we use YOUR rules anyway? [8D][8D] HE who so vociferously complains about Nick s moderator powers. [8D][:D]

 I will discuss this with G-whiz, and I am sure that when all is said and done, we have a great big ole giggle fest about it!![:)]
 By saying Nick s modulator powers, you are correct, that man uses his powers like Superman on exactly when does the over-exercising of one s  power become abuse thereof?
 As for the Dave thing, no worries for you my man, I left off your name and all, so there was no direct reference to YOU actually tattled on yourself.  Besides, I know that Dave is tough...he will be ok with it......really I think he will.....I hope he will.......will he?[&:]


QuoteORIGINAL:  Civil_War_Buff
QuoteORIGINAL:  SactoCampers
 Actually it s 4 and you have 5, so what was your point about me not showing up? [;)][8D]

 By MY rules remember, Del Valle doesn t count for s all a matter of the data that you can make the stats say anything you want them to, remember you work for the State, that should be second nature for you my friend....[8D]

 See Sacto?  He s trying to make that rule the Pulling a Surfcal, if you don t fulfill a minimum amount of time.  Like Kevin and Otter showed up for the day at Mount Madonna, they don t count?  Of course they do...but not by CWB s rules...
 We need mediation on and I can t be in on this because we part of the issue.  We should tap Griffsmom.  She s impartial.


QuoteORIGINAL:  Civil_War_Buff
 By saying Nick s powers, youa re correct, that man uses his powers like Superman on exactly when does the over-exercising of one s  power become abuse thereof?

 Come now Larry, lets not make accusations without proof.  Point out an instance where I have even used the powers of the moderator.  The only post I have deleted was one posted some time ago bashing PUT which several NNCers requested that I delete it.[:(]


 CottonwooderMan, Moderator1 is gonna come down on us.


QuoteAs for the Dave thing, no worries for you my man, I left off your name and all, so there was no direct reference to YOU actually tattled on yourself.  Besides, I know that Dave is tough...he will be ok with it......really I think he will.....I hope he will.......will he?[&:]

 Doesn t matter anyway  cause he won t be reading this thread. See, unlike us, he likes to actually help people. He s a good man.
 But hey, I caught you over in the General forum zeroing in on the TrailManor topic. High five. We have to keep some kind of presence up over there.


QuoteORIGINAL:  Surfcal
 Man, Moderator1 is gonna come down on us.

 Yeah, Moderator 1 has a Can O  Mini-Whoopass.


QuoteORIGINAL:  Nick
 Come now Larry, lets not make accusations without proof.  Point out an instance where I have even used the powers of the moderator.

 Well, for one, only modulators can post polls, stupid and otherwise...why don t we ever have any " otherwise" ?[:o]  I would say that it " hints"  at abuse....JMHO[;)]


 CottonwooderHey, I got a question for you all:
 Can we please all request for Nick to wear his bright orange sweatshirt for the group photo shots at all NNC rallies? I always like to know where Nick is standing in those photos and the Orange sweatshirt really helps me out. For example, I know he was at the Reyes the Roof rally, but I can t find him in the group photo. That orange sweatshirt would have made a huge difference.


QuoteORIGINAL:  Civil_War_Buff
 Well, for one, only modulators can post polls, stupid and otherwise...why don t we ever have any " otherwise" ?[:o]  I would say that it " hints"  at abuse....JMHO[;)]

 Gotta do better than that man.  The first poll was due to another member requesting it.  I believe it was either surfcal or g-whiz that mentioned doing a poll.  The second one YOU requested to have a STUPID poll so I bowed to your request.[:)]



 SactoCampersAre you RRing my sweatshirt.  I like that shirt, makes me stand out in a crowd and if I get lost makes a great beacon.
 Actually I wore it the day before at RRR and it got too dirty to wear the next day.


QuoteORIGINAL:  Civil_War_Buff
 I rest my case!!!!
Does this make any sense to the rest of you?[&:]


QuoteORIGINAL:  Nick
 Are you RRing my sweatshirt.  I like that shirt, makes me stand out in a crowd and if I get lost makes a great beacon.
 Actually I wore it the day before at RRR and it got too dirty to wear the next day.

 No, I was serious. However, if I was rabble rousing that sweatshirt, it would be a pretty good rabble rouse. [;)]


QuoteORIGINAL:  SactoCampers
QuoteORIGINAL:  Surfcal
 Man, Moderator1 is gonna come down on us.

 Yeah, Moderator 1 has a Can O  Mini-Whoopass.
WHOooaa Sacto,
 You re on a roll today.
 First CWB shows you up,
 Then you make the dig at AbDiver.
 Now making fun of Modeator 1[:o][:o]