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RE: Ha Ha Sisterhood

Started by Surfcal, Mar 30, 2003, 11:30 PM

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Clueless in Sacremento

 griffsmomGood evening ladies:
 What a great thread[:)]  I have attended two rallies and have had the pleasure of meeting most, if not all of the original hahas.  They are truly the best.  I have also learned that these women have had some pretty exciting haha experiences that are not fit to print.  One only gains access to this fascinating information by being around when a sister has had just enough alcohol to share (knowingly and unknowingly)her stories.  Of course, the secret is to make sure you have not had too many yourself so that you can remember what they have said -   Margaritas and Harvey Wallbangers make it next to impossible to accomplish this feat.   The main thing that separates the sisters from the " others"  is that they are loyal and trustworthy.  If you asked them to watch your tri-tip, you know it will be there when you return.   Your poor children won t have to go to bed hungry like mine did thanks to CWB and Surfcal[: (].   My hobbies include camping and spinning.(The spinning I m referring to is indoor cycling as opposed to what happens when you lay down after drinking too much with the sisterhood.)


 Clueless in SacrementoHi Madlyn!
 Nice screen name change!  Is that new?


 griffsmomOn another thread, Otter mentioned a Chat for Wednesday night.  Although we didn t make any announcements or plans, I d pitch for all of us to meet for one, with a special emphasis for the HHS to join us at the Fireside Chat on Wednesday at 8:00 pm, April 2.
 We ve had some great results with the Chat nights and I m sure with a mob from the Sisterhood, it d be a great deal of fun.  So, without too much fanfare, we hope to see you all there.


QuoteORIGINAL:  Surfcal
 So, without too much fanfare, we hope to see you all there.

 I think what you meant to say was " So, without too much flatulence, we hope to see you all there" [;)]
 I have Bible study and choir rehearsal until about 9:00 and then I ve got to get Griffy down.  I ll try to stop by if you re all still yakking.[:)]

Clueless in Sacremento

 Thanks.  The name was changed right before the Snug harbor rally.  Of course, in true keeping with my screen name, I mispelled Sacramento when I submitted my name change.  Took me entirely too long to figure out why I couldn t log in.  


 Clueless in Sacremento
QuoteORIGINAL:  Clueless in Sacremento
 Of course, in true keeping with my screen name, I mispelled Sacramento when I submitted my name change.  Took me entirely too long to figure out why I couldn t log in.  


gsm x2

 Clueless in Sacremento
QuoteI mispelled Sacramento when I submitted my name change. Took me entirely too long to figure out why I couldn t log in.

 ATT lives on.
 Reminds me of the rally for dyslexics in San Francisco.  Lots of them were carrying signs:
Dyslexics Untie

 gsm x2
 BTW--can you spot the two consecutive misspellings in Madlyn s message?


 Clueless in Sacremento
QuoteI mispelled Sacramento

 ..a sistah after my own heart.  I don t trust people who spell accurately.  
 Welcome Clueless.  We have missed you!


 gsm x2
QuoteORIGINAL:  gsm x2
 BTW--can you spot the two consecutive misspellings in Madlyn s message?

 mispelled ==> misspelled


QuoteORIGINAL:  Nick
QuoteORIGINAL:  g-whiz
 I ll answer this over here as I m still boycotting the TOP threads.  

 Hey G-Whiz,
 So if I pin this thread to the top per Otters request are you going to post here any longer?[;)][8D]
 Edited in memory of Sacto who we have not seen in awhile.

 Of course.  I actually like being on top! [;)]  And, it s a good way for the newbies to find us until they get to know their way around.  So, thanks for the push-start[:)]


QuoteORIGINAL:  sammyslave
 Diane and Georgie
 Finally made it to posting for the Ha Ha Sisterhood... I ll bet your surprised!!!!ha,ha.
 Any way I m sorry I won t be at the April campout, but I know you ll do it proud.  As for Kevin s offer to make Harvey Wallbangers....I say anytime, they re great.

 RITA!!!!  Welcome!  I knew this would work!!!  Did Dianne tell you that I Double Dogged Dared her to start this and she couldn t not do a DDD!  [:D]  I ll do my best to uphold our traditions at the SLO Escape.  You ll have to do the same in August at the Halfdome Hyjinx!  After all, what are sisters for???  [;)][:D][;)][:D]  I ll make sure TOS (The Original Scott) takes ALOT of pix for the scrapbook, too.  See ya  round.


 griffsmomWelcome to the HA-HA Sisterhood, Madlyn and Tania!!!   And all the guys, too!! [:D]
 TOS and I have been married for 5 years and we are still on our honeymoon.  [;)]


 ORIGINAL: sammyslave
 Diane and Georgie
 Finally made it to posting for the Ha Ha Sisterhood... I ll bet your surprised!!!!ha,ha.
 Any way I m sorry I won t be at the April campout, but I know you ll do it proud. As for Kevin s offer to make Harvey Wallbangers....I say anytime, they re great.

 You and Larry will be sorely missed at SLO.  We will be thinking of you a bunch ...and telling stories too.  
 Lon and I can t do the the summer gatherings either.  We are off to Canada first and then to New Mexico in September.  I still have my fingers crossed for June, but there are looming conflicts.  
 Give Larry a hug for me and give Sophie a friendly lick from SAdie.  Sadie get sto go to SLO and she is jazzed.  


 griffsmomI knew we d eventually have spell check here.


 g-whizDiane, sorry we aren t going to see you for a while. Sophie will be sad that she isn t going to see her friend also.
 As for years spent married, Larry and I have had 35and a half wonderful years, and it still feels like a honeymoon.  Ain t love grand.