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RE: Ha Ha Sisterhood

Started by Surfcal, Mar 30, 2003, 11:30 PM

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 griffsmomYes I plan on getting back to this thread again soon.  Take care.


QuoteORIGINAL:  6Quigs
 Yes I plan on getting back to this thread again soon.  Take care.

 Hi Margaret,
 I m Lori, aka griffsmom (as in Griffin s mom)[:D]  We haven t met yet, but I am ever so slowly dripping the water on my DH s forehead until he cracks and agrees to drive to a rally![;)]  Anyway, welcome to the HHS and this Harp s for you!  (or Squash, if you don t drink)[:)]


QuoteWith new faces popping up over on the HHS board, I wonder if the rest of us NNCers scare away other people with our antics. Do you think so? (I like the goofiness.

 Hi Patricia,
 I ll answer this over here as I m still boycotting the TOP threads.  [;)] IMHO, I don t think it is exactly " scare" , but the NHH threads are a bit intimidating.  That is the beauty of the HHS thread.  We can have our cake and eat it too.  It just seems like religion to me... some people like to jump around and roll down the aisles, while others like to sit quietly in the pew.  Some clap, play guitars, and shout AMEN, while others kneel with their heads down and their eyes closed.  It is just a matter of preference.  If having the HH thread here gets people involved that might not otherwise be involved then I think we have made a great step for woman-kind.  [:D]


QuoteHi Margaret here

 [:)][:)]  Welcome Margaret:  I know that feeling after company has gone.  You love the slower pace and miss the company!.
 We used to have a sign that said  
 I hear you are going to Sea cliff and will miss the SLO rally.   I wish it were a weekend when we were in SC.  It would be fun to vist!.


QuoteORIGINAL:  otter
 We used to have a sign that said  

 Houseguests are like fish: both smell after three days.[;)]


 griffsmomHow about this old Polish Proverb:
 A guest sees more in an hour than the host sees in a year.  [:o]


QuoteORIGINAL:  g-whiz
 I ll answer this over here as I m still boycotting the TOP threads.  

 Hey G-Whiz,
 So if I pin this thread to the top per Otters request are you going to post here any longer?[;)][8D]
 Edited in memory of Sacto who we have not seen in awhile.


QuoteSo if I pin this thread to the top per Otters request are you going to post here anylonger?  

 gheeeeeeessssssseeee   this negotiating is getting so complicated!.


 griffsmom[:D][:D][:D][:D]Thanks Nick!!!!!  
 [8D][8D][8D][8D] It looks good doesn t it????  If only for little while?  
 Such power!  I am in awe of our site manager!!!!

Red neff Barchetta

 griffsmomOh my goodness!  What Nick will do for a lady.  If I cuddle you Nick, will you return the rabble thread to the " top"  where it belongs?
 Actually ladies, it s pretty ridiculous what us guys will do for you, ha.  You hold the power.  We just say " Yes Dear, you re right Dear" .


 Red neff Barchetta
QuoteActually ladies, it s pretty ridiculous what us guys will do for you, ha. You hold the power. We just say " Yes Dear, you re right Dear" .

 It used to be that way here, but I think we ve been married too long now.

OC Campers

 griffsmomI guess I will have to say it.  Most men know it.  " If Mamma isn t happy, nobody is happy."   If you guys know whats good for ya, ya got keep us at the top.
 Dianne, love the colors you have suggested.  All me need is a pretty border with popups on it.  Maybe in a country blue or dusty rose color?  Our " room"  will be so girly, the boys won t want to step in.


QuoteORIGINAL:  Cottonwooder
QuoteActually ladies, it s pretty ridiculous what us guys will do for you, ha. You hold the power. We just say " Yes Dear, you re right Dear" .

 It used to be that way here, but I think we ve been married too long now.

 Next time you go on vacation, you need to take your husband and go to the Land of in,
 " Honey do this...
 And Honey do that."
 Lots of my friends go there for vacation.  And it s cheap and their wifes love it.


QuoteORIGINAL:  otter
 [:D][:D][:D][:D]Thanks Nick!!!!!  
 [8D][8D][8D][8D] It looks good doesn t it????  If only for little while?  
 Such power!  I am in awe of our site manager!!!!

 I ll take the homemade cookies at SLO.[:D]