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RE: NNC Fireside Chat, Wed. 8:30 pm

Started by g-whiz, Mar 12, 2003, 10:14 AM

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 SactoCampersI will agree to GSM X2.  He is a fair and just man.  A man of valor, of justice and of extreme bravery.  I know that he is a scholar of unfathomable jurisprudence and will act without fear of rendering true wisdom, unswayable by flattery and bribery.
 CWB, I hereby submit and nominate that GSM X2 be our mediator.
 P.S.  Scott, I believe I still owe you some money.


 gsm x2
QuoteORIGINAL:  gsm x2
QuoteWaiting for your RETRACTION......and no 48hrs for you former Tri Tip I suggest you get!

 Anyone else in this group successfully served as a witness in at least a dozen criminal cases, been picked for three juries despite being something of a law enforcement officer, and have a sister who s a lawyer?
 I am letting you know that I am available as a jurist corruptus if you both can agree.
 gsm x2

 I also nominate gsm x2 for this dubious honor of jurist corruptus.  I ve known him for 7 years and know him to be fair to the max.  My children are astounded by his sincerity, honesty and fairness.  I ve tried to corrupt him, but he remains uncorruptible.

gsm x2

QuoteP.S. Scott, I believe I still owe you some money.

 Actually sent me your money for SLO.....then Stimpy should have reimbursed you for your spot.
 If you come down to SLO, we ll just have you pay the metal ranger.
 gsm x2


 gsm x2
QuoteORIGINAL:  Civil_War_Buff
 And just WHO mediated this?? Certainly NOT YOU surfcal, you are a defendant in this issue.

 Uh...heellooo...did you not see the quote:
QuoteORIGINAL: Surfcal
 See Sacto? He s trying to make that rule the Pulling a Surfcal, if you don t fulfill a minimum amount of time. Like Kevin and Otter showed up for the day at Mount Madonna, they don t count? Of course they do...but not by CWB s rules...
 We need mediation on and I can t be in on this because we part of the issue. We should tap Griffsmom. She s impartial.

 So what s that make my my opinion?  Chopped tri-tip?
QuoteORIGINAL:  gsm x2
 Anyone else in this group successfully served as a witness in at least a dozen criminal cases, been picked for three juries despite being something of a law enforcement officer, and have a sister who s a lawyer?  I am letting you know that I am available as a jurist corruptus if you both can agree.

 Well, sort of.  [:)] I went to law school (although I didn t read much); took the California Bar and passed the first time (although I didn t study much); practiced law for more than 8 years (although I didn t like it much); have a husband who s a lawyer ( I m quite fond of him, actually), have A LOT of friends who are lawyers (but they don t camp so what kind of friends are they really), served as juror on 1 civil case and 3 criminal cases (despite practicing law at the time); tried four cases to jury vedicts (and all wins I might add); conducted hundreds of depositions, arbitrations, and mediations (you can t imagine how much people will lie for the promise of money), and as a managing editor for a legal publishing company, published two legal practice guides and was editor-in-chief of a national magazine for paralegals.    Given my credentials, CWB, you dare giggle at my rendered opinion?  I hereby sentence you to no tri-tip for you for one year and community service of wagonmastering 5 rallies!!
QuoteORIGINAL:  Surfcal
 I will agree to GSM X2.  He is a fair and just man.  A man of valor, of justice and of extreme bravery.  I know that he is a scholar of unfathomable jurisprudence and will act without fear of rendering true wisdom, unswayable by flattery and bribery.

 Gsm s got me there.  [;)]

gsm x2

QuoteWell, sort of.  I went to law school (although I didn t read much); took the California Bar and passed the first time (although I didn t study much); practiced law for more than 8 years (although I didn t like it much); have a husband who s a lawyer ( I m quite fond of him, actually), have A LOT of friends who are lawyers (but they don t camp so what kind of friends are they really), served as juror on 1 civil case and 3 criminal cases (despite practicing law at the time); tried four cases to jury vedicts (and all wins I might add); conducted hundreds of depositions, arbitrations, and mediations (you can t imagine how much people will lie for the promise of money), and as a managing editor for a legal publishing company, published two legal practice guides and was editor-in-chief of a national magazine for paralegals. Given my credentials, CWB, you dare giggle at my rendered opinion? I hereby sentence you to no tri-tip for you for one year and community service of wagonmastering 5 rallies!!

 Credentials beat mine.  I hereby withdraw my offer to be jurist corruptus for NNC and instead throw my support and encourage my supporters to support  griffsmom.
 G-Whiz...thank you for the kind words.  I couldn t have said it better myself.
 gsm x2


QuoteORIGINAL:  griffsmom
QuoteORIGINAL:  Civil_War_Buff
 And just WHO mediated this?? Certainly NOT YOU surfcal, you are a defendant in this issue.

 Uh...heellooo...did you not see the quote:
QuoteORIGINAL: Surfcal
 See Sacto? He s trying to make that rule the Pulling a Surfcal, if you don t fulfill a minimum amount of time. Like Kevin and Otter showed up for the day at Mount Madonna, they don t count? Of course they do...but not by CWB s rules...
 We need mediation on and I can t be in on this because we part of the issue. We should tap Griffsmom. She s impartial.

 So what s that make my my opinion?  Chopped tri-tip?
QuoteORIGINAL:  gsm x2
 Anyone else in this group successfully served as a witness in at least a dozen criminal cases, been picked for three juries despite being something of a law enforcement officer, and have a sister who s a lawyer?  I am letting you know that I am available as a jurist corruptus if you both can agree.

 Well, sort of.  [:)] I went to law school (although I didn t read much); took the California Bar and passed the first time (although I didn t study much); practiced law for more than 8 years (although I didn t like it much); have a husband who s a lawyer ( I m quite fond of him, actually), have A LOT of friends who are lawyers (but they don t camp so what kind of friends are they really), served as juror on 1 civil case and 3 criminal cases (despite practicing law at the time); tried four cases to jury vedicts (and all wins I might add); conducted hundreds of depositions, arbitrations, and mediations (you can t imagine how much people will lie for the promise of money), and as a managing editor for a legal publishing company, published two legal practice guides and was editor-in-chief of a national magazine for paralegals.    Given my credentials, CWB, you dare giggle at my rendered opinion?  I hereby sentence you to no tri-tip for you for one year and community service of wagonmastering 5 rallies!!
QuoteORIGINAL:  Surfcal
 I will agree to GSM X2.  He is a fair and just man.  A man of valor, of justice and of extreme bravery.  I know that he is a scholar of unfathomable jurisprudence and will act without fear of rendering true wisdom, unswayable by flattery and bribery.

 Gsm s got me there.  [;)]

 I believe that I can answer your question
QuoteGiven my credentials, CWB, you dare giggle at my rendered opinion?

 You have " chosen"  to associate with us, and just as in ANY legal are judged by the company you keep....what say you now???
 Be careful there my " high friend in low places" , it is quite obvious that statements like this:
QuoteP.S. Scott, I believe I still owe you some money.

 are a TRANSPARENT attempt at bribery.  And you know darn well that I owe you $1.00 than surcal does, no matter how much that might be.  I always felt it is better to owe it to you than to beat you out of it.
 I pick.....uhhhhhhh.......uhhhhhhh.........uhhhhhhhh.....Veronica, yeah, that s it, I pick Veronica, she will be fair and honest and she knows that I love her dearly, and by that I trust her good judgement.[&:][&:][&:]


 gsm x2
QuoteORIGINAL:  gsm x2
QuoteWell, sort of.  I went to law school (although I didn t read much); took the California Bar and passed the first time (although I didn t study much); practiced law for more than 8 years (although I didn t like it much); have a husband who s a lawyer ( I m quite fond of him, actually), have A LOT of friends who are lawyers (but they don t camp so what kind of friends are they really), served as juror on 1 civil case and 3 criminal cases (despite practicing law at the time); tried four cases to jury vedicts (and all wins I might add); conducted hundreds of depositions, arbitrations, and mediations (you can t imagine how much people will lie for the promise of money), and as a managing editor for a legal publishing company, published two legal practice guides and was editor-in-chief of a national magazine for paralegals. Given my credentials, CWB, you dare giggle at my rendered opinion? I hereby sentence you to no tri-tip for you for one year and community service of wagonmastering 5 rallies!!

 Credentials beat mine.  I hereby withdraw my offer to be jurist corruptus for NNC and instead throw my support and encourage my supporters to support  griffsmom.
 G-Whiz...thank you for the kind words.  I couldn t have said it better myself.
 gsm x2

 Wow and WOW!  I have to follow GSM x2 on this one.  Don t worry, tho, I ll continue to put my efforts into corrupting him!  [8D]
 To Lori:  You go girl!!!  [:D]


 gsm x2
QuoteORIGINAL:  gsm x2
 Credentials beat mine.  I hereby withdraw my offer to be jurist corruptus for NNC and instead throw my support and encourage my supporters to support  griffsmom.
 gsm x2

 Credentials, shmedentials.  I still can t hold a candle to your personal integrity and moral turpitude (I don t really know what that is, but you re supposed to have it in order to practice law.  Hmmph, go figure.  If that were the case, there d be a whole lot less lawyers in California!)
 Hey, I ve got an idea; we can be co-conspirators, I mean co-mediators!  I ll accept the bribes, I mean payment for our services, and you can keep your pristine reputation intact.  I ll meet you by the towers in the harbor the second Tuesday of every month to divvy up the spoils.[:D]
QuoteORIGINAL:  Civil_War_Buff
 You have " chosen"  to associate with us, and just as in ANY legal are judged by the company you keep....what say you now???

 Whoa there, just a minute,  Nellie.  Let me point out a few very important matters you have overlooked:
  • First of all, the " justice system"  is neither.
  • Secondly, if your statement that in ANY legal proceeding we are judged by the company we keep were, in fact, true, then we would all be doomed!  
  • Finally, and  perhaps, most importantly, I didn t " choose"  to associate with anyone.  On the contrary, I was kidnapped and falsely imprisoned here against my will.  Now, however, I ve been with my captors for so long, that I ve personally identified with them and don t realize or understand that I should run like the wind from this place![;)]
  • [/ul]


QuoteORIGINAL:  griffsmom
QuoteORIGINAL:  Civil_War_Buff
 You have " chosen"  to associate with us, and just as in ANY legal are judged by the company you keep....what say you now???

 Whoa there, just a minute,  Nellie.  Let me point out a few very important matters you have overlooked:
  • First of all, the " justice system"  is neither.
  • Secondly, if your statement that in ANY legal proceeding we are judged by the company we keep were, in fact, true, then we would all be doomed!  
  • Finally, and  perhaps, most importantly, I didn t " choose"  to associate with anyone.  On the contrary, I was kidnapped and falsely imprisoned here against my will.  Now, however, I ve been with my captors for so long, that I ve personally identified with them and don t realize or understand that I should run like the wind from this place![;)]
  • [/ul]

 Wow, you are pretty good!! I can see why you never lost a case, I was yelling HANG HIM, HANG HIM, then I realized it was ME that posted it!!
 Therapy and a gradual reintroduction to society under heavy medication is just what the Doctor orders.[:D][:D]

gsm x2

QuoteFirst of all, the " justice system"  is neither.

 Boy--she hit that nail right on the head.  Here is an insight I received from my sister, the lawyer, that changed my perception of lawyers FOREVER.
 I have been sued once for an action I took at work.  I gave a three hour deposition on the action at a lawyer s office that was between a liquor store and a tatoo parlor in Oxnard.
 My sister called me the night after the deposition and asked me how it went.  I said, " No offense, but some of the members of your profession are ***holes."
 She said calmly, " No offense because EVERY MEMBER of my profession is an ***hole.  That is our job.  Our clients pay us to be the ***hole that they don t want to be.  We deal with the s**t so our client doesn t have to.
 Now when a person says to me, " My lawyer says......."  I realize that the lawyer is just saying what the person wants to hear unless they are WAY WAY off target.
 gsm x2


 gsm x2
QuoteShe said calmly, " No offense because EVERY MEMBER of my profession is an ***hole. That is our job. Our clients pay us to be the ***hole that they don t want to be. We deal with the s**t so our client doesn t have to.

 And people like me transcribe that s**t, make sure its spelling and grammar are correct, and that it ends up paying for the Skyline triple bunk trailer we have our eye on.  [;)]  
 (Mind you, I think there are more @$$holes to be found amongst the scumbags filing ridiculous/fraudulent claims than amongst those representing them.)

gsm x2

Quote(Mind you, I think there are more @$$holes to be found amongst the scumbags filing ridiculous/fraudulent claims than amongst those representing them.)

 Love your spelling of @$$holes.  Looks like a sphincter muscle and a couple of dollar signs.  Very apropos
 gsm x2


QuoteORIGINAL:  Civil_War_Buff
 Wow, you are pretty good!! I can see why you never lost a case, I was yelling HANG HIM, HANG HIM, then I realized it was ME that posted it!!

 LOL!!  That was VERY funny! [:D]


 gsm x2
QuoteORIGINAL:  gsm x2
 My sister called me the night after the deposition and asked me how it went.  I said, " No offense, but some of the members of your profession are ***holes."
 She said calmly, " No offense because EVERY MEMBER of my profession is an ***hole.  That is our job.  Our clients pay us to be the ***hole that they don t want to be.  We deal with the s**t so our client doesn t have to.

 Hey TOS, I like your sister. [;)]
QuoteORIGINAL:  Cottonwooder
 (Mind you, I think there are more @$$holes to be found amongst the scumbags filing ridiculous/fraudulent claims than amongst those representing them.)

 That is the God  honest truth and exactly why I had to get out, although the lawyer who takes those kinds of cases is no better than the scumbag who s prostituting himself for money. I could tell you stories that d knock you over...


 Civil_War_BuffDo ou know why a proctologist has an easier job than an Habor Master/
 He only has to deal with one @$$hole at a time!