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RE: Ha Ha Sisterhood

Started by Surfcal, Mar 30, 2003, 11:30 PM

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 griffsmomI love having this thread where we LOL Sistuhs can just chat and get to know each other better.[:D]
 So here s my question:  what hobbies or interests do you like to pursue in your free time? (and I use that term loosely!)  I know that C wooder and G-whiz are into scrapbooking, for which they have my utmost admiration.  I m lucky if I can get my photos into a photo book![:o]  
 I have been teaching myself how to quilt, and just finished my first quilt last month--a twin for my stepson.  Only took me a smidge over a year to do it![:)]  I m also taking guitar lessons, and before we got Griffin, I used to be a volleyball maven (indoor and two-man sand).


 griffsmomPatricia, you re just a yougster. Paula & I have been married 36 years and it s still, Yes Dear.[;)][;)]


QuotePaula & I have been married 36 years and it s still, Yes Dear.

 Good, Bill, tell that to Mike when we re at SLO next week.  BTW, congrats on 36 years.  Monday will be #15 for us.  [:D]
 Lori, sewing (not quilts) and scrapping here.  (Although I think more time is spent NNCing.  Did I just make up a verb?)  [:D]


 griffsmomThursday will be 19 for us[:)]


 griffsmomJuly will be 10 for Michele and me.


 griffsmomJune will be 7 for us.  It only feels like 36.  


 griffsmomHa Ha Lori. Wow, seing all those low numbers makes me realize I ve been around quite a while.


 griffsmomHello ladies!!
 What a great place to come hang out when the boys get too rowdy on the other threads. Such a warm, homey feel to the room [:D]
 In answer to the topics of late, Kevin and I just celebrated our 11th anniversary last Friday, and other than teaching a bunch of nutty/hormonal fifth graders every day [:o][:@] (plus all the other jobs the principal has conned me into doing at school [: (]), Going to school AGAIN for my Masters/Reading Specialist Credential [&:], dealing with my own two little monsters (and one big one), I don t have time for ANY hobbies other than camping and maybe a book now and then.  Even so, life is good and I try to appreciate what I have now so I can appreciate retired life with no kids at home without regret [:D][:)]


QuoteI ll take the homemade cookies at SLO.  

 You got  em!!!


Quotewhat hobbies or interests do you like to pursue in your free time?

 I m slowing down...but still make baby blankets:  ususally flannel and flannel or flannel and polar fleece.  It started as a product to sell at Pow Wows, but now everyone wants me to make them with and without the native american designs. I am sitting looking at 50 yards of material and a local pow wow happening in 6 weeks.  
 I like to do kneedle work too.  embroidery, needlepoint (newly learned) .
 But mostly I swim, play with my granddkids and do jigsaw puzzles while I watch the Giants and A s.
  That s when I can get off the boards.
 thanks for asking!


QuotePaula & I have been married 36 years and it s still, Yes Dear.  
Lon and I reached 39  a few weeks ago.  [:D]
 ..and I don t think I have ever heard a YES Dear!


Quoteteaching a bunch of nutty/hormonal fifth graders every day   (plus all the other jobs the principal has conned me into doing at school  
Hey CA Girl I touaght fifth graders for 100 years.  Loved that grade.  But I retired 10 years ago when the hormones began showing up earlier...  We ll have to compare stories

OC Campers

 griffsmomHubby and I are going on 14 years in June.  I am with Lori, it seems longer[:@]
 My hobbies include camping,  Scrapbooking, bowling and playing bunco.  Unfortunately, I don t get to do scrapbooking as often as I like.  Can only do it when I go to class.  Matthew (2 year old) would have my stickers spred from one end of the house to the other.   I think camping is the ultimate.  The weekdays are so hectic that our family never spends much quality time together but me make up for it when we camp.  

The Memory Maker

 griffsmom8 years for Gen & I at the end of the month


 otterDiane and Georgie
 Finally made it to posting for the Ha Ha Sisterhood... I ll bet your surprised!!!!ha,ha.
 Any way I m sorry I won t be at the April campout, but I know you ll do it proud.  As for Kevin s offer to make Harvey Wallbangers....I say anytime, they re great.