RE: Lake Chabot Negative Buoyancy Rally (1/17-1/19/03)

Started by gsm x2, Jan 05, 2003, 08:39 PM

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 sammyslaveSuch dedication.  How can we say NO!
 If it is raining! that is how.  But other wise I think we will come.  We will not make reservations, since we aren t sure.  Who else is dry camping?  I guess we could bunch up.  
 Texas-Chabot-NYC  I m impressed, Ray.  There goes the travels the  farthest award  yet again G-Whiz and Scott.  
 I wonder what the otters can compete for.  Hummm.... maybe longest hold outs...Last to committ.  
 Anyone going on Thursday?  We retired folks can rearrange schedules.
 If anyone cancells we woll be glad to pay them for their site.  
 we ll talk soon.

Red neff Barchetta

 sammyslaveDiane & Lon -
 I hope you can make it!
 Don t let a little threat of rain discourage you.
 I will bring 3 fully charged batteries for you or Ray to use if yours gets low.
 I don t think I ll bother with bringing the generator or charger (unless someone thinks I should).  Let me know.  Since movie time(s) will most likely be in our PU or Y-Guy/Teacher Mom s " lap of luxury" , you 2 & Ray won t use as much battery power.  3 extra batteries should be fine for you all.
 See you there!

Red neff Barchetta

 So after last night you have either; a) practiced guitar non-stop all night.  Or, b) burned your guitar and laughed madly at yourself for ever even picking 1 up.
 What a great night!!!!  Sorry you weren t feeling 100%, although you faked it pretty well.  You received high marks all around for your choice of the " 21st. Amendment" .  Only blocks from Pac Bell Park, terrific food, and even better BEER!!!!!!!!!!!!!  The sports page on the wall over the urinal was pure genius!  If they could only invent an automatic page turner activated by the blink of your eye it would be flawless, lol.
 So, what is your review of the Dixie Dreggs now that you have slept on it?
 Those 5 are the most amazing musician s I have ever seen!  The best way I can describe it, is a " perfectly executed frenzy" .  One of my friend s is a tough critic and he was absolutely blown away!  The electric violinist and Steve Morse  trading off runs blew him away.  They are not my favorite group or even my favorite kind of music, but they are definitely the most incredible live show I have ever witnessed.  They get better each time I see them.
 It was awesome meeting up with you!  What was our final group tally anyway, 10, 11, 12?  Looking forward to a next time!
 Travel safely to Texas and we ll see you on Friday.  You ll get a 21 kazoo salute as reward for farthest traveled.

gsm x2

QuoteAnyone going on Thursday? We retired folks can rearrange schedules.

 Otter--Georgeanne and I will be coming up on Thursday.  We should be on the road by 9:00 (not 0-dark thirty people either), so will be up there before sunset.
 We re not retired and have to arrange schedules to do this, but it s all well worth it.
 gsm x2


 sammyslaveThanks Jeff.  We are planning to be there.  And we may need an extra battery. How far are we from a plug?  I have looooong extensions.  hehehehe
 And maybe we will get there Thursday, Scott & Georgeanne.  I actually have a committment on Thursday afternoon that I had forgot about, but if it can be rearranged we will come on Thursday.  If not we will be there right after traffic on Friday (probably noonish).  
 I was thinking of bring a gallon or so of Turkey meatball soup for the first night there for anyone who likes such things.  And wine and cheese I guess.  I need to read thru all these threads again.  i m hoping to do the needed shopping before we come this time.  Let s try to get the menu s together folks.


 sammyslaveHey Neff:
 That was a lot of fun last night.  Those guys were awesome.  Talk about pure musicians, those guys define that.  Thanks for the recomendations.  My buddy Paul had such a good time.  He really dug the music.
 I liked meeting your friends.  They were good people.  Again, thanks for turning me on to them.  I ll see them again.


 SurfcalSo, when does everyone plan on arriving.  We wont get there till about 6:30PM or so on Friday.


 SurfcalWe ll probably be there in the late afternoon/early evening on Friday. I just love setting up in the dark!  [: (]


 What post would that be.[8D]

Red neff Barchetta

 SurfcalLOL!  Just like Brian, I had set Yahoo to not send me e-mail so I forgot to check our site over there and wondered where everyone went, haha!
 I will be arriving around noon on Friday.  If the Ranger will let me in that is.
 Just brought the PU home from storage.  Will get the LP tanks filled up tomorrow and I should be all ready except for food & clothes.  Having the PU here sure makes the thought of work the next 2 days a bummer.
 Speaking of storage, I can t wait until Feb. 1st when the PU will have a dry permanent parking space in my new warehouse/shop!
 Ray & Diane - I ve got 2 batteries fully charged and the third will be ready by tomorrow.  So you should both be fine power-wise.
 Diane - Did you get a site yet?


QuoteORIGINAL:  Nick
 What post would that be.[8D]

 Uh Nick, what are you talking about ?[;)].


 SactoCampersNot sure must have been confused.[:D]


 NickWe will arrive before dark on Thursday.  Setting up in the daylight!!!  Yippee!!!


 SurfcalSo on Thursday when Scott, Georgeann, Larry and Rita are enjoying the campfire, I will be hard at work [:@]kneading bread for everyone to enjoy on Friday night.  Believe me, when you see this loaf of bread you ll see why I say " hard at work" .[:D]


 NickBeing a bread-lover, I can t wait!  Your house is going to smell great, too!